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Everything posted by Grailknight

  1. The first Multiform is limited to one specific form but for every +5 Points spent you can get 2x forms and those forms can be completely different from one another.
  2. Gotta strongly disagree here, Man of Steel's problems were tied up in the philosophical questions about the nature of heroism. Superman Returns features : Superman having a baby mama. That he doesn't know about even though it's Lois. Lex Luthor getting out on parole after 5 years because Superman was not there to testify at his parole hearing. Somehow I don't think you'd be eligible after stealing two nuclear missiles and launching them at New Jersey and California. He'd be hoping to see sunlight, let alone lawyers and a parole board. Repeating the same get rich quick land scheme of the first movie in an even more inept fashion. In the first movie he at least had bought up all the worthless desert land east of the San Andreas Fault, You can't buy what was beforehand stretches of international waters and you can't claim it as a sovereign state as a private citizen(especially one with his criminal record)
  3. The last Evangelion movie is really good and puts the series and universe to bed in a satisfactory way. Shippers were upset though. Free on Amazon Prime.
  4. There is an underlying story that explains most of this fairly clearly but it's just not possible to condense a 60+ episode anime into a movie without leaving out quite a bit plus the story wasn't complete when the movie was made. The anime is completing this season or next(3 month cycles) but most of the big reveals are filmed.
  5. If you establish a Campaign AP Limit then it should be on individual Powers. It doesn't matter if these Powers are in or out of the VPP. So if necessary as GM, you just have to flat out forbid creating any Powers with the VPP that are above the Campaign AP Limit. If it truly becomes an issue ( "..but by the rules I have enough Points for this, Why can't I...?" ) forbid VPP's all together. The VPP is something you as GM allow for PC versatility not a tool for cleverly evading Campaign Limits.
  6. Taking Lasix currently for fluid build-up. Not so bad once your body adapts but the first few weeks were horrible. They don't warn you about the cramps in your legs and not to stretch as you wake up.
  7. Setting up cameras on the path to the bathroom could be amusing but also disgusting.
  8. The OP's question is how they survive after getting their heads cut off. In the books, mages of a certain power level are hard to kill and even harder to keep down. Soulcatcher has her head chopped off in combat and revives sometime later(It wasn't feasible to stick around and finish her.). She has her body carry her head in a basket that she can see from and stalks the heroes for a 2 year march using her magic to keep her under a disguise on the outskirts of towns and keeping tabs with summoned critters. The Limper was pretty much a paraplegic even before his head was chopped off. His head rolled into a muddy ditch and was dug up by a hellhound months later. He was given a wicker body and then a clay one after that was destroyed. It is possible to stop their regeneration by burning them to ash or pulverizing and scattering the remains and their are greater magics that will kill them. Their toughness is more 3/4 Damage Reduction for PD and ED as they can be killed by a determined mob of soldiers willing to take casualties in close quarters. But the intact heads will revive at a diminished power level and seek their old or replacement bodies.
  9. I would do it as a Multiform triggered by Regeneration from death by the main form with No Conscious Control. The Multiform would also be Limited (Can't Revert) until the damage is repaired(Soulcatcher) or has an additional form when provided with a substitute body(Limper).
  10. Just crush them and add to the fry batter. Seems simple but why?
  11. Would've been awesome if they could've matched the wing color.
  12. Sumela Monastery Google says it's in Greece.
  13. Anything that causes rapid onset of shortness of breath needs a doctor's attention. And yes, Covid kills thru pneumonia so it could be the problem.
  14. Then why does it say on CC page 7: "Decide what ability you want to create by choosing the ability's Special Effect." Then on page 122 in the text for VPP's: "Typically, these Powers are linked by common Special Effects, such as "gadgets," "magic," "fire/heat," or "mentalism." That certainly implies that a common SFX should be set for all the Powers in the VPP. No problem with using SFX water vs the fire guy, assuming your character's SFX is water and not radiation. I notice you don't even give a SFX for the second Power. Seems kinda meta-gamey to me. Also vs PD is not an SFX or an Advantage just a basic Game Mechanic, the second HA has a different Advantage, but again, What is the SFX?
  15. All Powers in HERO have SFX defined at purchase. I think you are confusing Variable SFX with Variable Advantage. Variable SFX is specifically for interchanging things like fire, cold and radiation. Variable Advantage lets you change from AP to Reduced END or No Range. The first has the same damage but may trigger different Limitations or Advantages of the target. The second changes the damage type of the user's attack.
  16. Vote of no confidence. If he improves' he'll get paid but they don't want to be on the hook for 18+ million like Carolina with Sam Darnold.
  17. Variable SFX also allows thing like changing from fire to electricity to gamma radiation. I've seen people try to use it in VPP's to affect Vulnerabilities (especially with Magic Pools). Your VPP has a defined SFX(unless you pay for Cosmic), you would try to get AVAD, Penetrating, AP or Does BODY for free, Variable SFX is in the same list of Advantages and should be paid for.
  18. You are making your life hard by approaching this from the user end of the equation. In case one or two, the device must be Universal or it can't be used by anyone but the purchaser. In case one, the simplest way is to plug the device in or run it off an END Reserve. If it and only if these options are unavailable , you need to have a (N)PC purchase END or an END Reserve usable at range. You can then Limit that by saying it needs to come some outside source. Case two is simply RAW. You'd need to write up the Limitations that stopped the user from using his personal END or END Reserve.
  19. HA in 5th was a confusing set of rules. I believe 1/3 or more of the questions to Steve were on how it worked. Read the RAW, then read it again and go through all the special cases you can think of and make some decisions for how you'll run it. As far as that VPP goes, it's perfectly legal but I question giving Variable SFX for free on what is by definition a single Power used in various ways at least in the context of triggering Vulnerabilities, Susceptibilities and Limited Powers. It's not specifically mentioned in RAW but published examples do seem to use it.
  20. Won't they be surprised when the dog learns it all?
  21. I understand that you want the attack to build fear in it's target, but it needs to move faster. 18 meters/Turn cant catch a 0 point NPC that runs away and is no threat to any target that is not trapped in a limited are or pinned down by other threats.
  22. https://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php#.Yoe-IKjMJhE Pro Tip: This conversation is best had at your maximum sustainable rate of movement.
  23. NIL deals for high schoolers are a legal thing. Not necessarily a good thing but legal.
  24. Lowering the mound would work better I think.
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