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Everything posted by Grailknight

  1. ??? This is just an extension of RAW. Unless you take penalties, you always endanger the Entangled character when you attack an Entangle from the outside. It rarely does anything because the Defense and BODY are subtracted before the attack is applied against the Entangled characters. But if the target relies on certain types of conditional defenses(RSR, Accessible Focus, or Restrainable for example), being Entangled can be a serious issue. One of the main objections to this use of Tunneling is that it doesn't have that danger and is also not subject to bad die rolls
  2. Because Entangle as a Power is there to stop Movement. For every SFX than can be logically escaped by Tunneling, there is one that can't be at least on the part of the restrained target. Since HERO has "pay for what you get" as one of it's core precepts it is consistent with that precept that you can't Tunnel out and that the the ability to Tunnel in is an optional rule dependent on SFX and GM judgement. Perhaps this SFX dependent option should also be extended to Tunneling out. I'd allow it as a GM but only because Tunneling has an element of damage built into it. "Rule of Cool" should always be a factor but you have to start from a solid consistent rules basis. Perhaps the Entangle and Character both take Damage advantage should cause Tunneling to apply against the Resistant Defense of the trapped character in these cases also? As far as Hero reading like it does, that was a side effect of Steve Long giving so many sidebar examples in the Powers section rather than the GM section. He tried to cover everything but that's an impossible chore given how open HERO is. A character creation book more in line with CC and and a GM book combined with a basic version of Champions Powers would better suit things IMO.
  3. Correct, but a great deal of that time was taken up by the behind the scenes legal wrangling. This wasn't a case like Watson where there were repeated incidents over time. It was a one time deal that boiled down to a 20+ year employee's word against that of the women. I am 95% sure that he was guilty but we have laws in this country concerning reasonable doubt or preponderance of evidence that we need to follow. It may not apply in this case, but too many movements sabotage worthy causes by jumping to a presumption of guilt before the fact are in. Here, legalities were followed(at an admittedly glacial pace) and the exec was out of a six figure job before he wanted to be. The league should fine the team for hiding the incident until the settlement but at least some punishment was dispensed and compensation given to the victims. Other than arguing for more money for the victims, what more can the team do beyond firing?
  4. There is na wonderful example(IMO) in the Fantasy HERO threads.
  5. They should have reported it but the exec was forced to resign at least.
  6. Depending on edition, the names differ. First thru 4th uses GENOCIDE, 5th and 6th use IHA(Institute for Human Advancement ?). I don't use either so I'm nor sure on the acronym.
  7. No, Hollywood can't handle the Cassandra Cain Batgirl. Just reading about her childhood would have them in a frothing fit but if you soften it, you ruin the character.
  8. For me it will always be The Natural.
  9. Been there, done that. You roll 6 dice, then 2 more and finally the last 4 totaling as you go. It takes a little more time but if you prepare ahead, you can use different colored dice and it gets simple.
  10. As a GM, Damage Negation doesn't present me with any problems with slowdown for calculations because I've done all that math beforehand. The only step I need to add is to tell my player how many dice their attack does. If they can't remember from phase to phase or have a large suite of powers, I write it down on a card for them. Keep a copy of your PC's character sheets. It'll help you with encounter balance , play speed and tinkerers( I have to approve any changes to a PC Before play. Hopefully this never comes up for you.).
  11. The shirt should be a 'beater or plaid button down and the hat should be a cap.
  12. Naah. It's perfect! It's certainly eye-catching, has some subtle dark wish fulfilment for adults and can be used as a discipline threat for unruly children. An advertising triple win!
  13. My post was in reference to the SFX and definition of the Power at creation not the mechanics of applying it after damage is rolled. But note that you have to determine what Defense applies to know the damage past defenses. As LoneWolf says, that's either clearly defined at creation or determined by the GM's judgement call.
  14. While I have never seen an official ruling, it does follow that AVAD's are still either based off PD or ED. Damaging effects in HERO fall into three categories: physical, energy or mental. You assign an SFX to your Power(s) and then place it in one of these. You can make the argument that Captain Flamethrower's AVAD is not fire like the rest of his Powers but then you have to decide which category it does fall under( Heat Exhaustion-Energy, Suffocation-Physical just for examples). Still PD or ED and most likely but not always the same as the base Power. Which is why you can buy Mental Damage reduction.
  15. No, Mental Los can only be established through direct LOS or Mind Scan. There are many debates about this on the boards and a reasonable case can be made for such things but it is contrary to RAW. Basically it enables a broken character concept, the unassailable Mentalist.
  16. It's pretty sad when the CW or the DCAU can make a better Superman than your in-house movie studio can. Perhaps funds could be better allocated.
  17. Your first build is fine. It's all in how you define your focus and in this case you can just say the focus is teeth rather than tooth. I'd even let you have an additional +1/4 for those occasions where you had less than 7 teeth available.
  18. Having seen the full YouTube video of the hearing, this woman needs medical help. She's lost all her receipts for what the world owes her.
  19. It doesn't automatically lower your SPD but moving 2-3 times faster than all the Normals around you kinda makes you stand out. If nothing else you drop SPD to 2 just to fit in and hold conversations. As far as movement goes, you still travel at a rate equal to SPD x " of Movement x any non-combat multiples/megascale you've purchased. Where the confusion may arise is that is converted to inches per segment to figure real world mph/kph and to determine DCV using the advanced movement rules.
  20. After thinking about this, I don't see how this can be a bad thing in the long run. . Yes, it will stop some schools from competing at the highest level, but those schools weren't really contenders any way for the most part. It doesn't hurt the other students at the school because NIL money cannot come from the school, it has to be collected and distributed by an outside entity. The people who will probably have the biggest gripe are the professors. I see this 25K as just where it will begin but I can easily see all the Power 5 schools that are focused on athletics going to 75K or 100K or more. That's more than most starting professors earn by a good bit. And I don't think Title IX applies because again, outside entity. So a definite hierarchy of men's and women's sports will come back. This may actually result in more sports coming backto campus. One of the unintended consequences of Title IX was schools dropping sports to bring the numbers of men's and women's scholarships to parity(with an exception for football).
  21. Texas Tech is doing all 85 scholarship players and 15 "walk-ons". So 2.5 million.
  22. I don't think the genie is ever going back into this bottle. Saw today where Kiffin thinks there should be a max on player NIL's. Wonder if someone will fire back with tying it to a max on coaches' salaries?
  23. Yes, to keep the Power in balance, otherwise you could heal all wounds in a matter of minutes an unlimited number of times per day.
  24. Well, the bar is now set. If this is what it's going to take for the 2nd and 3rd tier programs to compete, then I can see some schools dropping divisions. https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/34264551/texas-tech-red-raiders-football-players-receive-1-year-25k-nil-contracts-matador-club
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