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Everything posted by Grailknight

  1. Yes, but Penetrating makes things quirky. The 1 pip KA always does 1 body(RAW) but a 1/2 die or more count BODY like Normal Attacks so a roll of all !'s on the die do none(assuming the attack is stopped by defenses).
  2. A small change on the surface, but one that has major ramifications. Fortunately, it is also unnecessary. Buying Resistant Defense for both PD and ED together is a shorthand used in character generation. Nothing prevents you from purchasing them separately and it takes an advantage (Allocate) to unite them so that the points mix together. The question asked in the OP is whether you Dispel one specific power based on that power's cost or based on the cost of powers it was purchased in combination with. I'd have no problem with this power(the special effects being used are another issue), but I'd also have no problem with any other Adjustment power being used here. The balance issue in this is how Dispel and Focus react in the OP's campaign. I'd tend to favor RAW here, so how the focus was defined would be the overriding factor. While this would streamline the rules, IMO it would remove even more flavor from them. Powers would be further divorced from special effects (good for rules question, bad for engaging players more harm than good to me). Don'r remove tools that you'll just have to reinvent as house rules.
  3. Yes. The Two main books are are out of print and Champions Complete contains 99.9% of the rules.
  4. I'd allow it. While it may be useful in some small cases(like 2 or 3 normals in an enclosed space), it is less powerful than taking AOE at +1/4 or 1/2 and adding Cumulative. Losing 1d6 per target does really affects breakout rolls.
  5. I do not feel that Hero should ignore the other genres. I do feel that the rules should give priority to Champions.(i.e Knockback vs Knockdown)
  6. Can I ask why? Superheroes are more mainstream now than they've ever been before. Even in the current RPG market, the Hero System has more market recognition around Champions than its other products.This is in spite of 5th and 6th editions skewing towards heroic level in design and publishing the main rule books without a genre attached(a mistake IMO) Just look here at the boards. Champions has more topics than all the other genres and General Roleplaying combined. Hero should strengthen its foundation(Champions) and expand around it. It certainly isn't going to revive by taking market from Paizo or Wizards in the fantasy genre.
  7. Hmm, looks interesting, but seems based around PVP. I may try the Beta to see if there will be extensive PVE content.
  8. First off, extra carrying and lifting capacity just doesn't come up enough to be worth making it a cost factor in STR. Even at as small a limitation as -1/4, STR no lift would be bought far more commonly than it appears in genre and no matter much you discount STR lift only, people will only buy it in frameworks. I'd rather expand the Hoist skill to allow greater carrying and lifting. I'd also be fine with DEX at 1 per point. Secondly,since the point of new editions(and therefore this thread) are to improve the game and game sales, we should unify design for the main market of the game which I feel is Champions. Any rules options should therefore use superheroic as the default and heroic as options. Your HAN power would be fine at 5 points per DC in supers. ( Yes, its not as good as STR but neither are Growth or Density Increase and Martial Arts DC's are better than STR. We've lived with these imbalances since 4th.) The main offenses of STR and DEX went away with Figured Characteristics.
  9. While not illegal, this is against the intended use of the Transform power. Use Killing Attack if you intend to use the power repeatedly in this manner.
  10. I can get behind this if STR is 1 point per point. I think that the lifting and carrying is being overvalued here.
  11. Savage Dragon had Johnny Redbeard as a power grantor. Stormwatch had Synergy.
  12. Shrinking is a tough call. Unless you give it more benefits(shudder) then it can't compete with just buying +2 DCV for 10 points. Growth .... has issues and needs a complete rewrite but that has been the case with every edition. I hated the 6th version of transfer at first but have changed my mind on it( figured characteristics and comeliness also) It's complicated but being able to have variation between return and retention rates is worth it. I've never had a problem with Aid that wasn't fixed by keeping the old rule that the grantor had to keep points allocated to it or it went away. Keep your filthy hands away from my Damage Negation! I could do without HA(change rather than abolish) and CON could be done away with fairly easily. ( Character is stunned if he takes damage exceeding 1/2 his STUN Characteristic from a single attack, use BODY for AVAD Mental Powers ) I want Megascale to be +1/2 for 10x and go up from there. I want Negative Characteristics back (with no silliness about negative your unmodified Characteristic) Bring back Characteristic Maxima if for no other reason than campaign guidelines.
  13. It probably is lower than 4th Edition. The increase to 350 points with fewer Disadvantages in 5th caused a shift in character design. People built their characters straight rather than using Focus/OIAD excessively. There was also the introduction and encouragement of No Figured Characteristics built through Foci(especially powered armor) plus a conscious design move to lower DEX across the board(implemented strangely-Dr. Destroyer had the highest DEX in the CU until Galactic Champions was published).
  14. A Constant Area of Effect EB or RKA. Determine the rest when you finalize it. Scooped twice.
  15. In its present form this is EXACTLY what HA is.
  16. The Martial Artist is taken care of by martial dc's. They comprise the best damage adder in the game because they cost 4 points per DC, cost no END and add to several different types of attacks (Strike, HKA, NND, Flash and Grab/Shove). The only advantage STR has is the lift and carry.
  17. You could have saved some points on Seeker by putting the weapons in a multipower.
  18. Mechanically and game theory wise this can work. I see no problems in a supers game where all powers are bought with points but in a non-supers game it gets complicated. I see two BIG problems here. First off is diversity. While weapons will still differ by 1-handed or 2-handed, and + to hit and AP without a mechanic like STR minimum there will only be one good weapon of each type and a number of inferior ones an no barrier to everyone swing the biggest thing they can get for their fighting style. This applies to the non-KA weapons using HA also. You can get around this by paying points for equipment but that has other problems. Secondly, it stomps all over suspension of belief. We don't have real world experience with magic and lasers but we pretty much know that knives and clubs work better for stronger people and even better for stronger skilled ones. I'm more inclined to go with DEX at 1 point for +1. STR giving you the ability to lift and carry more is not that unbalanced with INT letting you spot things, REC allowing you to run longer, or BODY keeping you from dying. Figured CHAR were the problem here.
  19. I could definitely go for eliminating HA from the game in its present form. If it were ruled as a power with no range that STR adds to and cost 5 points per die, I'm good with it. It simulates bludgeoning weapons and will be limited by focus in most uses. If it is just limited STR then why bother with the power, use limited STR.
  20. The 250 points were not there at the start. It was 100 points plus disadvantages. GM's set the maximum for their campaign. There was no max from a disadvantage category though there were diminishing returns (1st 2 full value, 3-4 1/2 value, 5-6 1/4 value) .
  21. For a very general guideline within whatever limits you set: Weaker combatants should defeat their doppelganger in 3/4 to 1 turn Average fighters should take 1 to 1.5 turns. Tough combat monsters should last 2 to 3 turns(any longer and END becomes a real problem) These will be shorter if OCV dominates and longer if DCV dominates. Do best 2 of 3 to minimize the luck factor.
  22. Hawk- The latest in the Vlad Taltos series. Vlad is tired of running from his former organization, the Jhereg. While recovering from their latest assassination attempt, he recalls a drunken victory conversation from a previous caper. From it, he hits upon an idea that will be lucrative enough to buy off the Jhereg, Now all he has to do is make the proposal to a group that wants him dead, gather and craft an original sorcery and prevent betrayal of the deal while dodging ongoing attempts on his life. One of the better books since the early days of the series.
  23. Small-town Heroes- Wearing the Cape #4 - Astra gets a message from a Trickster that a disaster will strike in the town of Littleton. But Littleton doesn't officially exist! This book puts the narrative back on Astra after using multiple POV's in the last. Lots of world building and plenty of action in a positive and realistic superhero universe.
  24. The Multipower is pretty simple if you remember to use variable slots. This way you can allocate points between slots as you see fit as long as you stay beneath the reserve. Variable slots cost twice as much as fixed slots but allow you to partially run each power rather than have it completely on at full or off. If you are using Hero Designer just unclick the box labeled fixed slot as you create the slot power. Multipower, 110-point reserve 1) 5v +5 DCV 2) 5v +25 Lightning Reflexes(all actions) 3) 12v +60m Running 4) 10v +5 SPD For the blood thing, I'd go with Time Limit combined with Extra Time to Activate as a Modifier on the entire Multipower. After some thought, Lockout really doesn't apply to Slot 4. Having less points for Slots 1-3 when 4 is active is just the way Multipowers work.
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