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Everything posted by Narratio

  1. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Lace and Whiskey - Alice Cooper
  2. Re: Answers & Questions Q: And why did the international monetary Fund call in thier debts? A: It seemed like a good idea at the time.
  3. Re: The cranky thread I'm sitting in Tyumen, Siberia at the end of a steam driven dial up Internet connection. Our subcontractor has just delivered 265Mb of Microstation engineering drawings and my project manager says "just zip them up and send them to Houston for our review." Just zip them up? Just zip them up? Gaaaaaahhhhhh!
  4. Re: Plot Seed: Six Places to Nuke When You’re Serious Lots of good places pointed out. I'd go for either a large body count to trigger WW3 or major economic disruptions via the oil industry. 1) Hong Kong, just about any of it except Wanchai. It'd cause massive disruption to China and Asia's economy, kill a HUGE amount of people and make them get all aggressive to the Taiwan and hence Japan and then The USA. 2) Marjan / Safaniya, North east Saudi Arabia. They'd loose thier most productive offshore oil fields, the main route into Kuwait and thus Iraq would disappear and depending upon the time of year, the winds would blow radioactive waste across all of Kuwait or all down the eastern province coast where the oil facilities and technically proficient population hang thier hats. Watch the world economy suffer as Saudi exports go down to 2 barrels a month for a year or two. The Iraqis, Kuwaitis and - to an extent - The Iranians also suffer export losses. 3) Kuwait, Mina Al Ahmadi refinery or perhaps Shuaba Gas Plant. basically the same situation as with Saudi but more effect upon Iraq and Iran and less upon Saudi. 4) Panama or Suez canals. Economic Chaos as pointed out previously. 6) Mt. Everest. It would knock a few metres off of the top, spread radioactive pollution across thousands of miles and get both India and China into a cross border screaming match about who nuked whom and why. With luck they go to war, it turns Nuclear when Pakistan decides to jump the Indians while they're not looking and Asia becomes a radioactive charnel pit beyond imagination. 6) Pick a western indian city, any of them, say Mumbai. Who would do such a thing? Why, Pakistan of course! At which point india goes nuke all over them in retaliation and they nuke back. and, as in 5 above, the population of the world takes a significant hit. Long term radioactive fallout will be a bugger to clean up and the worlds economies will, once more crumble. With all teh Pakistani's and Indians working in other countries we'll see outbreaks of civil war and then race war! Yippee!
  5. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I sit in the bar, order my usual post-rough day beer and the three Russians on the next couch start sprinkling pepper on thier vodka shooters. What is the point I wonder? I mean, the vodka came in a 1 litre plastic rip top bottle, so it's cheap stuff for those who want to get seriously hammered and don't care about much else. I don't get these guys.
  6. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What were the last coherent words of Jeff Goldblums Character in 'The Fly'? A: Try using a Q-Tip
  7. Re: Complicate the Person Above After the job piloting Y-Fronts fell through, Bazza was forced to become a professional organ donor.
  8. Re: Speaking of Languages I agree with Thia and note that a small point to consider is that a player who builds a character with 'non-mission critical' skills or abilities, no matter how the point break goes, will always try and wheedle them into the game. Somehow, someway, that guy with the miniature train knowledge will use it in a way the GM will never expect.
  9. Re: New guy, new concept... WhatThia and the others are pointing out is that, obviously, limitations are ways of getting a power cheaper, but in doing so you give the GM ways of smacking you down. You have to walk a fine line between overbuying your limitations (there's an example in the rule book about getting a limitation for each missing finger on a hand...) and sticking to your character conception. I'd go with the focus and then let the gestures (pressing parts of the bracelet in an order) be just part of the characters "colour". If you added 'gestures' to the focus and you get chained to a wall, the bracelet is useless. But if you forgo the gestures, get chained to that wall, the GM may let you use the amulet anyway... say by pressing it's facets or symbols against your chains, the wall face, whatever. People underestimate what you can do with the character's 'colour'. A decent GM will let many non-point bought RP stunts go by.
  10. Re: Champions Assemble! The original group lived in the same building, made it easy. As bodies changed out and teh team evolved, beepers were used with the message "Baby's on fire".
  11. Re: Complicate the Person Above Did you know that Bazza used to be a test pilot for Y-Front underwear?
  12. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What was the new Home delivery service like from "Cattle-Dung-R-Us"? A: If you scratch it, it'll never heal!
  13. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What's your opinion of the new, improved breast implant? A: But Mr. Greensleeves, it's so sticky!
  14. Re: Answers & Questions Q: And what effect did Bush Jr. have on goodwill towards America? A: A Rutabaga
  15. Re: Complicate the Person Above death tribble once won second prize for "Best of Breed" at Crufts Dog Show. It was all Enforcer84's fault.
  16. Re: The Last Word Sunday, 13th August. I get off a flight from Moscow at 3.30am in Tyumen, Siberia. A driver awaits me. I've been travelling for 23 hours, I stink with sweat and various food odours, I dare not remove my trainers. We get to my apartment, I sign off his trip sheet. I get off the elevator and go through the triple locks that bar my apartments front doors. I enter the apartment, throw my bags on the floor. Carefully remove my laptop from the travel bag, plug in the power supply and hit the un-hibernate. The laptop starts up and drops me straight back in a game of Civ III Complete - Ottoman Empire, 1926. There are 4 other nations left and I'm in the 2nd place. The Americans are bigger with more miltary but are a tech or 2 behind me. The Germans match me for tech but are smaller and they have Panzers to my Sherman tanks and Sipahi. The French are also rans and can be taken out with minimal difficulty anytime except that they're in a mutual protection pact with the Germans. Question. Did I turn it off and go to bed? Or did I stay awake until 8.00am playing the game out? YOU DECIDE.
  17. Re: Character: Joe Friday I'd remove the Language skill of "police jargon". I'm not sure that there's all that much special that deviates from common English. "Criminal jargon" now, that would be very much a language skill. I remember reading batman comics from the '50's and there was a lot of wierd little terms in them.
  18. Re: A Thread for Random Musings When the cell phone rings 3 times in a row, it's your mother calling. Even from the grave!
  19. Re: Complicate the Person Above L.Marcus' collection of Pre-Columbian Pez dispensers is admired on 3 continents.
  20. Re: Complicate the Person Above Cancer was stalked by Cthuhlu for 6months after he ended thier relationship and they broke up. And it was all over a decaf latte. So sad.
  21. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Do the Hustle - Van McCoy What can I say? I'm having a flashback moment.
  22. Re: How would you (why the heck would you) build this power? I'm thinking that he has a sister, "The Beauty Parlour that Sashays like a Woman". .. .. "Nurse! More medication please!"
  23. Re: The Last Word Video proof, notarised with sworn satements.
  24. Re: Complicate the Person Above I watched L.Marcus perform his semi-famous "Rodeo Unicyle" act once. He didn't get as much applause as he had expected.
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