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Everything posted by Cancer

  1. Re: WWYCD-Hurricane Katrina Mr Terrific's abilities aren't suited for helping in this case. When you are super-powered for a maximum of 8 minutes a day, a multi-day-disaster isn't something you can do much about.
  2. Re: The cranky thread Any hope of the dryness being seasonal, and once the dry season's over, getting water out of it again? That would sort of be the ultimate pie in the face: You pay for a new well, and get it about the same time as old one starts supplying again, and then turns out late next summer it's just as seasonal as the old one. If that's the case, then (in the long term) a storage tank would do you better than a 2nd (still seasonal) well. That does you no good in the short term, of course.
  3. Cancer

    Name Help

    Re: Name Help Which variety of European, in the linguistic sense? Romance, Germanic/Nordic, Slavic, Celtic, or other?
  4. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER All that reminds me of is the tired old story about the "pencil test", and someone asking if they could have the job of administering the test.
  5. Re: The Last Word If you were really clever, you'd have those bounce smileys going up and down out of phase.
  6. Re: Answers & Questions Q: WOW! You have a complete set all the way back to Action Comics #1? Can I see? A: It really didn't start off like that; all we asked for was a way to get the hairball stains out of the carpet.
  7. Re: A Thread for Random Musings N-dimensional interpolation (with N > 1) is a flaming pain in the aspen if you need continuous derivatives and bounded interpolants.
  8. Re: "Neat" Pictures When I first heard of Dr Who, it was described to me as the TV show that had taught a generation of Brits to be terrified of inverted wastepaper cans.
  9. Re: The Last Word Or ... continuing with the mind-in-the-gutter pattern ... it bounces up and down?
  10. Re: The cranky thread It probably wouldn't be anywhere near as bad if I didn't spend so much time on it ... and that's true in many, many ways.
  11. Re: The cranky thread I hate it when I get a zit on my butt.
  12. Cancer


    Re: Atmosphere True, though in this context, presumably you're not getting it by cracking locally-drilled petroleum. Whatever your power source, hydrolysis of water into H2 & O2 is going to be a very handy portable chemical energy system, assuming technologies for safe transport of adequate H2 supplies are developed. The real advantage of chemical energy is that it's got a high power-to-weight ratio for devices at the low-weight end of the scale (which means that for short-duration medium-power output, chemical devices are really good) and it has a modest start-up cost. Think weapon cartridges here. Even if personal laser pistols were to become the sidearm of choice, I suspect handguns would still go "bang", because chemical lasers still have about the highest power per gram of device; so instead of a guncotton-filled ball cartridge (eaching firing once and then getting ejected) it'd be firing off premanufactured chemical laser cavities (which also would fire once and get ejected) giving you extremely high-energy pulses. Similarly, for short-haul vehicles too small to have a sustained reactor or other megascale power plant, filling up the tank as needed with some chemical fuel is going to be the operation mode of choice. Generation of AC electrical current on a large scale -- that is, the colony's primary power -- has to be done from some other class of source on a space colony, because chemical energy has a really awful power-to-weight at the high end of the weight scale.
  13. Re: One Wizard tower is another's shop I've written code that does that. On the MouseOver event, the button moves to a random position. Fun stuff . Unfortunately, I was told it wasn't appropriate UI design, even for those idiots over in Claims.
  14. Re: Ay yi yi II: More GM Help Needed. I think you need to arrange it so the PCs have to buy back the Brooklyn Bridge.
  15. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "It says, go to http://www.l33twarez.com/~sucker/BaCkdO0rz/sexxxx/ and use the search engine, keyword 'whizBang'." "I tried that." NT: Fast-food joints that cater specially to superheroes.
  16. Re: "Neat" Pictures You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Dr. Anomaly again. For the whole thread.
  17. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Kilts from now on for me. I've had too damned many wedgies from this crew, and it'll never happen again.
  18. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Finds Small Change Under Seat Cushions Man, to help the swelling population of destitute homeless folks.
  19. Re: A Thread For Random Links So you're saying: Four legs ... good, 6+ legs ... bad? Mightybec would be proud!
  20. Re: Answers & Questions Q: So you're the madman who's stolen Gibraltar, Half Dome, and El Capitan? Why on Earth would you do that? {A: collapsed to my prior answer}
  21. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Excuse me, sir, why are you up there hanging on that meathook through your midsection? And why can I see your brain through that crack there? A: (Small, apologetic voice) They were small reptiles...
  22. Re: Some Cheap Gadgets A minor Images power, so he can project to normal sighted people the appearances of things as he sees them. Being on the "same page" can be quite useful. Assume it's some kind of pocket 2-d (or maybe 3-d) projector unit, nothing fancy in terms of fidelity. Given your description of of his "sight", I think a low-quality projected image would be perfectly adequate, so you could do this pretty cheaply.
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