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Everything posted by DreadDomain

  1. Re: Valdorian Age And what are the other (fairly significant) nations? What are their cultural outlook? (For example in the Hyborian Age, Howard created Aquilonia akin to France and Stygia to Egypt.)
  2. Re: Valdorian Age Well it's pretty much like Conan... Kidding aside, I would like to know more about all these aspects as well.
  3. Re: Valdorian Age I would be very interested to hear more about the different nations/regions. You know something along the line of : "Khor is somewhat akin to Cimmeria" "Valdoria could be compared to Aquilonia but with a significant maritime aspect"... "You can imagine ***** as if the Rus developped in an Egyptian inspired culture" Anyone would like to enlightened me?
  4. Re: Starting from 8's in Primary Characteristics Personally I prefer the Ultimate Brick rule : Off the ground 100% Hip level 90% Clean and jerk 50% Snatch 40% I just think it makes more sense under that system I am about Str 10-11 considering clean & jerk (I don't see myself as particularly strong so it seems to fit) and lifting 110kg off the ground seems fairly doable . Under Fuzion ruling, I would be STR 16-17 considering clean & jerk (which doesn't make sense) but I clearly cannot lift anywhere near 250kg off the ground.
  5. Re: Starting from 8's in Primary Characteristics STR 10 doesn't mean you can lift 220lbs over your head, it means you barely lift it off the ground and move it for a few step. Look in the Ultimate Brick pg 9. A clean & jerk would be 110 lbs (50%) and a snatch would be 88 lbs (40%).
  6. Re: Does Hero System "break" at higher levels, and if so, at what level? I think many problems encountered by people on this thread is not so much due to "system breaking" but more to how the system was used. Hero is a toolkit providing a lot of flexibility, power and freedom and as they say, "With great powers come great responsability". To make a game ork at *any* level, there is a minimum of control required. Of course the less point you have to spend to less abuses and balance issues arise but still, you have to adhere to a certain way of doing things, This "way" varies with genre, starting points, groups, etc. For example, our first Hero games, many years ago, was built on 375 points. Excited by the freedom provided by the system, every players decided to create the hero he wanted and the gm was quite happy to let us do our thing. The result was less than sterling. At 375 points, our group was totally unbalanced. While a martial artist could bring down Viper's mecha with a few power kicks, the powered armor could not even hit one. Hero was not at fault here, we were. We just didn't know how to use that amount of freedom. Now, after many campaigns at different game level, I can say that we didn't suffer such imbalance in a long time. We have played games starting at 75 points and others at 1500 points and everything went quite smoothly. Sure, there is always a player succeeding to have more bang for his money but never in an outrageous way anymore. We curently play in a 600 points campaign and I must say it is one of our most enjoyable so far. Characters are well balanced, everybody has his tricks but nobody is a one trick monkey either. It all comes to controlling the freedom given to us and using it intelligently. Now to answer the initial question. "Does the system break at high level?" I would instinctively answer "Yes" just because everything tends to break at some point. I suspect this limit must be quite high (significantly higher than 1500 points) but have no clue were exactly. Hero is one of the most flexible, scalable system I know of and I have never reached that limit. If the question would be "Can we break the system?", I would wholeheartedly answer "Yes, you can do it at any level! I know, by our own faults we did it at 375 points"...
  7. Re: Raw STR: Marvel Just for the fun of it, I used the SAGA to Hero conversion posted in another thread. Here are the results ( I have no clue how to make a proper table): Hulk (non-enraged)100 Silver Surfer 100 Thor 90 Hercules 90 Hyperion 90 Wonder Man 90 Juggernaut 90 Thing 80 She-Hulk 70 Namor 70 Rhino 70 Iron Man 60 Rogue 60 Vision 60 Annihilus 60 Loki 60 Ultron 60 Power Princess 60 Warbird 60 Giant Man 50 Venom 50 Crimson Dynamo 50 Spider-Man 45 Doctor Doom 45 Dreadnought 45 Luke Cage 40 Green Goblin 35 Grim Reaper 30 Sabertooth 25 Captain America 25 Kingpin 23 Black Panther 23 Daredevil 20 Wolverine 20 I don't know about you but to me this table seems about right.
  8. Re: Why are there never any Fantasy Hero games at the Cons? Again, I don't want to hijack this topic but... I thought about it a bit and I cannot see division or multiplication being needed during play. Can you give me examples. I may be just forgetting something. As for addition and substraction, every games have them. So speed of play depends more on how many you have to make, how many dice rolling and experience of the group.
  9. Re: Why are there never any Fantasy Hero games at the Cons? I assume you are joking. I can't see most of our Champions fights taking more then 30 minutes. Maybe an hour when it is the *BIG* fight with many villains. The "combat takes forever" argument is in my opinion the the second worst misconception about HERO, the first being "HERO is math heavy"... Sorry, that was completely off topic...
  10. Re: Shadow World setting We actually played a bit in Shadow World about 10 years ago. We pretty much got interested in the setting when it became FH compatible. Of course, we got a little disillusionned when we realize they were only a few FH stats at the end of the book. The setting was a little bit too generic for my taste. Well, maybe it was not so generic but since it was so poorly described, it was hard to have an idea of what the different cultures were looking like. My friend still has pretty much everything published about SW. Since then, Hero got new owners, ICE went bankrupted and got new owners and Shadow World is own by Eidolon Studio (but still published by ICE)...
  11. Re: Turakian Age with no Kal Turak I sure don't want to hijack this thread but I am curious as to why you feel the magic system is whacked-out. Feel free to start another thread if you think it would be better answered there... As for Kal-Turak, he could easily be nothing more than superstition. Some kind of bogeyman everybody blames when something goes wrong. The same goes for Turakia. It could be believed to be and evil land so nobody goes there but it could be anything else in reality, from a wasteland to a realm of xenophobic, isolationist culture/race. Heck, it could even be paradise on earth and those staying there (people controlling high magic perhaps) would themselves nurture all the rumors to keep other people out.
  12. Maybe you could try the following online translators. Not always perfect, but it helps. http://ftp.vpcit.ru/cgi-bin/dict/bobo/word or http://www.online-translator.com/text.asp?lang=en or http://www.freedict.com/onldict/rus.html For a quick reference to the cyrillic alphabet http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Track/7635/alphabet.html Temno-krasnyj Angel = Crimson Angel Krasnyj Angel = Red Angel Vojna Molotok = War Hammer Molotok Vojnyj = Hammer of War Voin = Warrior Belaya Tigritsa = White Tigress Hope it helps!
  13. Not a problem. Westerners associate red with communism not Russians. Red was already the national color of Russia before the rise of communism and still is. For example, their army is still called the Red Army.
  14. GURPS Fantasy 2nd Ed What about including it at the end of the book like SJG did for Fantasy 2nd? I'd be willing to pay more for a book with a nice map.
  15. Hey guys, I am writing a character and I would like to know how you would do the following power. I have a few ideas of my own but I rather have you tell me how YOU would do it to give me extra inspiration... The character (a brick) is powered by some kind of energy. The energy gives him fairly high stats (uh well... brick level you know). However, he can you the energy to do all sort of neat tricks placed in a multipower. When he uses a power from his multipower he has instant access to the power (as per the standrad multipower rules) but it does a few things: 1) All his energy enhanced stats drop by 10 to 15 AP (representing the fact that he needs to expense the energy from somewhere to use the power) 2) He doesn't have access to the multipower until his second next phase (so no powers_from the multipower until it recharges) 3) His stats and multipower come back to normal 2 phases later (Phase X : he uses the multipower, phase X+1 : stats are lowered, multipower is spent, phase X+2 : stats and multipower are back to normal) The question is, what kind of advantages/limitations would you put on the multipower?
  16. I am under the impression that Telekinesis and strength can be added together when TK is used at touch but I can't find where it says that. Can you confirm please? Example: Gravitar and Grond are arm wrestling. Grond will use his Str of 90 while Gravitar will be able to use her Str of 40 and add her TK of 60 for a total of 100.
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