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Everything posted by Narratio

  1. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? In the Death Car - Iggy Pop Okay, I can deal with irony
  2. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? The Passenger - Iggy Pop
  3. Re: Complicate the Person Above At every election SatinKitty still tries to vote the Kennedy ticket.
  4. Re: Complicate the Person Above True, but it was when we stole Batman's lunch money that it all went wrong.
  5. Re: Complicate the Person Above It's a little known fact that Warren Zevon's 'Werewolves of London' was originally going to be called 'Deathtribbles of London'. Luckily a bottle of smooth bourbon intervened.
  6. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Suzi Q - Creedence Clearwater Revival (...Ah the Fog man, what a writer)
  7. Re: ORCS! What makes them our favourite enemies??? Eosin hit it in one. Orcs are always on the bad guys side. See an Orc, know where the baddies are. Of course, there are a few stories that turn the tail on these view points. Mary Gentles 'Grunts' being the best and makes a pithy comment with this quote: "Let me tell all of you something about orcs...If you're born an orc, everyone's hand is against you. Every Dark Leader that happens along thinks, I need an army, what about a few thousand orcs? They're brutal, efficient, cheap, and there's always plenty more where they came from." -- Ashnak the Orc. See?
  8. Re: The Last Word No, that was somewhere about 8-10 minutes prior to my last word.
  9. Re: The Last Word Oddly enough, that was my last word.
  10. Re: Let's keep cruising the Pacific! Next stop, Nan Madol! I rip all my good ideas from movies, TV or books. One of my best regarded Champion games came from Debbie Does Dallas... but it was a long time ago and I was younger, fitter, with more hair. Now I stick to the classic SF writers.
  11. Re: Need help with Sikh and Gurkhas Sorry St barbara, I lost the connection between my fingers and my brain. Got ahead in my typing. I should have said "...Shiva's wife, Kali, goddess of..." My bad.
  12. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Sorry copeab, it was somewhere in the ending Stones of years (or the begining of Iconclast, you know the way that one went.) No time this time - The Police
  13. Re: Is HERO an ideal or even an adequate game for those new to RPGs? Should it be? 1st ed. Champions was my... somewhere between 7th and 10th RPG and it immediately blew away the rest. I ran a 4 year campaign using 1st & 2nd Ed. Used it to bring newbies into RPG's as Paragon (my old wargames club) wandered the English conventions in the 80's and generally did good with it. I saw the trend to early pulp (Justice how I loved you) and Golden Age Champs, but running anything with 3rd ed. was impossible as I was working overseas. I only found 4th ed. Champions by accident, in Virgin, while on a visa run back to the UK in the late 80's. It was here that I saw the way the system had changed and grown. And that the system was good enough to handle it. Try that with V&V, Heroes Unlimited, Superworld, etal... A competent GM can bring in a newbie and have him playing 5th ed. inside 20mins. Cut out the dross die rolls, add a bunch of narrative and bingo, you've a convert. Nope, this is an easy game system to learn the basics and then spend years fine tuning.
  14. Re: The Last Word I was lying there exhausted, covered in sweat and generally feeling very good indeed while she dressed. Then it was a quick peck on the cheek and she was gone.
  15. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Tarkus - Emerson, Lake and Palmer
  16. Re: Need help with Sikh and Gurkhas I was in nepal about 10 years back, a friend was on a hydro-electric dam construction project so i went visiting. I visited a nearby village and saw some of those blades. Those Kukri come in various sizes. I've now got a British army standard issue affair. I comes with 2 smaller knives in the same scabbard. The Kukri's issued for battle are very much a heavy bladed chomping slicing, killing weapon. Can't throw it, juggle it or shave pencils with it. It's designed to cut through the arm, leg or rib bones of a man and for that it is perfect. The ones for home uses are much lighter. And then there's the Bull beheading special. At a religious ceremoney a Bull is dragged up and the strongest man in the village drags out this monster chunk of wedged steel, hauls back and off comes the creatures head. Amazing to see. An India Assassins guild? Only one of those on the subcontinent, the Thugees (from where we get the word thug), dedicated to the worship of Shiva, goddess of death, destruction, the post service, national railways and other types of pain and discomfrt. the Brit's broke thier power in the late 1800's, but they're supposed to still exist. If your heroine is on the run from them... Ugh.
  17. Re: Answers & Questions Q: And the rationale for bisexuality is? A: But Mr.Greenstreet, it's so slippery!
  18. Re: Complicate the Person Above My mother says that, in his day, L.Marcus was considered quite a catch.
  19. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? In the port of Amsterdam - David Bowie
  20. Re: Seeking Concept Help - Magical Technologist? I like teh Norse Dwarf idea idea myself. It gives you so many "short stuff" humour hooks to play as well as being a magical engineer. But, how about dropping back to Greek myth? Daedalus was father of Icarus and chief engineer to the kings of Minos. He designed and built the Minotaurs Labyrinth and learnt how to bring people back to life (and forget stuff) while locked into the Labyrinth. He's also said to have been able to give statues the power of movement. There's a lot of story hooks there. Continued guilt for his sons death, mistrust of authority figures. Hmm, he may have killed hi nephew while claiming to have discovered the... saw? I forget. So we've got a big ego and a hidden berzerk.
  21. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Why are my shoes filled with Monkey poop? A: But your Honor, she was 18 when it happened!
  22. Re: The Last Word So does Badger have a chance? What with him being all hairy that is.
  23. Re: Complicate the Person Above I saw death tribble posing in an art class one day, he was supposed to be a teapot cover. I heard they didn't sell well.
  24. Re: Answers & Questions Q: So what were those white lines in the road exactly? A: And it lights up when I wiggle it.
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