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Everything posted by Rune

  1. Re: Order of the Stick Of course V. isn't giving up. He is used to telling the laws of physics to roll over. Apparently, the GM wasn't giving eps for V.'s interparty skirmishing.
  2. Re: Order of the Stick With Elan as his bodyguard, Hinjo has a powerful incentive to have Roy raised.
  3. Re: Order of the Stick I liked the explanation of the different treatment between Roy and his Dad. This is such a good comic.
  4. Re: Character for coment: Isis Some combat-oriented skill levels might be helpful. At the least, some levels to offset range mods would not hurt.
  5. Re: On Fantasy [G.R.R.M.] I enjoyed A Feast for Crows but not as much as the earlier books in the series. I felt that he overused cliffhanger endings.
  6. Re: Superheroes: The Five Essentials It's not an easy choice, but here are my selections: 1. The Incredibles 2. Spider-Man the Movie 3. Astro City: the Confessor Storyline 4. DareDevil: Miller's Born Again arc 5. Avengers #19-22 (Introduces the Swordsman, and then Power Man; shows a team of heroes bickering with each other but also working together.)
  7. Re: Lady Yomi no hanna Here are a couple of thoughts. You may want to include Breakfall, which is usually paired with Acrobatics for a martial artist, unless you have a reason against it. Concealment, Security Systems, Streetwise and Persuasion all seem appropriate. As you've mentioned before, defenses are pretty low. Two 8d6 EB will on average knock her out, but depending upon the campaign, that might not be an issue.
  8. Re: Please Critique Steel is a brick who knows martial arts and could be a little rough on your player's characters. 12d6 normal attacks (STR or EB) will do no or trivial damage to him. Unless the heroes have access to magnetic-based attacks, mental powers, NNDs, or Drains, he is going to be unreasonably tough to bring down. You may want to bring his Defenses down. The Damage Reduction seems unnecessary. If you use the STUN Lottery for Killing Attacks, you might want the Damage Reduction to apply only to Killing Attacks. Steel is doing enormous amounts of damage when grabs and crushes: 20d6! Since he has martial grab, breaking out of his grip is going to be very hard for people without special powers like teleportation. Depending upon your campagin parameters, that may be too high. It would certainly pulverize many characters. Instead of having those levels in HTH and those levels in Martial Arts, you could just give him some Combat Levels. Currently, it looks like he has too many levels given the amount of damage that he is throwing. Let's not forget that his martial punch is 16d6! Of course, the STR Aid makes him even more fearsome. Decide where the heart of the character is. If it is important that he be very strong, get rid of the martial punch and give him a couple of levels with punch. This will allow you to mimic a martial punch without the extra dice. I'm guessing that he is fully armored like Colussus. You may want to give him Lack of Weakness or Life Support. Possible Life Support choices would include Immune to High Pressure and Vacuum. The Enraged - Injustice seems like an odd choice for a supervillain can you clarify it? Right now, his main movement is going to be leaping about because he only has 6" of Running. Having a BODY of 10 seems a bit low for such a mighty brick. That Characteristic could be raised. Hope this helps.
  9. Rune

    Die Faust

    Re: Die Faust So, when are we going to see the character write up?
  10. Re: Who Came First the Superhero or the Supervillain? So, in campaigns where the first public metahuman was a superhero, did that early hero act as a role model for later heroes? A popular comic book theme is that the public gets the idea to "ban all the superheroes." Usually, this is the result of the manipulations of some supervillain. In campaigns where the first public metahuman was a supervillain, has that theme emerged or is the public more resistant to that kind of manipulation because a supervillain came first?
  11. Re: Please Critique The Multipower should be increased to 75 points to handle the 10d6 EB with the Penetrating Advantage. Penetrating is a +1/2 Advantage. The 5 levels in Martial Arts seem excessive. Unless this is an important character feature and he has some DCs with Martial Arts, he won't need that many levels. He would probably benefit from a higher Recovery. Flash Defense Sight seems appropriate for a fire-based character. I can't tell from the write up what his final STUN should be. As has been previously mentioned, his defenses are disproportionately high unless you want him to be virtually immune to conventional attack. You shouldn't need to buy targetting for the IR and UV. Sight is already a targetting power. Hope that this helps.
  12. Re: Please Critique Myntec's defenses seem a bit low. Maybe, he could wear protective armor or something. At the least, some binoculars would be helpful for him, so that he can psi-snipe more easily from a safe distance. Some levels to cancel range mods would be useful for the EGO Drain.
  13. In your Champions campaign, did the public first see in action a superhero, a supervillain or was it simultaneous? How did this shape the campaign?
  14. Re: Help me flesh out: Chimera How about 360 degree vision to represent that the heads are always looking around? Knockback Resistance is a good thing for a brick to have.
  15. Re: Spider-Man and The Sentinels In Ultimate Spider-Man, has Spidey ever temporarily blinded someone by shooting web into their face? If so, you may want to give Spider-Man an additional slot in his multipower for a Flash Attack or something similar.
  16. Re: Spider-Man and The Sentinels Hmm. I always thought of that phenomena as more of a special effect for a failed Danger Sense or perhaps Unluck. Spidey's DCV drops and he gets hit because he is to some level or another surprised and not getting the benefit of Danger Sense. I've seen one write up of Spidey where there was a small chance of him ignoring the Spider-Sense and thus not getting the benefit of Danger Sense. It's not a big deal. If the Missile Deflect has levels, then you encourage the player to use it. Clinging will give a ground-bound Sentinel an additional -1" to -6" KB and make it harder to lift. It certainly is a reasonable approach. However, if cost is the only consideration, give the Sentinel the amount of KB Resistance that you feel is appropriate and pay the points. It's a GM character so cost isn't a serious issue.
  17. Re: The Brotherhood of Mutants (Con Game III) I noticed that your writeup of Colossus gave him an 80 STR, but Juggernaut has a 70 STR. Is the Ultimate version of Colossus really stronger than the Ultimate version of Juggernaut? If you kept Cyclops' 12d6 EB with the x2 KB, he is likely to send poor Juggernaut flying unless Juggy uses his STR to brace. Since I'm not familiar with Ultimate Juggernaut, I don't know if that is right or not.
  18. Re: Spider-Man and The Sentinels A couple of thoughts. For Spider-Man, it seemed a little unusual for the Danger Sense, Levels in DCv and the Missile Deflect to be separate slots in a Multipower. I'm not that familiar with Ultimate Spider-Man but I would think that his DCV wouldn't suffer because his Danger Sense is warning him of danger. Since the Missile Deflect has no corresponding levels, it isn't too useful when compared to +5 DCV. Tactically, a Spider-Man character with the current design will keep the Danger Sense active before combat starts and then get the +5 DCV without bothering with the Missile Deflect. My suggestion would be to have the Danger Sense stand alone. Adjust the DCV levels so that Spidey is tough to hit but not impossible, add some levels only when Dodging to represent Spidey being completely defensive and then give Spidey some levels in Missile Deflect so that it makes sense for him to use it. I have no familiarity with Ultimate Sentinels, but -2" KB seems low for a giant robot. On average, a 10d6 EB is going to move it an inch. That doesn't seem right to me. It appears that the Sentinel could be pretty tough to take down depending upon the number of dice people are throwing. Depending upon when it shows up and its programming, its arrival might slow your game's tempo at least until Magneto shows up.
  19. Re: This week on "Champions"... Saturday, 8:00 P.M., The Defenders: Takofanes is beaten, but the Defenders must now pay the price of victory.
  20. Re: Ultimate Six (Con Game II) Here are a couple of thoughts, even if late: 1. Doctor Octopus I'm not sure that Damage Reduction is appropriate for Doc Ock. Has Doc Ock ever showed that kind of resilience in the Ultimate Universe? His effective PD is better than the Sand Man's, and that doesn't seem right to me. If you want Doc Ock to last longer, you could boost those DCV levels and increase his PD a little. Damage Reduction is very powerful, and I don't see it being right for Doc Ock. You may want to give the tentacles a couple of levels. Those tentacles have a pretty decent chance of hitting Spidey (a little less than 50%) but not infintesimal. Reconsider having the tentacles taking x2 BODY from electricity. I could see Doc Ock taking some extra stun from electricity but those tentacles are tough. Have the tentacles ever gotten melted by electricity? 2. Sandman The Sand Man's physical blows nearly took out Iron Man! He should probably do more damage than 11d6. 3. Electro Shouldn't Electo have some extra defenses against electricity?
  21. Re: Crowd control overpowering game I'm not quite sure what the complaint is about Entangle. An EB of equal value will on average break the entangle and let the previously entangled character get a half phase to act if they broke themselves out. Please elaborate. Flash attacks can be a trial, which is why Flash Defense and alternative senses are so useful.
  22. Re: The Con Game You may want to reconsider having Kitty Pryde as a possible available character in a convention game. Since the character has essentially no offense, someone playing her might get pretty bored in the game during the fight scenes.
  23. Re: Is Flying Dodge too good? I don't allow Flying Dodge in my campaign. Putting aside the ability to avoid HTH attacks and Area of Effect attacks, this 5 point martial arts maneuver represents 4 levels in DCV that only work when the character performs a Full Move. That is 20 points with some kind of Limitation, but I don't see that Limitation being worth -3, even taking into account the price break provided by Martial Arts and the fact that you need to take at least 10 points in Martial Arts. It's just too efficient a manuever for my taste.
  24. Re: A Tale of two disads I agree with the general consensus that the vulnerability to Affects Desolid should show up more often to offset the general reduction in dice. On a side matter, it's my view that a character should not be able to rotate through various versions of Desolidification with a VPP. Choose one special effect and stick with it.
  25. Re: My Player Betrayed Humanity. Now What? I agree with Jhamin that you should very nicely find out why this player apparently isn't having a good time with the campaign. It seems to me that this level of disruption might not be limited to this particular character, so a replacement character might not solve the underlying problem. As for the character, it seems like getting booted off the team is the likely minimal consequence of his actions. After some significant act of penance and time, I suppose the character might be allowed to return, but that may not be a practical. If people want to play hardball, the character might be charged with conspiracy to overthrow the United States government by assisting a hostile foreign power.
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