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    steriaca got a reaction from cycosurgeon in Spectra and Jabberrock lore question   
    Professor Pomegranate was never stated out. Neither was the Ubermachine. Pomegranate was probably a competent normal with a huge INT and science skills. The Ubermachine is better off as an unstated maguffin.
    Tiger is planning on updating Jabberock in an upcoming Forgotten Enimies book originally Spectra was going to be updated in the same book, but Tiger has decided against it. Prehaps he is going to go the same rout as you are?
  2. Like
    steriaca got a reaction from Amorkca in The game is starting soon.   
    (No quotes Beast? Well, we will assume you answered in character anyways.)
    Lady Heart looked Maggie Ravenwood up and down. "You don't have a supername? Let me think...prehaps Mock would do. What do you think?"
  3. Like
    steriaca got a reaction from Joe Walsh in Community Content Program: Hall of Champions   
    Dear Jason,
    I'm not quite ready to do something for this program just yet. I am wondering, do I really need to get in on day one, or can I submit something later?
    Also, must it be adventures? Or can I submit a single npc (villain, or whatever) ?
    I'm posting this in public, cause I think everyone can enjoy the answer.
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    steriaca got a reaction from GreaterThanOne in What happened to HERO?   
    Honestly, being a system based on comic books, graphic novels, and maybe manga, I would like artwork which speaks to memories of great comic books in Champions. For Western Hero, I expect nice pulp covers like trashy western novels or maybe like posters in western movies. Same for Star Hero.
    You get the idea. Does this mean we need to publish our adventure as a comic book? Heck no. But since we are more or less emulating Marver and DC, lets make art which looks like it can come from a cover of one of there comics (it doesn't have to be from "now"...it can emulate any of the ages of comics if we wish).
    In fact, for a series of short adventures in the "not quite Champions Universe", a cover mimicking a comic book would be cool.
  5. Like
    steriaca got a reaction from Spence in Community Content Program: Hall of Champions   
    Dear Jason,
    I'm not quite ready to do something for this program just yet. I am wondering, do I really need to get in on day one, or can I submit something later?
    Also, must it be adventures? Or can I submit a single npc (villain, or whatever) ?
    I'm posting this in public, cause I think everyone can enjoy the answer.
  6. Thanks
    steriaca got a reaction from Duke Bushido in UOO vs Focus   
    A limitation which is not a limitation is worth a +/-0, regardless of what the book says the limitation cost.
    Question: as a GM, have you occasionally forgotten that certain players had limitation x on there powers, and this, gave them free points you didn't mean to on no fault on them?
  7. Like
    steriaca got a reaction from Amorkca in The game is starting soon.   
    "I'm an anime style magical girl, not a D&D wizard...or whatever. I can fly in this form." She proves it by levetating up into the air for a short moment. "My 'magic missles' are all heart theamed, and don't automatically hit. I can tangle people up in energy ribbons which originally were from a heart. I can produce a glowing heart which blinds people temporarily. And i can't suround people with force fields or such."
    "And as it was explained to me, the universe thinks of this form as being too lovely to harm. Oh, and normal people are more likely to give up without fighting when I speak." (OOC: PRE Attack bonus especially for such type of PRE Attack).
  8. Like
    steriaca got a reaction from iamlibertarian in UOO vs Focus   
    Honestlt, I never seen a superhero or supervillain writeup use Independent in 4ed. While the idea of a super whoes powers are stealable somehow, and can't be replaced easily is tempting, the drawback is too much. Better off with Focus, or gm plotting.
  9. Haha
    steriaca got a reaction from GreaterThanOne in UOO vs Focus   
    I love the 4ed limitation "Independent" (-2). It really has no purpose in a Superhero game, but it simulates powerful magical doodads which not only be taken away, WILL be taken away. In case your playing Fantasy Hero with a bunch of D&D guys.
  10. Like
    steriaca got a reaction from iamlibertarian in Addiction/Dependence   
    Humm...question: is being addicted a physical effect or a mental effect of the pheromones? If it is a mental effect, then it should be "based on OMCV" and go against EGO ("this smell is so pleasing to me...I want to smell it again"). If not, then not ("i must smell it again or I get them shakes doctor. Where can I find that smell? Where?!").
  11. Like
    steriaca got a reaction from Scott Ruggels in "Drain Actions"   
    Well Actions in Hero are a function of Speed. What about Drain Speed, Only To Remove Actions (+0)?
  12. Thanks
    steriaca reacted to phoenix240 in Supers Image game   
    Name: Jasmine Taylor
    Sex: female
    Age:16 (2003-2019-?) 
    Jasmine Taylor should have been a tragedy, a young life cut short in an act of callous brutality of a ravening mad man. Caught in the middle of a battle between the Sentinal 7 and the extradimonional undead wizard that called itself The Lich King. She was fell under a wave of necrotic poison intended to slay and turn its victims into zombie puppets,  cannon fodder for the dark mages armies. Hasty counter spells from the Sentinel's resident sorceress Alchemiss prevented the rise but wasn't enough to stop the slaughter. 
    With one exception. Jasmine stirred after the battle ended, rising from the carnage, moving aware...but not alive. Not anymore. At first, she felt cold then hungry, terribly hungry and the bodies that surrounded her looking soooo delicious. 
    Always a soft hearted squeamish girl (she often referred to herself a weenie) was instantly revolved to the point of crying out in at the surge of strange hungers. Her call caught the attention of Alchemiss and the looking of her aura told the sorceress she was not a typical monster but something different. There was some aspect of her mind or soul that held together under the necrotic assault, usurping its energies to maintain something like life though it couldn't stop her mortal death. 
    Alchemiss took in the horrified girl, calmed her and helped her learn more about her new state of existence. She was undead, fully aware and in control of her faculties but there was her hunger. Only flesh slaked it but fortunately any meat would do, the more rare and bloody the better and human flesh's smell called to her though her disgust at the notion is stronger (If she ever did consume human flesh, she's discover gain additional abilities but its -highly- unlikely she ever will, willingly at least.) She's learned that if she tastes someone blood she gets clairvoyant flashes of their past and current emotional state though after for uncontrollably licked the cut a friend of hers had. 
    Jasmine is much stronger than a girl of her size and build should be able to casually life hundreds of pounds and with strain up to 2 tons. Pain is at mostly annoyance and she seems to heal almost immediately for all but the grievous injury. Even those will heal giving time but regenerating requires her to dine on raw bloody meat regularly. Her “ghoul sight” allows Jasmine to see life force like as a glow and see in near absolute darkness and her sense of smell is enhanced enough to allow her to easily track by scent. 
    She may have other abilities to discover over time, for now, she is more focused on trying to be a normal as possible in spite of her transformation and continued attention of the Lich King who's seeks to bring her under his control. A number of other occult figure have also developed a fascination (or paranoid fear/hatred) for this occult oddity. 

  13. Thanks
    steriaca reacted to Tech in Supers Image game   
    Black Harlequin was in a slump. His latest toy creations were utter failures and frankly didn't work. After watching an old "Frankenstein" movie, he finally got the creativity he needed. He would create a living doll, in the literal sense of the word. Of course, in his case, it would be a Destructive Overly Likeable Lifeform (D.O.L.L.).
    Still, creating a lifeform wasn't his thing; he'd have to find someone to create it to his specifications. Being as there are still mad scientists out there, he contacted one of them with his idea. The mad scientist gleefully agreed and got to work. Time passed and D.O.L.L. was finished. Black Harlequin tested his 'toy' to see how destructive it was, and later woke up with a black eye and a broken rib. He was in pain... and elated... and in pain. She was much more powerful than any toy that he'd created. The mad scientist sheepishly apologized for the injuries; he was found dead by the police later. Black Harlequin first unleashed DOLL on a mall shortly before Halloween and caused much destruction before making a retreat due to incoming superheroes.
    DOLL is an artificial lifeform, appearing to be a girl in her late teens. Other than her blue skin, which is easily concealed with makeup, she is cute and adorable. However, when given a command by him, DOLL reacts much like a robot on a mission of mindless mayhem. She is strong enough to punch a tank and dent it, can jump hundreds of feet and is very durable. DOLL's energy core will last about a week before needing a recharge, taking about a day. Hence, she can fight literally for days at full power.
    At the moment, she understands she was created for destruction and obeys Black Harlequin, but she is slowly gaining her own personality. Black Harlequin is too crazy to notice little changes in her actions and where this will lead is unknown. If she gains any ounce of humanity, she may turn from her destructive ways and even help heroes. However, if she gets worse, Black Harlequin may not live to see how dangerous she really is.
  14. Like
    steriaca got a reaction from iamlibertarian in X of Holding   
    In the Advanced Player's Guide 2 pages 27-28 is the power Extradimentinal Spaces. It is an optional power which is used to simulate just that. It cost a base 5 Character Points to have a 1 cubic meter storage space, and it can be expanded (x2 volume) per +5 CP.
    It can easily be added with Object Creation, pages 32-34 of the same book. The "Object Creation" simulates various rather normal objects stored away, and can be put back into storage without eating up space.
  15. Like
    steriaca got a reaction from Quackhell in Create a Villain Theme Team!   
    I wonder how a machine intelligence fits in with a bunch of Cathloids. Maybe if it is called an "Alien Intelligence" instead.
    It is only known as The Color Drainer Out Of Space. Riding a meteorite, it lands and infects the ground, slowly draining color from the soil itself, then the plants on the soil, the houses on the ground, the people in the houses. All color is drained, leaving only shades of grey and land incapable of growing anything. Then it hitches a ride on another meteorite and starts the cycle of draining and death all over again. It can be appeased and sailted for a small while by worship and sacrifice, but eventually even that won't work.
  16. Like
    steriaca got a reaction from Quackhell in Create a Villain Theme Team!   
    Volcanard crosses the dimensions. It has been called "The Invisible Sun". It leaves raises temptures in it's wake, if your lucky. The longer it stays, the more obvious his presence is as eventually spontaneous fires, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes single his waiting for another portal to be opened. It hates Nogad, but realized that they need each other in there fight against The Kings of Edom.
    While it is called "The Invisible Sun", it has a physical form as a ball of burning mass which shifts, changes in size, and pulses. Be fortunate that normals can't see it.
  17. Like
    steriaca got a reaction from Christopher R Taylor in X of Holding   
    In the Advanced Player's Guide 2 pages 27-28 is the power Extradimentinal Spaces. It is an optional power which is used to simulate just that. It cost a base 5 Character Points to have a 1 cubic meter storage space, and it can be expanded (x2 volume) per +5 CP.
    It can easily be added with Object Creation, pages 32-34 of the same book. The "Object Creation" simulates various rather normal objects stored away, and can be put back into storage without eating up space.
  18. Like
    steriaca got a reaction from Quackhell in Create a Villain Theme Team!   
    The most legendary member of there group is Brightburn (yes, THAT Brightburn). But how did a villain from the past come to join a future supervillain group like the Army of Supervillains? After his emergance in our time, The Time Protector declared him such a threat to the future that he was removed from the timeline.
    The Army, in there time, learned of a special payment, given every 100 years, of rair minerals worth ten fourtions as a bribe to Brightburn to stop him from attacking Earth for the next 100 years. The Army successfully stolen it, yet no Brightburn to join them. A few years later, they found a time displaced Brightburn, and Brightburn attempted to kill the army, just because. Unable to do so, he joined the group.
    Unfortunately for us, eventually the Army found and forced a way to send Brightburn back to his own time.

  19. Like
    steriaca got a reaction from Quackhell in Create a Villain Theme Team!   
    Mon-Stur has studded the fighting styles of 1 million worlds. Declaring himself Fight, he joined the Army of Supervillains to do one thing...to fight and kill the best fighters in the universe. He can see each target's weaknesses, and will easily exploit them. All he cares about is the win, not how it comes out or if the victim is alive afterwords or if he has to harm or kill inocents to do so.

  20. Like
    steriaca got a reaction from Quackhell in Create a Villain Theme Team!   
    While Fight is one thing, Quad is another. Able to duplicate himself into four beings total, Quad has taught himself to cordate his attacks for maximum effect. Also while duplicated, opponents have a hard time focussing on him as long as they are close together.

  21. Like
    steriaca got a reaction from Quackhell in Create a Villain Theme Team!   
    The various beings which use The Babylon have various nutritional needs and various appetites. It takes a master chief to be able to please anyone from a rather normal goruma crime lord to a cannibal hillbilly from Texas to alien Xenomorphs and Preditors and Cybertronian Decepticons. The Head Chief may be only a disembodied head on life support conected to a fully mechanised kitchen, but his pantry is fully stocked with whatever is needed, and he is the best chief ever.
    Nobody knows how his head was removed, or how he got this job. But he has it.
    He can even serve up various bug food for Reinfield-Smith's needs.
  22. Like
    steriaca got a reaction from Quackhell in Create a Villain Theme Team!   
    David Reinfield-Smith is, well, David Reinfield-Smith. He is the great-great-nephew of the Dracula Reinfield. And if your something supernatural in nature and you need something, he can get it for you.
    Complete Blood Feast of the Babylon goddess Ishtar? He can provide it.
    New Coffin? He can get it.
    Type X Negative blood from a certain alien race? He has a bottle of the stuff in the wine cellar.
    He is not crazy like his ancestor. He does enjoy a bug diet like his ancestor.
  23. Like
    steriaca got a reaction from Quackhell in Create a Villain Theme Team!   
    Cynthia Davis is Multi-Maid. She was originally a supervillain herself, but got board with "the game" when her duplication powers made her profession rather too easy. Now she is the one woman maid army of the Babylon.
  24. Like
    steriaca got a reaction from Spence in Community Content Program: Hall of Champions   
    Currently helping to pitch ideas about a three part adventure path for newcomers called, well I call it Domed City. I am more of an idea guy than a detail guy (Duke is more of a detail guy). I hope that the final product (which I am not going to write) will be one of the shining games in Drive Through's Hero shop.
    But I'm sure others are going to write there version of the "starter's box set".
  25. Like
    steriaca got a reaction from Quackhell in Create a Villain Theme Team!   
    The smartest of them all is the Vileminded. While extremly weak, it makes up for it with vast mental powers which forces it's will upon others to murder, steal, rape, and jaywalk. Only the purest mind can resist this power, and it is harmful for it to link to such a pure mind. (In much the same way as contact with the Monster's mind is so vile that it hurts thoes who do so...and yes, all members of The Monster's Brood posesses that power. But Vileminded has a complication which damages him when he contacts a pure mind.)
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