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Everything posted by wcw43921

  1. They published some weird stories back in the Silver Age.
  2. Scientific American Endorses Biden. The first such endorsement in the publication's history.
  3. I'll give it a shot. Thank You.
  4. How does one hide text or pictures behind a spoiler tag? I tried enclosing my post in square "spoiler" brackets--i.e. [spoiler][/spoiler]---but it didn't work, and I tried these brackets--<spoiler></spoiler>--but that didn't work, either. What am I doing wrong here?
  5. Ya wantcha Playboy Bunny cosplay? I gotcha Playboy Bunny cosplay right here! (Ya might wanna keep some brain bleach handy there, fella. . .) ]
  6. I remember that issue. They statted out Supergirl for Mayfair's DC Heroes, Phoenix for TSR's Marvel Super Heroes (FASERIP) and Maxima for Villains & Vigilantes. Basically a whole issue of really powerful superwomen. I remember the campaign suggestion in the article for Supergirl that she could be used to train a group of novices--i.e. the PCs--in the ways of superheroics, swooping in to save the day if they got in over their heads. I also remember Maxima (the V&V character) as having over 14,000 Hit Points. Fourteen Thousand. There are ancient dragons that don't have that many.
  7. Corn Chips? Poker Chips? Cow Chips?
  8. I'd like to think this is a joke, but these days--
  9. And there's another one I don't recognize. Help, please?
  10. Delta Air Lines Upgrades Black Woman Harassed By Blue Lives Matter Flyer
  11. Hey--I liked Jingle All The Way. About this show, though--while I could believe that Stan or his associates came up with this show on their own, the premise does sound uncomfortably close to Aaron Williams's PS238. If I were Mr. Williams, I'd be strongly inclined to channel my inner Harlan Ellison and sue the buggards.
  12. Looks awfully happy for someone that's supposed to be mad.
  13. Well, in this case, those in charge of the MCU were able to swap out Edward Norton for Mark Ruffalo with little fuss, so I imagine they'll find another actor to take Mr. Boseman's place That successor will have some huge claws to fill, but I, for one, would want to see the character go on, especially in a direct sequel. There were a huge number of really good actors in Black Panther, and it would be a shame to not see them in their MCU roles again on account of Marvel losing their lead actor. Rest You Well, Mr. Boseman--and Thank You for lending your talent to one of the best Marvel movies ever made.
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