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Everything posted by mallet

  1. Re: How many character points do you think a 20th level DnD character would have? Thanks for all the input guys. They main thing I was trying to do was balance it out while using all the Turakian, MMM, NNN creatures and monsters and badguys as writen for the setting and foes... and still explain "power levels" to my players.
  2. Re: How do fighters hurt/kill a dragon? Forget this post. I posted it before doing further research. Seems like it is because Skarm is so powerful. "Regular" Dragons seem to have a lot less rPD, so doing 7d6+1 would be doing a lot of damage against them.
  3. So in working stuff out for my new campaign set in the Turakian Age, i have been looking "down the road" to see how things might eventually work out for the characters, point wise, damage wise, etc... And I was looking at what it would take to fight a dragon. Now magic using character can eventually get spells that do a heck of a lot of damage and maybe hurt a dragon, but what about fighters? Using Skarm from NNN as an example. He has 24 rPD. Given that a fighter has a STR of 20, even if you gave him the ultimate Dragon killing weapon from the EI book Azganog's Bane which does 6d6 vs Dragons he would still "only" be doing 7d6+1 damage. That means on average he would only be doing 23 to 24 points damage on a hit. Meaning that most of the time he wouldn't be doing any damage at all, or very little. Do you feel this is a bit out of balance, or is it just that Skarm is such a powerful dragon that even such a powerful weapon would have little effect on him?
  4. Re: How many character points do you think a 20th level DnD character would have? Thanks for the quick replies guys! Killershrike's stuff is great for some guidelines.
  5. The title pretty much says it all. In Turakian age setting, what do you think the character point totals of players would have to be the equivalent of 20th level DnD characters? How about 1st level characters? I am starting a game with a bunch of newbies to the hero system, but they do know DnD. They are trying to wrap their heads around roughly how many cp in her equal a relative level in DnD. I haven't played DnD in almost 20 years, so I have no idea. Is 350 points roughly 20th level, or 700? Can anyone here give me some ideas?
  6. A character in my fantasy hero game wants to build a power/ability and I am have trouble deciding how it should be built, so I am looking for any ideas people might have. The character's primary weapon is a spear and he wants to have a power where if he spends his phase spinning and waving it about it about keeps an opponents from getting with in hand to hand distance of him. He doesn't attack while doing this, nor do any damage, it just keeps his enemies from getting close to him. At first I thought this could be built as a barrier, but that doesn't seem correct, since it doesn't protect him against damage from ranged attacks, and it doesn't really have any PD/ED/BODY (although I guess the spear itself could stand in for the BODY of the barrier). Another thought was a form of Telekinesis to Grab or Push back opponents but that also doesn't seem correct. Then I thought about Mind Control (Only to Prevent Target(s) from Attacking him) but I am not sure. However it is built I think it should involve his opponent(s) having the chance to make an EGO or Presence roll to be able to overcome the "fear" of getting to close to him. How would you guys build an ability like this?
  7. Re: CHAMPIONS 6E -- What Do *You* Want To See? Not a mini setting, but some discussion/rules to handle games designed as "Graphic Novels", and by that I mean, campaigns where there might be adventures last 8-9 sessions (a single "graphic novel") and then the next adventure uses the same characters in the same setting, but might take place years later (in the character universe). Kind of like "Batman: The Dark Knight" and "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns" GN's. So rules and suggestions for character growth/changes during these "years" between adventures would be cool. Not just for Champions, but eventually for all genres. I seem to remember WOD having some rules of that nature to handle the long lives of Vampires and how years might go by between big events ("Adventures"). This is also seen in lots of comics now days (especially Marvel) where it seems most titles just have "filler" issues for most of the year leading up to the "BIG SUMMER MEGA CROSSOVER EVERYTHING YOU KNOW CHANGES" event. For the other 7 months of the years nothing much happens, then the big event goes down. Some talk of handling things rule wise and character growth wise between these big events, if you just want to have time passing by in your characters lives and the setting, would by good.
  8. Re: What Genre book Reprint are you most anticipating? My big question is: What is Hero Games going to publish past the next few years? We know the immediate stuff: Champions, Villains ( volumes), Beastery, The Gear Book, Fantasy Hero, Star Hero, Martial Arts Hero, Champions Online RPG, Cyber Hero, Ultimate base, and...? I'm not sure what else has been announced or hinted at. And that's great! (and a lot of work) But what about after that? I believe they have said that they won't do any more setting books (Boo... I like the Hero's setting books), and no more Star Hero supplements (or is that genre supplements of any kind?), or adventures, etc... So, after all the big books come out over the next two years, what will they be publishing? Without setting books & supplements to those setting books (which seems to be the life blood of most other game companies) or adventures (which also seem big for other companies, well at least for the D&D crowd), what direction is Hero Games going to take? I'm sure they have ideas in mind, I just wish I knew what they were. I'm impatient like that.
  9. One problem I've had with the SPD and players taking actions/turns is that for the most part all PC's and NPC's have the same or almost the same SPD score. I almost always play/GM non-superhero level games (but most still have powers or magic of some sort, just lower level stuff then full on Superhero games) so SPD scores are almost always at 3 (sometimes 4). This can lead to some generic, uninspiring combat and ends up not taking full advantage of some of the options, maneuvers, etc... That can happen when there is a good spread of SPD scores in the combat. So I have been thinking of a way to mix things up a little and I was hoping to get some feedback from the boards before starting to implement it. The Idea is that everyone starts off with the same base SPD score. Let's say 2. Then at the beginning of every turn of combat each character can "buy" 1 point of speed for say 10 END (I still haven't decided what the actual END cost will be. Maybe be 8? 6?) that last for that turn only. So, characters can get more actions in a turn, but have less END to use on powers, etc... This will keep combat interesting since you might never know how many actions a character will take on any given turn. It helps simulate "bursts of speed" for one turn, as well as characters slowing down the longer combat takes (REC won't cover all of the spent END a turn) so eventually characters will have to slow down back to the standard SPD of 2, at least until they get some END saved back up. I'm still fooling around with the details, but what do you guys think of the concept?
  10. Re: Takofanes, where is he? Say... a Book of Takofanes would be a sweet source book, along the lines of "Book of the Destroyer"
  11. Re: APG Discussion thread Sweet! That's exactly something I've been looking for. I have a campaign setting where there are mystical "hot spots" across the globe, the closer a character gets to one of these "hot spots" the more powerful they become. Until now I've been using mulitform with the PC's switching to a different (more powerful) version of their character the closer they get to a "hot spot" (and likewise a less and less powerful version the further they get away from a "hot spot" until they go back to being "normal" humans.) I'll have to get this book and see if this will work we'll for my setting.
  12. Re: 6ths are out of Customs and on way to warehouse! Yes!!!!!!
  13. Re: One Last 6E Preview: The Covers! I like the non-image covers for the main rule books, it won't make people think of only one genre when they see them, like they would if they had a superhero fight on the covers. Save the images and pictures for the genre and setting books. Those are the books you want people to associate a specific genre with.
  14. Re: One Last 6E Preview: The Covers! Me like
  15. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #4: Deflection, Reflection, And Range Maybe his suit had enough ED to negate the blast or it was a Force power that allowed him to do that. As for the lightsaber cutting off his hand, most lightsaber builds that I have seen use NND (force fields) so any ED his suit might have had would have been useless against the lightsaber attack. At least that's how I would see the builds to simulate that.
  16. Re: Top 5 Favorite 5E Supplements Hmmm.... Star Hero DEMON Alien War Post Apocalyptic Hero Ultimate Skill But that still leaves out a lot of other great books.
  17. Re: Poll: What do you play Running a Mystic Hero campaign using a lot of the DEMON stuff for it. Developing a Star Hero/Alien War campaign to start up after the Mystic Hero game ends.
  18. So is there a new life form growing in the North Carolina sewers? Check out this video clip from a sanitation worker. Warning, it's pretty disgusting.
  19. Re: What would happen - and at what cost? I'm no scientist, but I would think making use of the temperature extremes in space could be quite beneficial and cost effective. Move something to the right position in direct sunlight and have it super heated/ melted in seconds, move it to another location in the shade and have it freeze to super cold temperatures. I would think that would be nice, given the energy, money and pollution required to heat and freeze objects during manufacturing here on Earth.
  20. Hi guys, I'm looking for any information, ideas, websites, programs, etc... that might help calculate the growth of a population over time. The background is, a human colony ship went off course during it's trip to a new world and ended up setting down on an entirely different planet then they planned on. Cut off from resupplies and any contact with Earth they have spent the last x years building a new society on this earth-like planet. So I am trying to establish that if they started with 1000 people, what would the population probably be in, say, 100 years? or 300 years? What happens to those totals if they only had 500 people to start, or 3000? Does anyone know a good (and fairly realistic) formula to calculate this out? Or even better a program that does the calculations for you? Thanks!
  21. Re: 6e Characteristics I'm willing to bet that there will be no starting values for any of the characteristics in 6th ed. All characteristics will start at zero and you build "from the ground up". No need to sell back stats if you want them lower, etc... Just buy them up to what you want. I think it fits with granularity of the system and the fact that there are no more figured characteristics and CV's are bought separately. The only change will be giving more starting points at CharGen to make up for the loss of "free" base points in stats.
  22. Re: What do you know? Ah.. Good to know.
  23. Re: What do you know? This is more of a technical question about the build of the power: Can you actually have the limitations: Concentration, Gestures (complex) and Incantations (complex) in use at the same time for 2 powers? I mean the character can't be doing the complex gestures and incantations for the Healing power, at the same time as he is doing them for the Transformation power, can he? Maybe if one of the powers required the Incantations and the other required the Gestures it would work, but with both, using both, that seems incorrect to me. I don't think I would allow that build if I was GMing it or is there something in the rules that I don't remember saying that a joint ("PLUS") power can make use of the same Limitations, at the same time, on both powers?
  24. Re: London Knights Thanks for letting us know Knuckles. Hope everything works out.
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