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Everything posted by Lightning91

  1. This has been bothering me for a while.... On p. 357 of 5er, under "BEGINNING COMBAT" it reads, "Unless the GM rules otherwise, combat always begins on Segment 12. This gives everyone a chance to act then take a Post-Segment 12 Recovery..." However, in the SPEED CHART and SPEED QUICK-REFERENCE TABLE, I noticed that characters/monsters with Speed 1 do not act in Segment 12. I see no reason why Speed 1 characters would not get their Post-Segment 12 Recovery, but do they get to act in the first Segment 12 on entering combat(and thereafter in Phase 7)? Or do they skip the initial Phase 12, resulting in everyone else getting at least two attacks prior to them receiving a phase? Thanks Lightning91
  2. Re: Fantasy Travel Question I don't understand.... In my FH on p.333, the riding horse is 0.5 KPH faster on easy and typical ground (note: walking on typical ground is 4.5 according to the errata, vice 5.5). The two values are the same on rough ground, and you can't ride on very rough ground. This seems appropriate to me.
  3. Re: Horrific HERO Magazine There must be a problem with my subscription.... I never got the next issue of the magazine! I know you are supposed to leave 'em wanting more, but isn't this taking things a little bit to far?
  4. Re: HD v3 I think just about everyone will suggest you purchase HDv3 with the highest recommendation, and I would agree. There is a review of a previous version on RPGnet: http://www.rpg.net/reviews/archive/9/9380.phtml I did not own the previous version, but much of the functionality appears to be the same, although by all accounts the newest version runs faster and is easy to modify for various campaigns. Hero Games previously posted the following concerning HDv3: http://www.herogames.com/news/2006/0407.jsp Hope that helps!
  5. Re: Turakian Age Calendar Program When I try opening the zip file, I get an error message indicating the file is corrupted. Any one else having difficulty? (OS: Windows XP professional) Thanks, Lightning91
  6. Re: CHAR: Captain America I realize it is a different continuity.... but didn't Cap get knocked 40 to 50 meters after the Hulk punched his shield in the first Ultimate Avengers movie? Regarding the various damage levels for Cap with shield, Cap w/o shield, and the Bat.... I would like to express my fervant belief that the quality of modern comics would be greatly improved if they would somehow stat out the different characters, so that the writers would be more consistent with the various capabilities. One of the reasons I no longer read comics is that I could only handle so much of The Absorbing Man giving Thor a run for his money, but Spider-Man knocking him out with one blow, then Spider-Man having trouble knocking out the King-Pin ......
  7. Re: Possibly Dumb Question about Characters with multiple IDS I found out where the hammer may have come from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hammerspace
  8. Re: Alignment Issues Another difference between alignments and the psychological disadvantages is that Hero does have a mechanism to roll to act contrary to a disadvantage... (i.e. Storm overcoming her claustrophobia in the X-Men). If you violate alignment.... well then you are charged with being a bad "role-player" or worse a bad "roll-player":eek: (in addition to any class alignment violation penalties).
  9. Re: Alignment Issues Well, since everyone is taking turns beating on ye ol' alignment system, I see no reason I shouldn't get in a few shots. The biggest problem I had with the good/neutral/evil lawful/neutral/chaotic alignment system was that so many of the people I gamed with treated it as all or nothing. This prevents many character concepts with inconsistent morality. For example: A brave medieval sheriff, good father, charitable individual who would gladly sacrifice his monetary resources as well as his own safety for his community.... but he is a slave owner and trader. (Generally good character with evil flaw) The cruel warlord who rapes and pillages as he crosses the continent, but would gladly lay down his life for the men who serve with him. (Evil character with good attribute) An anarchist trying to inspire the rabble to rebel against an oppressive government, although he will not take orders from any authority…. Yet he is meticulous in his documentation and maintaining his finances. (Chaotic character with some lawful traits). Sheriff who is adamant about taking orders from those above him, and having those under him follow his own, in order to strictly enforce the king’s laws, but who enjoys regular drunken benders. (Lawful individual with occasional forays into anarchy) The problem with the alignments is that they have to be subjectively judged, which inevitably leads to arguments. Hero’s system of disadvantages is at least easier to adjudicate. Therefore you don’t hear, “You can’t gamble at the card table, your character is lawful good”, because gambling may or may not violate a “moral code” or “behaves honorably” (although cheating at gambling might).
  10. Re: Diceless Hero As much as I know that "role-playing" is the name of the game.... There are some of us who enjoy the tactical and strategic elements of the game, where we have to make the best decision with limited knowledge and then trust to chance. Having the uncertainty of the dice, adds significantly to the tension and drama of combat. But to be fair, I have never actually tried dice less role-playing.
  11. Re: Discourse on Fantasy Hero I haven't seen anything get derailed this badly, since the last time I watched Harrison Ford in The Fugitive!
  12. Re: What's the best hero suppliment! My love has to go out to FANTASY HERO. Great book. Great coverage of the genre. The absolute best bibliography I have ever seen. Now I just have to find some time for reading!!!
  13. Re: Random powers? Seems to me, more then a few comic characters have powers from multiple sources: Wolverine - Mutant healer (mutant power), metal skeleton (technological) Dr. Doom - Powered armor (technological), sorcery (magic) Reed Richards - stretching (radiation accident), technological VPP Shadowkat - Intangibility (mutant), nija training (awesome mini-series) Giantman - Growth, Talking to ants Legion of Superheroes - Everyone gets a membership card and a Flight ring etc... Why not allow the disjointed powers, with or without an explanation. If no explanation is given, develop the story and reveal it through game-play.
  14. Re: A Fun and Creepy Thought WOW!!! And to think I have wasted all this time worrying about being killed by holes in the ozone, nuclear winter, or the bird flu!!! Note: I also could not find the article.
  15. Re: Solomon Kane I thoroughly enjoyed the movie, thanks for mentioning it! Lightning91
  16. Re: Weekend Warriors -- Campaign Log What.... No seperate thread with a log of the events in Arkham? BTW, I love the write-ups so far. Please, Keep it up!!! Lightning91
  17. Re: INT question If I recall (or have conducted my web-surfing) correctly, Mensa requires you to have scored in the top 2% on ONE of several accepted standardized tests. Tests include: IQ tests, SAT's, GRE's, ACT's, etc... The American Mensa website listes several IQ tests with acceptable scores ranging from 130 to 132. The Wikipedia article indicates that 5% of people have an IQ score > 125. Now the question is how to equate the 2% percentage to the Int score (which I believe is a reasonable method). Personally, I have a tendency to go back to my d20 routes and assume that the characteristics for a random individual are based on rolling 3d6 (with 19 and 20 for the extreme individuals in society). A quick check in the beginning of the Ultimate Skill (which arrived today ) indicates that this would be approximately a 17. Another solution would be to assume a normal standard deviation graph for the populations IQ. A review of Wikipedia's standard deviation article indicates that the top 2% is approximately (i.e. I eyeballed the graph) 2.5 standard deviations from the mean. The same graph indicates that 0.3% of the population would exceed three standard deviations from the mean. Based on this, I think 3 points per standard deviation seems appropriate, which means a mensan would have around a 17 (rounded down from 17.5 per normal Hero rounding rules). Hope that helps, Lightning91 PS. Whether a Mensan membership is worth a 1 pt perk should be determined by whether the GM wishes to provide sufficient benefits. In a Stargate Atlantis campaign, it might actually warrant a perk.
  18. Re: Skinning cats 3d6 Drain COM, delayed return rate, only against cats; and 1d6 RKA (it would have to hurt), linked, only against cats.
  19. Re: Best Superhero game system thread poll Voted!!! (another 40 short posts like this and I might actually have some rep power)
  20. Re: HISTORY CHANNEL ROCKS for plot seeds
  21. Re: How to do: Twins How about some Twin related powers/skills? Great Minds Think Alike: Mind Link, with Twin, Psychic Bond (0 End) - 10 Points Great Minds Fight Alike: Teamwork 14- (9 Active Points); Limited Skill - Only when coordinating with Twin. (-1 1/2) - 4 Points. Notes: Assumes dex of 10. We've Got Each Other's back.: Penalty Skill Levels: +3 vs. Attacked from behind or multiple attacker DCV penalties. with All Attacks (9 Active Points); Conditional Power Twin must be located within 1 hex and also engaged in combat. (-1 1/2) - 4 Points Notes: Requires GM approval for DCV related PSLs (5er pp 66-67). "Wait, I thought you were...": Teleportation 15", Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (45 Active Points); Conditional Power Power Only Works When Twin is Teleporting to His/Her Location (Limitation value reflects that teleportation cannot be used for escape (twins only swap location) and the required coordination.; -2), Can Only Teleport To Twin's current location (fixed location). (-1), Side Effects (Twins exchange current clothing and possessions.; -1/4) (0 End) - 10 Points Teleportation: Fixed Location (Twin's current location) - 1 Point
  22. Re: Horrific HERO Magazine Very nice adventure: Any chance you might post some character creation guidelines for those of us who are HERO novices? For example how many character points and disadvantage points for each member of a party of 4, and how many points for a party of 1 character.
  23. Re: How to do: Twins For a generic limitation based on being a twin I would suggest: Social Limitation: Twin (Occasionally, Minor) 5 Points The following potentially detrimental effects could result from NPCs' behavior towards the twin or his expectation of the twin's behavior: - Prefer to socialize with only one twin and attempt to exclude the other. - Pressure the twin to dress, behave, and have interests the same as his twin. - Pressure the twin to dress, behave, and have interests different then his twin. - Twins stand out and are therefore easier to recognize in the future. - Mistaken identity when someone who has only met one of the twins, meets the other for the first time. The twin obviously does not recognize the acquaintance. - DNA evidence from one, could falsely implicate the other (identical twins only; note the same is not true of fingerprints). - One twin’s reputation could affect the other. Another limitation that could be considered is: Psychological Limitation: Will not abandon twin when he/she is in physical danger. (Uncommon, Strong) 10 Points Note: I chose uncommon, because the negative effect only occurs when the twin is in danger, and the PC would wish to leave to perform some other task (save the damsel, disarm the bomb, live to fight another day, etc...). I assume if the PC's twin is in danger, he would otherwise heroically want to stay and save him, which would not warrant a disadvantage.
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