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Everything posted by wcw43921

  1. Given the tremendous amount of grief and aggravation Calvin gives his parents throughout the year, I think the joking from Dad is entirely justified. I'm surprised Mom doesn't join in as well.
  2. Brief Article At Sports Illustrated Saw this and thought I'd pass it along. Garrett and Stanton may not be as well-known to us as Vin Diesel or Felecia Day, but it's good to see role-playing being popular among those who have considered antagonistic to the hobby.
  3. I've always thought of Earl Hickey of My Name Is Earl, as being Chaotic Good. He starts out as being Chaotic Neutral, committing petty crimes so he can get by and do whatever he wants--until, as depicted in the first episode, he wins a big lottery prize and gets hit by a car within about a minute. Wanting to change his life, he makes a list of all the things he's done and resolves to make up for them, which leads to a lot of hilarious situations. (They don't call it "situation comedy" for nothing, you know.) While he stays within the law most of the time, he did on occasion go around it to accomplish a list item. His Chaotic Good is the one defined on the T-shirt slogan--"Good Intentions, Questionable Methods."
  4. I remember the first time The Flash appeared on an episode of Supergirl, and thinking "They (Grant Gustin and Melissa Benoist) should do a Hallmark Christmas movie together." Only I thought it should have Gustin who plays the big-city guy who comes to the small town and meets Benoist's character. Someone wanna get started on the script? If we hurry we can have this ready for 2022.
  5. wcw43921

    Pulp Images

    Everything's better with GORILLAS!* *(Well, almost everything.)
  6. My sentiments exactly. This could be potentially worse than any hurricane.
  7. I have to admit I always thought beholders were some obscure mythological creature that Gygax discovered and developed for AD&D, rather than an original creation. Go figure. I do think that beholders don't get as much appreciation as they deserve. There really needs to be a big fight scene with a beholder in the next D&D movie.
  8. The Crumbleys Are On The Run. But to where? I doubt Canada would let them in, and no one in America can legally give them sanctuary.
  9. wcw43921

    Pulp Images

    "Listen, Snow--you don't stand a chance against us. But if you turn State's Evidence, you can help bring down The Queen. Isn't that what you want?"
  10. Here's a new monster for you Fantasy HERO campaign--The Talking Hole.
  11. Basically, I agree with everything this article says. Check it out while I put away the shovel. (I did like Afterlife, by the way.)
  12. Being American Means Reckoning With Our Violent History
  13. I I know, right? It's blaspheemus! It's--it's heretitical! And it just ain't done! Someone should complain, I tells ya! Someone should COMPLAIN!!!
  14. I'd say "Cast Fireball" but it looks like one's been set off already. Perhaps "Lightning Bolt" or "Sectumsempera" are in order.
  15. Actually--Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is more like the 21st Century Schwarzenegger, in that his presence in any movie all but guarantees its success at the box office. And to my mind he has enough acting talent that he can do other roles besides action movies. Check out his performance in Gridiron Gang if you don't believe me.
  16. It's impossible to argue with this kind of logic. . .
  17. wcw43921

    Pulp Images

    The original Bat Woman--
  18. Something to look forward to in 2024. I hope to visit this place when it opens.
  19. Make-A-Wish Helps 13-Year-Old Boy Feed Homeless
  20. Five Million Years To Earth is a great movie. My brother, however, got to see it in the theater--and he didn't like it at all. I find that--disappointing.
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