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Everything posted by Narratio

  1. Re: Here's Me Captain Emu? I always thought he was from the funny books. You know the ones with Awesome Carrot and Dr.Dingo, the Hyena from Hell? Funny that. So when this weird bird dude comes traipsing across the lawn, what was I gonna’ do? I mean, it could have been a little person in a bird suit for all I know! So he sits besides and I offer him a beer and he offers me these grub things… What are they called? Wichetty grubs or something like that? Quite tangy really. Next thing I know he’s beek down into the lunch box and telling me bits of his life story. Seems he doesn’t remember any of his childhood, though he carries this picture of an egg that he says was him as a youngster. All he knows is that his Mom said that once, when she and his pa were getting it on, there was a flash of light that turned everything green. And then a voice said “Uh-oh! Now you’ve done it! She’s going to be really pissed this time!” .. Nah, his mom’s pretty much a standard emu from what he’s told me. Sort of small, brownish, eats insects, you know, a regular emu. So, then he tells me about the only thing he had to read when growing up was an old Superboy comic. It was some story about meeting other kids and forming a band or something. So there he is, wandering around, looking for other emus like him. .. Hmm? No, he said something about a guy named Ralph who gave him a lift in an old Chevy Nova… green.
  2. Re: Complicate the Person Above Christina Aguilera was punched out last year by death tribble who mistook her for Justin Timberlake. His opticians say that his new contact lenses will stop that from ever happening again.
  3. Re: Complicate the Person Above Which, in a moment of unplanned synchonicity was exactly what had happened to E84 some 2 years prior with an Eileen Shore of Muncie, Idaho. Except she'd turned him down over the use of a tube of hair gel.
  4. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? I am Legend - Rod Zombie
  5. Re: Complicate the Person Above L.Marcus, as a CIA employee, was the one who was supposed to do the killing but there was this embaressing inter-agency fubar...
  6. Re: Alignment Issues Ah, TRI and I used the same D&D booklets... (surrounded by babes in swadlling clothes only WE remember when all this was just open grassland...) I never liked the alignments stuff. I always thought that was more a matter of Dave getting bored and gary starting to mainline sink cleaning powder. I saw the Lawful side as being "The Machine", filled with fantasy versions of grey men in grey suits. On the 'good' side were the IRS and OSHA, on the 'evil' side was the Totenkranse and the 'I'm only following orders' goons. On the other hand, I took Chaos to be about individuality and striving to make your own mark on the world. Here you had the Salvador Dali's and Iggy Pop's, the Richard Bransons and the Donald Trumps.
  7. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? demonoid penomenon - Rod Zombie
  8. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Head Shots - Suzanne Vega
  9. Re: 1801 Pulp: Jack Styles, the Jack of all Trades For Jack, under skills, you've listed "Conversation 13-". Given that this is Bruce (Gimme some sugar baby!) Campbell who is playing the role of a servant and is filled with teh 'smarmy on liners' I have to ask - why? You've also given him fast draw AND lightning reflexes... maybe you can save a few points on these 2?
  10. Re: Mind Titan The character needed a decent set of campaign psych limits. You know, fear that his 'duplicate' was becoming the real him, a worry that he was nothing without his 'duplicate'. There was a lot of potential in his becoming psychotic about his 'Monster From the Id'.
  11. Re: Answers & Questions Q: The Swedes said you were dumber than a house brick. What about the Norwegians? A: The other one is orange.
  12. Re: The cranky thread So the client said, "Better allow for a 10kV overhead line to run in that pipeline corridor." I gave him the old raised eyebrow. "Sorry? What for?" "Well, of course we're not going to ever put one in, the pipeline is 300kM long after all, but we have to show that there's a provision for it." "What for?" "Well, we have to make provision for supplying local villages along teh pipeline with power." "Okay, so where will we hook up power generation?" "Well, we won't." My bewilderment was approaching record levels for a Friday morning. So we make allowances in the 150M wide, 300kM pipeline corridor for a 10kV overhead line that will never be built, has nowhere to tie into and, due to it's length, could just about supply a volt, maybe 2 at the far end. I hate it when politics gets into engineering.
  13. Re: Complicate the Person Above While I was working as a footstool for the princess of Rhodesia, death tribble was her chair cushion. Oh! How we laugh bout those crazy days when we were young!
  14. Re: Answers & Questions Q) Perflugner! Who dat youse wid boy? Dat your Mudda oh yo Squinge? A: 53 and 1/3
  15. Re: Answers & Questions Q:Have you ever considered having conjugal relations with a bottle nose dolphin? (Sorry - it won't leave my brain) A: But the cream dribbles off the sides
  16. Re: Complicate the Person Above Before getting a regular job, death tribble was employed as an emergency generator for a hairdressing salon. He got his own exercise wheel and as many nuts and seeds as he could eat.
  17. Re: Supervillain Monologues From a 2nd Ed game from back in '84 withmy old wargames group in South London. A Shanghai skyscraper burns. On the 35th floor, the villainous mastermind Xian is dying. His fortress is destroyed, his robotic minions are shattered and the place is a rapidly combusting wreck. “Ah me, And you think that my death in someway makes the world a better place? Do you remember the story of the Hydra? Well, in my death lies the seeds of my vengeance. My minions are now without restraint. I hope your lives are long and interesting…”
  18. Re: Complicate the Person Above L.Marcus was once a free agent in the International Lawn Bowls League. He just couldn't cut a deal with the Pro teams.
  19. Re: Answers & Questions Q: If I said that, besides being a runner up in last years Miss World contest, I was a nymphomaniac brewery owner, and that I am in urgent need of somebody to walk me home, what would you say? A: Twelve point 3 plus or minus a smidge.
  20. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Born on the Bayou - Creedence Clearwater Revival
  21. Re: ideas for dead alternate worlds Here are a bunch of guys who discuss alternate history, other times lines and 'what if...' on the world. They're SF and history buffs and have some great throwaway ideas I've sometimes used in considering alternate worlds and time lines. http://alternatehistory.com/discussion/index.php
  22. Re: Total lack of ideas, clock is ticking down I once tried the mutated animal shtick. It's one that seldom gets seen except in source books. For me it was (yes, you guessed it) a Hyena who'd been uplifted. The powers are really the same sort as if you came at it from the 'human with animal powers' side of the coin. But you get slapped a lot more for eating pidgeons in parks, stray pets etc. Challenging passing dogs over sidewalk territory and peeing in the streets was also a problem.
  23. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Telegraph Road - Dire Straits
  24. Re: The Last Word I heard that same joke, except it was "Freeze IMF!"
  25. Re: Complicate the Person Above deathtribble used to be an aphorism tester. He gave it up when they were testing "Not enough room to swing a ???". He'd seen what happened to the cow, rhino and three toed sloth, who were in front of him in the que. He managed to make it out of the door before the locks engaged. The cat was not so lucky.
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