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Everything posted by Inu

  1. Re: Assassin's Creed: Altair Altaïr -- the ansi code is 139. =) Hold 'alt', and on your keypad (with numlock on), hit 139, then release alt. The character should come up. =) Sheet looks fine, too!
  2. Re: Order of the Stick Yup, so far most of my predictions (based on the conventional laws of drama) have gone unfulfilled.
  3. Re: Order of the Stick Wow, big 500 next strip!
  4. Re: Order of the Stick This is a thread about OotS -- while divergence into system can be fun, can whining about the system be taken to another thread?
  5. Re: WWYCD: A Damsel Who Doesn't Want To Be Rescued... Haze: "A bounty's a bounty." *zapt* "If you're really keen to be here, I'm sorry, and I'll see you're returned. But let's see what a few days away from His Imperiousness does." Jacob al-Duri: "Okay, let's deal with this on a diplomatic level. You say you want to be here, well, as a citizen of the US, we have an interest to make sure that's true. We're going to be staying here for a while to confirm that your needs are being taken care of. By the way, you do know that if you stay, your citizenship will be revoked, because you have an intimate relationship with a known enemy of the State?" Kid Dynamo: "But... but... wah!" *perplexed, and will go along with what the rest of the team decides* Haze is basically okay, but amoral. He'd be there for the money, and he'd have accepted the money because it was a 'white knight' kind of job. Jacob is a superpowered government agent. Kid Dynami is a 16-year-old girl, and while the idea of being swept up in romance would appeal to her, I don't think she'd be able to fathom the idea of falling for such a warlord, and she'd find it at least a little creepy. And no, none would probably react differently if it were a guy in who had bee kidnapped. =)
  6. Re: BBC Airship Article Helicarriers are cool enough that a fleet of 'em made it into Sky Captain. =) Dirigibles put a bit more of a steampunkish bent on them (Sky Captain riffing far more off oldskool scifi than modern steampunk). Speaking of which, anyone tried converting some of the Sky Captain stuff to Hero?
  7. Re: Glorantha Hero It's good or bad, depending on how it's portrayed. As I said earlier, if you're playing in a country, it doesn't matter how people elsewhere view an event. They're wrong, you're right, so what your culture believes is the only relevant factor. In addition, there are some objective truths (see the aforementioned Windstop event). Unfortunately, since it seems the primary market for HW/HQ is existing fans of the setting, it's really very difficult to track down all of these myths and behind-the-scenes stuff. For instance, at major Glorantha conventions, the brains behind the setting, Greg Stafford, will answer questions for charity, ones which he must answer truthfully. There doesn't seem to be a repository of these answers. So Glorantha is a very dense setting to get into. The only reason I've managed to is our GM is very well-versed in Glorantha lore, including most of that behind-the-scenes stuff. But yeah, if you want the True Answers, Glorantha isn't the setting for you. If you want mythic reality, it really, really is.
  8. Re: Order of the Stick Three times a week without warning indeed!
  9. Re: Order of the Stick Oddhat's probably right. ^_- Or something similar to that. Going into heaven chuckling 'serves you right, Dad!' is not quite right for that particular afterlife! Might even be some sort of test. But yeah, I love that angel. I'm sick of angels who are actually bad guys. It was neat once, but nowadays it's trite. This one? She's great. She really is a representative of law AND good.
  10. Re: U.N. Armament Which is what makes it so great for third world militias. without training, you can't hit anything at long range anyway, so the long-range accuracy issues with the weapon are moot! Especially so in urban environments.
  11. Re: Glorantha Hero Yup. And I'll note that their position in the game is one of vileness, not anything else. They are not treated lightly.
  12. Re: Multi-tiered Missile Deflection/Reflection Deflect thrown/arrows is 10 points. Deflect all is 20 points, but you've already payed 10. So you end up paying 10AP, with OIF, so 7RP. You also buy a naked advantage (deflect adjecent, +1/2) on the entire 20AP power, limited by OIF. Another 7RP. Missile reflection would start to get painful, but you can't use missile reflection at range, and don't have to buy the +1/2 advantage for it, as per p210. It costs 30 points (reflect at anyone), -1 OAF, for 15 RP. Total power: 60AP, 29RP. I think that's how it works, anyway. Can someone run my maths?
  13. Re: Order of the Stick I like verbage in comics. I cut my teeth on early Claremont. I also didn't feel that today was a rant about alignment... it seemed pretty much just like an application of alignment, as the author sees it.
  14. Re: HERO: Combat Evolved [Equipment Posts & Comments] I can think of one being: the Gravemind. But then, it shouldn't have any problem mind-controlling Flood.
  15. Re: Coming To A Western Front Near You With luck, they'll leave it unanswered. =) I'm of the understanding that the evidence really points to the ground fire taking him out, but I must admit a bit of bias in that area, so I'd be happy just seeing it as an unanswered question. =) Edit: in fact, in that trailer, there are shots of artillery firing -- probably the Australian battery. Of course, I also saw someone take out a blimp with a flare gun, and the Baron seemed to be in a biplane. 'Course, he flew a lotta different planes, but some of those shots did look like the final climactic dogfight... not enough to really tell if they flubbed that one or not!
  16. Re: HERO: Combat Evolved [Equipment Posts & Comments] Well, in 2 and 3 that's more or less true, but 2 radically increased the damage from infection forms. In 1, they did a tiny sliver of damage. In 2, even on easy, four or five was enough to take shields down.
  17. Re: HERO: Combat Evolved [Equipment Posts & Comments]
  18. Re: HERO: Combat Evolved [Equipment Posts & Comments]
  19. Re: Need a "clean" world map http://www.worldatlas.com/aatlas/woutline.htm A similar map, but not quite so distorted towards the northern hemisphere.
  20. Re: HERO: Combat Evolved [Equipment Posts & Comments] They seem to keep coming no matter what... depending on what you're wielding. In Halo 3, in the final run out of the Flood ship near the end, I noticed that when I had the energy sword out, they ran away from me. I could actually herd them around. Flood forms probably do need to rest. As for infection forms... my personal theory is that they simply wouldn't survive long outside of their carrier form. As you say, they're more or less made of air. I can't see them having a long life cycle, possibly not long enough to get around to sleeping!
  21. Re: U.N. Armament And I'm not sure if he does this or not, but some of the people he works with cut people for a living.
  22. Re: Order of the Stick I like that despite it being a bureaucracy, it IS actually a well-intentioned and functioning one. =)
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