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Everything posted by mallet

  1. Re: Post Apoc. campaign started on Hero Central. I'd be interested in this. I've looked at the Hero Central posting as well. Do you have any character creation guidelines apart from the starting points? Min/Max's? Perks or some such that you have to take? I noticed that one of the players has cyberware can anyone get this? What is allowed/what isn't?
  2. Re: Boomerang Sticky-rang: Also uses TK or Grab(with range) if you want to a boomerang to "grab" something and bring it back to you.
  3. Re: Fantasy setting book in 6th edition? I know we are most likely not getting a new or updated setting book for Fantasy Hero but I'd still love to see the occasional Fantasy Hero supplement set in the Turakian Age come out. An Aarn city book would be fantastic. As people have already pointed out, there is not any real need to "update" the existing setting books since they are mostly setting info and not much in rules, but it would be a waste and a shame not to keep expanding on them or at least keep the Fantasy Hero genre supplied with some source books. I know they have their detractors, but I really like a lot of the Hero setting, especially the Turakian Age.
  4. Re: How do you build a vampire template in 6E? Yah, it would be nice to hear what PamelIsley would consider an acceptable solution or perhaps give as an example of another system that handles the vampire transformation to her liking so we can have a clear understanding of what she is looking for. I haven't played WoD in a long time, but I seem to recall that changing in to a vampire in that system (and if any system should have good rules for changing into a vampire, it should be a game called Vampire) all that had to happen is that through the storyline a normal human is drained down to no blood by a vampire, then the vampire feeds 3 points of blood back into the person. The person then sleeps for a few day (maybe makes a Willpower check to see if they survive the transformation?) then the GM gives them a set number of new "freebie points" to spend on buying up stats, disciplines, etc... and the newly created vampire has all the normal flaws and benefits of a vampire for the game, plus their clan flaw, plus they are blood bonded to their sire. If that is the vampire creation "base line" then the equivalent would be that the vampire would have to Drain the victims BODY down to 0, then Heal the victim 3 BODY (at the cost of 3 BODY to himself) then the victim would make a CON or EGO roll to see if they survived the process. After that the GM would give the new vampire a set number of XP points to spend on stats, plus give the player a choice of one of three free standard abilities that the GM has already pre-made, then give the player his new standard vampire abilities that all vamps get (again for free) and then give him the Complications a standard vampire in the setting would have, plus one special pre-made Complication that fits the new Vampires "clan". Now an easier way of doing that would be that after the victim makes his/her CON or EGO roll to survive the transformation(lets not use that word, it seems to have a bad rep around here) "change into a vampire" then all you need to do is add the Vampire Package Deal to the character and voila, done. No system that I know of has a simple single power for turning a normal person into a Vampire. That is because A) it changes the person into a super being so of course points won't match up in that case. If they did, then the new vampire would have so many flaws that they would be unplayable. So the GM has to give free points to the character to make it work. Something so storyline changing is never left up to chance in any role-playing game. Either the GM wants the player turned into a vampire or he doesn't. If he does then he is fine with giving out the free points, if he's not, then the situation would never happen. He/she might leave it up to a skill roll to see if it happens, but that's a pretty poor GM in my opinion. As for NPC's, well that is why there is the CON/EGO roll to see if they survive the transformation or not. If they do, then bamm new powerful NPC vampire, if they don't, then dead NPC. I would really like to see or hear about any system out there that does it differently because as far as I know, and I've played a lot of different systems, none of them handle it without some GM hand waving and a lot of bonus points for the character.
  5. Re: How do you build a vampire template in 6E? How about this? The person changed into the vampire doesn't pay anything for it (complications = new character points), rather the Vampire changing the person pays for it. Using the Follower perk. In most settings a vampire is "bound" to their creator through blood magic and such. Thus they become a follower of the vampire that turned them. Later on the turned vampire can spend an equal number of points that the Follower perk is worth to gain his/her "freedom" from being a Follower of the main vamp. That solves all the problems, since the newly turned vamp isn't "transformed" technically, but rather he/she buys the Vampire Package Deal (which has a final cost of zero), and the Vampire creating them pays the points to gain a follower.
  6. Re: A Hero System Martial Arts Question for Steve Any word yet on when it will be finished and off to the printer?
  7. Re: Steve's Chat Tonight (Wednesday, December 30) Is there any way for people to view the chat archives these days? I can not often make the weekly chats but I liked being able to read them later in the evening or the next day. If there is currently a way to do so, will that feature be added back to the boards eventually?
  8. Re: 6th Edition Character Sheet Sweet. Thanks RPMiller. Ok, here is the word doc of the sheet. Cheers
  9. Re: 6th Edition Character Sheet I'm trying to upload the word file so I can attach it on here for people to use or modify, but for some reason the forums won't let me. It keeps adding a "x" to the file type so it ends with ".docx" and then it won't let me load it or attach it. I've tried to change it, but it doesn't seem to matter what I do to the original word file, the boards won't let me up load it and it always show up on here with the "x" added. If anyone know what's going on and can tell me how to fix it, I'll post the word files for people to use.
  10. Re: Phaser Disintegration in 6E As far as I can remember seeing on the shows, phasers only killed when hitting the chest (and I assume the head, although I don't recall anyone ever being hit in the head). Hits to the arms and legs never seemed to kill anyone. At it's worst I remember Nog being hit in the leg and having to have it amputated in a DS9 episode but apart from that most arm & leg hits only hurt people, not killed them. So maybe tie the phaser damage effects into Hit Locations?
  11. Re: 6th Edition Character Sheet Only a word doc, I'm afraid. I wish I was good enough to build this as an export template.
  12. Re: 6th Edition Character Sheet Here is a sample of the sheets I use in a fantasy Hero game I gm:
  13. Re: The character should fit on one side of one sheet of paper in 12 point type I like large, easier to read and use sheets. This is an example of the sheets we use in the fantasy Hero game I GM:
  14. Re: Terran Empire changes Not something that needs to be changed or addressed, but it always struck me as pretty much impossible for the TE to grow so rapidly as it does in the books. Both Alien Wars and TE have humanity building colonies and expanding into space way, way to fast. Where are all the people coming from to live, run and work these colonies? Humanity is almost wiped out by the xenovres but with in 250 years (2400 to 2650) to fully recover and expand and have hundred or planets and colonies all teaming with people and cities? That doesn't seem likely.
  15. Re: How do you build a vampire template in 6E? Multiform. That's what you are looking for. I got the idea when I was looking through the Enchanted Items book. In it there is an item called the "Crown of the troll king". What happens is whenever someone puts the crown on they are transformed into a Troll, but they keep their own skills and any characteristics that are better then a normal troll. This is basically what is happening when you turn someone into a vampire. They are taking on a new form with some better stats and powers, but also keeping their own skills and INT, EGO, etc... So you should build it as a multiform. One that the Player can not choose to transfer back from. 6th Ed has rules for this under Multiform in the Personality Loss subsection. basically the person makes a roll (this would happen during the transformation), and if (when) he fails it he becomes "trapped" in the current form and can only recover his old form and personality with outside help (ie, whatever way you decide (if any) that a vampire can turn back in to their original self. Killing sire, blood transfusion, God's blessing, etc...). All you have to do is build what a average vampire in your campaign is, then that is what the person turns into, but they keep any stats that are higher then the Average vampire, and they keep any skills, perks, talents that they already had, plus get any new powers, that the new form has. That should do the trick.
  16. Re: Easiest way to... emulate 5th negative skill levels in 6th I know it is strictly forbidden in the rules, but I still feel that Change Environment would be a much more logical and simpler way to build "create light" spells and items then Images is or ever will be. There is no reason why a flashlight should be built as Images only to create light, etc, etc, etc... with all the modifiers added to it and end up costing 27 active points, when CE already has a simple rule for giving neg mods to Perception rolls and could easily be switched to giving plus mods to the same rolls. I mean I can see how allowing positive effects with CE could be abused, but that what GM's are for, the rules should just make use whats already there and is logical for the build.
  17. Re: Blocking and relative strengths An other idea might be to use the Unarmed vs. Weapon Blocking rules from Fantasy Hero 5th edition. With those rules Unarmed characters get -2 OCV to their Block check when attempting to Block a weapon attack. This represents how hard it is to block a weapon bare handed while avoiding taking any damage from the weapon. Basically the types of Blocks people have been talking about in this thread. You could adapt this to this situation by saying that if the Attacker in the hand to hand fight has +10 STR (or +15, +20, or whatever level you think best) more then the defender then the defender has -2 OCV to Block the attack and avoid damage. Probably best to adapt this similar rule, rather then create a new one.
  18. Re: Blocking and relative strengths I can see how in some situations the GM might rule that a STR check might be needed to block a stronger opponents attack, but that should be on a case by case bases, not a hard and fast rule. For example: A Boxer blocks by holding up his arms and "soaking" the attackers hit. That's what blocking is in the Boxing Martial Art. So, well, sure, a normal person trying to block a punch from a Giant Robot that way is going to get creamed. The GM should rule that the block doesn't work in that instance. But in most normal fights, human against human, it should work fine even if the STR stats are 5-10 points different. In fact this is a good thing and should happen more often. Not all blocks or attacks or maneuvers should work against all opponents. The GM should always be on the look out for reasons why something might not work (or might work extra well) in combat. This is realistic and can be fun, with the players having to learn and adapt to fight different things in different ways. In the example above, the Boxer trying to block the robots punch will quickly learn from his mistake and have to adapt and try something different in order to win the fight. He can't just Block, Punch, block, punch... as normal. He'll have to improvise.
  19. Re: Phaser Disintegration in 6E I think Star Trek force fields would definitely be built using the Barrier power. In fact I believe the 6th ed book even refers to using this power to simulate it. I would build a Star Trek star ship force field like this: Star Ship Force Field: Barrier 30 PD/30 ED, 30 BODY (up to 300m long, 200m tall, and 1/2m thick), Dismissable, Cannot Be Escaped With Teleportation (+1/4), Impenetrable (+1/4), Mobile (+1/4) (1095 Active Points); Feedback (Damage directed to Interior Displays, conduits, work stations and computers) (-1), Conditional Power: Cost END equal to STUN & BOYD Damage resisted (-1), Costs Endurance (to maintain; -1/2), Restricted Shape (Only to Englobe) (-1/4), Real Armor (Engineering must maintain and repair shield generators) (-1/4) The PD/ED/BODY numbers are just guesses. These would be set to campaign standards. Cannot Be Escaped With Teleportation is simple, they can never beam stuff up or down when the shields are up. Feedback is used because even when the ships shields are still up, work stations and display screens are always blowing up when the shields take damage. Real Armor is because engineering staff have to fix, repair the shield systems all the time after combat. The Conditional Power is how I think it is best to describe the force field eventually failing. Since it takes a lot of END to keep the shields up, and the more damage they take the more END they drain from the ships power supply. This way the crew can redirect power (END) to the shields to keep them up. For example if the ships shields had an END of 100 and lost 30 END in an attack, then the "Shields down to 70%, Captain!" In a personal Force Field, the constant attacks would quickly drain the END of the field, causing it to drop and the person to be vaporized. Thinking about it more, you might even take Feedback off and have the exploding work stations and displays be part of the ship "paying STUN" to feed the "END" of the power once the shields END reaches zero. There also might be a Limitation you could design that made it so the max PD/ED/BODY of the shield was only ever equal to the current END of the ship. That way as the power dropped, the shields strength would also fade. In fact, this might be the best way of simulating Star Trek force fields, but someone with better Hero-Fu would have to work out that limitation for you. A personal force field would be the same, but smaller in size. Since the tech in Star Trek all comes from the same source, it's a safe bet that personal force fields are just smaller versions of the big ones.
  20. Re: HERO SYSTEM MARTIAL ARTS -- What Do *You* Want To See? As for moving an opponent during combat, well the Knockdown rules could be used for pushing people back, but those usually involve dealing a lot of damage on a hit. An other option might be to have a special maneuver that you "add" to an existing maneuver. Something like you buy the maneuver Combat Push (-2 DCV, and Moves target 1m back on successful hit) You could add this maneuver to an existing maneuver during combat if you wish to get the effect. For example Fast Strike (+2 OCV, +0 DCV, +2DC) when used with Combat Push becomes Fast Strike (+2 OCV, -2 DCV, +2DC, moves target 1m back). Or something along those lines.
  21. Re: Someone called it mutagenic. It will depend on the details and power levels of your setting, but one problem (more of an issue really) was in a Star Hero game I was GMing a while back. We were using the Terran Empire Setting as is, including the setting books. In one of the books it had a similar build like what you are describing. It was a cyborg implant that gave an Adrenalin boost to STR & CON when triggered. The problem was that it gave a 3d6 boost. Now in some settings and on some stats that might not seem like much, but in a setting with NCM a 3d6 boost to STR can have enormous and very unrealistic effects. A STR 12 character could suddenly have STR 30! That's a difference of lifting 100kg to lifting 3200kgs. And a STR 20 character could suddenly with an "adrenalin boost" (and good roll) find himself on time lifting almost 6,400kgs!!! That is way outside the "realistic" scope of the setting. It is a problem of how the STR chart lifting capacity doubles every 5 points, which is fine in a Super Hero setting, but not very good in a Heroic setting (it is something I wish had been adjusted in 6th ed.) So depending on the setting and "realism" of your campaign you might want to watch for that when designing this build. What I eventually did for the Star Hero game was to have 2d6 (of the 3d6) set as a Standard Effect, with the player rolling just 1d6 to add to that total (giving the booster a range of +7-12) this gave us a more "realistic" and effect and less of a wide swing in effect based on the roll because it also didn't make sense of the devise to one time give a boost up to 3200Kgs (for a character with STR 12, roll of 18), and the next a boost of only maybe up to 200kgs (on a roll of a 5). Agian it is all based on what is possible and acceptable in your setting, but it is something to watch out for.
  22. Re: Fantasy Hero with 6E I guess we wont be seeing the long wished for Guide to Aarn will we?
  23. I couldn't find anything about this in books or in the FAQ, but I was wondering if there was an official ruling on it. When using Two Weapon Fighting with Hand to Hand weapons should you add the strength minimums of both weapons together to determine either DC bonuses or OCV negatives? For example a fighter with STR 15 has two weapon fighting and is using two swords each with a STR minimum of 10. Should the GM add both STR Min's together, getting a STR Min of 20 to use both weapons effectively (so the fighter in this example would be 5 STR short) or, since he has enough STR to handle each weapon by itself, there is no need to worry about using them at the same time?
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