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Everything posted by Grailknight

  1. I guess I'm having trouble with this because I see DC's as the distinction between a brawler and a martial artist. To me, martial artists rarely rely on the +4 DC moves and fight with the +1 or +2 moves and DC's. Brawlers just use high STR and the moves. Brawlers don't take down norms using special moves, they one punch them or they submission hold(choke/joint lock) them to unconsciousness over time. The other NND strikes seem more skill based to me thematically, so the characters I associate them with are more masters of an art. They thus have DC's or skill levels and no need to modify the moves mechanically to be viable. I do agree that 2d6 NND is on the weak side though it still stuns a normal 28% of the time. ( Normals are all 8's in 6th.)
  2. Gestures are a poor example but Hugh's point is still valid. Attacking from stealth is not invisible, you get a modified perception roll to notice the attack. If you fail you don't perceive the attack your buddy who did make his roll knows exactly what's coming. The Jedi TK has questionable visibility of its source(I would accept the GM stating you know the attacker but others ... aren't so agreeable) but it fails the test of having a visible effect on its source, add that and it is visible. But if the Jedi is hidden and beats your Perception with his Stealth his first attack will be against a lowered DCV. This does raise the questions of what bonuses to perception an attack triggers and when do you perceive the hidden attacker? ( I'd give full DCV to the target after the first attack but would not allow a counterattack until you made the Perception check or a second attack was made) Lastly, special effects have no mechanical effect in Hero beyond flavor and game mechanics have no set special effects. A power is invisible because you paid for the advantage, if you didn't then player and GM should define what sense groups it is obvious in.
  3. The Drain + Aid option works well. The added complexity is worth it because it allows different return and fade rates. Should be AE Radius over Cone and Uncontrolled makes more sense than Always On for the description of the power. Could just go with a 2d6 Penetrating Blast(not KA) instead of Drain. Knockout normals(with potential serious injury but it takes long exposure) and do minor damage to supers. Still add the Life Support but no need to worry about destroying the environment. Link the Aid as normal.
  4. Depends on how deadly you want it to be. Your current version kills normals in 30 seconds and supers in a minute given a 5 SPD.
  5. For Street Level or Teen Champions, 3d6 NND is fine. For higher levels, remember there are no rules limits to the number of DC's you can purchase.
  6. Ditto, I've used this almost verbatim in my Supers games.
  7. I don't think the Martial NND's were designed to be the main attack of a Martial Artist but rather a nonlethal option against normals that could be used as an alternate attack versus tough opponents. In any case switching out 10 STR for 2 Martial DC's will keep your other martial moves constant and raise the NND's up 1 die. Now you can stun a normal reliably and 3d6 NND is pretty good in heroic games.
  8. End your move behind cover, out of LOS or in the midst of the Brick's team. Buy your defenses differently, get Damage Reduction vs Physical, SFX-high speed dodging. You can minimize a weakness without totally negating it.
  9. So we, the audience, would know what he did? I agree it was probably IPE but it could have been a Mind Trick or just a Super Skill.
  10. Since guns need to be a threat, no more than one or two levels.
  11. I would suggest using Combat Luck over equipment for defenses.
  12. OK, I concede that this example does not satisfy the Source Effect requirement. It does not necessarily mandate IPE because the effect can be achieved with acting, sleight of hand, ventriloquism. or other means but these all will give you an opposed Perception roll at the very least. Without one, you'd have every right to call the GM on it. It does meet every other point, even SFX and Source. Let the GM keep some mystery in hand here and trust that it will be revealed when the time is right.
  13. Zslane, I think you're conflating invisible and unnoticed in this instance. If X has a power with the sfx of "floating objects suspended by an unseen force" then it may or may not be IPE. The determining factor is how the power reacts with your DCV mechanically. If you are always at reduced DCV, then it's IPE. If your DCV is only reduced by surprise, stealth, flash or darkness then it's a normal power.
  14. Is the 30 STR necessary to our concept? You can take lower STR and add Martial DC's or keep 30 STR and just use the basic moves that don't add DC's. IME, if your NND does the same DC's as your basic attack it will quickly become your go-to power, YMMV. Keeping it less will probably be more in concept and prevent overuse.
  15. Just put your STR and NND in a Multipower. Unthinkable pre-6th, but simplest way now.
  16. I would go with the Martial Damage Classes. They are actually the best buy in the game.
  17. Understanding requires a history lesson. In the 1st three editions of Champions(not Hero yet and it bears), the cost of Martial Arts was based on the character's STR score. For 50% of the cost of your STR you got 5 basic moves (block, dodge, throw, strike(now Martial Strike) and kick(now Offensive Strike). Strike did 1.5x STR in damage and Kick did 2x. Additional multiples of your STR could be purchased and added .5 to Strike and Kick per multiple. Hero then added Danger International and Fantasy Hero to the line up. These characters weren't Supers and the games worked with different rules. DI needed an expansion of Martial Arts because it was a large part of the genres it emulated(Bond movies, any Arnold movie, Wuxia, and Agents of SHIELD would all be valid examples plus more). The STR multiple pricing model was too limited in terms of options and too costly points wise when compared to weapons which cost no points in those genres. This led to the basics of Martial Arts as seen now but was limited to non-supers games. Then came 4th Edition which gave us the unified Hero system. DI style Martial Arts was adapted as the norm and used in all genres. This was great for streamlining the system but Martial Arts became a very effective purchase in Champions genre games because of the greater amounts of available points. Still it only kept pace with Figured STR and DEX as a point saving. Now we come to 6th Edition which has eliminated Figured Characteristics. STR, DEX, OCV, and DCV are still good buys but Martial Arts still gives those things at a discount. Not a big problem in Heroic games (weapons still don't cost points) but really noticeable in Champions 6th. 6th also raised the price of Skill levels which made the OCV and DCV bonuses of Martial Arts even more relevant. All that said, it merely places a larger burden on the GM to enforce campaign limits and character concept. If the Maximum OCV's and DCV's of the campaign fall within a spread 3 to 5(YMMV) then it should all work out.
  18. New combat option, Multiple Move Through.
  19. Not really, hopefully this recent burst means his hand is healed and he can do 2 updates per week again tho. But I'll happily follow for once per two weeks if they keep to the quality of the Haley/Krystal resolution.
  20. The Masters of Evil lineup you list is the one that became the Thunderbolts. Sadly, it would take too much setup to get this running.
  21. For 50 points, Mastermind gave you your total points, less Mastermind, in Bases, Vehicles and Followers. So Peacemaker would get 543 points worth.
  22. My rulings on PRE attack modifiers pretty much mirrors this. Agents on both sides are going to hesitant to engage supers because of the power disparity. Supers, who know they can do equivalent things, are just harder to impress.
  23. Really looking forward to the two Mistborn sequels coming out in the next 9 months. He got so into the characters voice's he wrote them together.
  24. I'd allow it but I wouldn't recommend it. That's a big expenditure to effectively be immune to run of the mill villains but frail versus any big bad that shows up.
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