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Everything posted by Grailknight

  1. Soto was correct to reject that deal. First off the average salary is too low. (Hard to say that as a normal working person.) Judge rejected 30 million/year and Soto is the same caliber of player and 7 years younger. Secondly, it's too long. It would suppress the value of what would normally be his peak years contract(28-32 years old) and lock him into one team for his entire career. Barring injuries or a collapse of the major league economy and salary structure that offer was all in the Nationals favor. It's the type of offer you make and make public to win the court of public opinion.
  2. Your issues can be handled easily enough but it takes a GM with the confidence and experience to say NO. Hero is unlike many open build games in the sense that the GM has far greater veto power over over otherwise RAW legal combinations. In the first case, I 'd require any DC's of Powers that fall under this case to be purchased outside the Multipower or place a maximum on any individual slot. If the second case is an issue just make Change Environment a Special Power or say that it cannot impose a Skill Roll on Powers that do not have the Limitation. Also remember that you as GM must approve any added Power purchased with XP just as if it is a starting build. The third case requires you to make a ruling forbidding the Combined Attack or to let it go as a risky but useful tactic and occasionally use it against the PC's. If they object too loudly then you'll have their tactic buy-in on forbidding it. Much depends on the variance in character optimization among your PC's and your level of acceptance of it. The second hardest part of being a Hero GM(after all the prep work) is learning that saying no in a consistent manner to what you feel is an abusive build is sometimes necessary even if the build in question is legal by RAW.
  3. Always remove the dice rolled before the roll. If you truly dislike that, then roll the number of dice negated secretly and reduce the roll by that amount.
  4. The others have covered most of my suggestions. Only thing I see missing is Damage Negation.
  5. Wow! Still last in the division but only 2 games behind Toronto and Seattle(also Wow!) for the last Wild Card spot.
  6. Good point Hugh. One of the things that the Paizo model does that seems foreign to Hero is that each Adventure Path uses a new set of characters, generated at the beginning and advancing to the conclusion. Perhaps Hero should adopt this model. Then after 3-5 paths make a "Crisis" type module that would start at the level the basics finished so older characters can be used. Hero scales better that almost any game out there so consistent writing would be the biggest obstacle.
  7. Yeah, but barring a QB on their rookie contract, they're getting off cheap.
  8. The sad truth is, that's a good strategy without intending to hit the player. That's a difficult shot to make a good return on because you can't really swing you racket at a good angle that close to your body.
  9. I could see a Kickstarter for a 7th Edition but it would have be a loss leader. That way all the die-hard grognards(us) can get the material(at least character creation) at cost and profit would come from sales of the GM book, NPC compendiums and Adventures. We protest but 90% of us would buy a 7th edition( know I would) but there is understandably some buyer fatigue in the market. Yeah you're going to have to take a loss on the initial Kickstarter but building goodwill from the start is a good step for a new venture.
  10. Hero is a simulation. We try to match it up with real world physics but damage and lift are never going to scale together in a real world sense. Movement works better because it is linear in both while STR damage is linear vs exponential lift capacity. It can be an interesting exercise but don't let the inconsistency ruin your game.
  11. It is indeed in iconic in the genre but can you honestly say that those Limitations hurt the Power and come up enough to warrant the +3 total that they are worth? It's not so much the Limitations themselves but that they don't truly Limit Mind Scan, You are taking Limitations that have their value based on Combat times and applying them to a Power that is most commonly used out of combat. Hero is made to simulate the action scenes of it's genre and Powers that take longer than a phase get a large discount out of line because of that. Your own last sentence acknowledges this . A Limitation that doesn't Limit the Power is worth -0. In this case, it does have some value but no more than -1/2 IMO. And that's only because you have to keep concentrating after activating the Power otherwise -1/4.
  12. The munchkin version buys Mind Scan as a standalone with all the Limitations and puts the other Mental Powers in a Multipower.
  13. The rulebooks are actually pretty solid. They are just presented in a boring fashion. It seem like Steve lost his passion for the game after 5th Edition Until Superpowers Data Book and every subsequent product was more an obligation than a labor of love. That book has more personality than the whole of 6th Edition.
  14. Active Points are not a reliable measure of actual power though they can be used as a general guideline. When speaking of limits, DC's are the best indicator in this case. As noted in the OP, you can generate an attack of 12+ DC's without any Power or Characteristic exceeding 20 Active Points quite easily. So set your campaign at X DC's and don't worry about Active Points per se.
  15. I'd go with Susceptibility also. The amount of damage taken from Side Effect is excessive.
  16. 5 years ago, this pic would have lead to a SyFy movie.
  17. It starts out so innocent but you'll always arrive here
  18. He wasn't being a mercenary when he returned to Cleveland. That was him keeping the faith with his hometowns fans. And as a general aside, we as fans need to stop demonizing athletes for exercising their right to change employers. I've had jobs that I loved but would have left for an offer of double my salary and benefits in a heartbeat. When you can only work in your best profession for a few years, you have to maximize what you can get. NBA careers last 3-4 years on average and sports is actually the closest thing we have to Meritocracy. In most jobs if you're popular, competent and a hard worker, you have job security. In sports if they find someone better than you, you're out and we make the off-field stuff work with the new guy. We subconsciously envy and resent the bigger stars when they apply the same criteria to the team and use the demand for their services to move to what they feel is a better situation. If I had the skills to make Fortune 500 companies engage in a bidding war for me, then of course I'm gonna go with the best offer. But that's something that reserved for elite talents in their fields.
  19. Wall's injuries were all in a two year period and he sat out a year to recover. When he came back in 20-21, gave them 20 and 7 before they shut him down to aid their tanking. He'll be 3 years removed from the IR and is still only 31. He can choose any team he wants for the mid-level and be welcomed. He should definitely wait to see what other offers are out there(especially if Brunson leaves Dallas).
  20. I agree with you about most of that list but LBJ should not be on it. After the immaturity of "The Decision", (Which I hated with the power of a billion blazing suns. But thinking upon calmly about it realize that it would have been cool if he had let Cleveland know he was leaving the day before) he hasn't made any big faux pas. He's been a model citizen and family man, a successful businessman, and a solid social activist. And on the court, he's delivered championships to every team he's played for while not missing games or pouting. He has a worse public perception than MJ but that's because of the way media digs into stars then and now. Interviews with their peers will come away with most saying LBJ is a decent guy while MJ is an A-Hole.
  21. Meanwhile, the rich get richer. https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/34158737/john-wall-set-join-la-clippers-reaching-buyout-houston-rockets-sources-say#:~:text=John Wall set to join LA Clippers after reaching buyout with Houston Rockets%2C sources say This is huge. Wall is an All-Star talent bordering on Superstardom. The Clippers were already a contender if healthy with Leonard and George. Wall gives them a PG who can put up 20, 10 & 5 every night with above average defense. If I was in charge in Denver, I'd pull an old baseball trick and put in a waiver claim.
  22. GM alarms going to DEFCON 4 just contemplating a player suggesting this. Building a 5 points/1 point Powerset using a 5 points/1 point can get really, really powerful really, really fast especially since the concept being purchased is definitely going to be built to change Powers with each configuration. Not saying I'd outright reject it but I'd definitely make clear to the player that anything not a preapproved Multiform writeup would be rejected until next session after going thru the approval process.
  23. I am still wondering why this isn't simply, Regeneration, only while asleep -1 but I guess i believe too strongly in KISS.
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