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Everything posted by gewing

  1. Re: P90 Revised I was amazed by the D20 modern weapons book. IIRC it was "the arms locker" or something like that. Even I had never heard of a 23mm pump shotgun, but it is real! 3 shot pump action 4 gauge. WOW the Russian 9x39 suppressed guns are good "gamer guns" as is the Alexander arms .50 Beowulf. 300 grain bullet at 1900fps from an Ar-15/M-16 with a 16 inch barrel. Only 10 shots, but...
  2. Re: just a note for the arduin fans I thought it made a VERY useful and fun addition to old AD&D. Some of the stuff was awefully silly(bust size roll for female characters, random skin colors, etc) but the idea of a chart where you would roll to give your character something just a little(or sometimes a lot) different from others of his class was nice. I still remember the first two magic weapons my Phraint got. a +3/+3 spear and a halbred that was +1 to hit, but +7!!! to damage. other fun magic items I remember: Shark bolts, Mighty magical mistical sling stones of slaying, hobbit stones, a shield that ATE opponents on a shield bash, if crit rolled iirc, I had a two ended pole arm that was fun... Then there were some of the monsters. SHock bones... Biggles, Black scorpions, the list goes on and on.
  3. How about Death comb or maybe banty or something. what if you gave him muay Thai, and blades on his shins. You could call him the pitfighter or something. Does anyone know more about fighting "birds"? I can't think of any names for them. sorry, but... Cockerel or coxcomb would be too problematic.
  4. I couldn't tell at a glance, any David Webber ships? I know someone scratch built one for a contest there.
  5. I thought of the Orgasmatron in Barbarella. I think that was the name. She broke it.
  6. I agree with you pretty much across the board. I forgot to post my opinion on Damage Shield. It sucks points even faster now. I guess it is a good thing I don't usually use it.
  7. There are only 2 issues I have with movement powers that come to mind... the old RUnning with clinging versus flight only on surfaces and What happens if I fly under water? no books around, forgot to bring them tonight.
  8. Inherent I like, but I seem to be one of the only people who even thinks of using it... Regen is now, imo VERY much a klunker. Weapons writeups I have ranted about too many times. New Shapeshift is a lot more expensive and complicated. I dislike being told "no zero end powers in frameworks" because that means that for instance a character who is a hardshell cyborg has his density increase and armor outside his elemental control, I have been thinking about house rules of Strength costs 2 points, Ego costs 1 in most games, and hit locations are always used. Ego would not always be 1 point, I have a personal problem with mentallists, few games will be likely to have them. Mind flayers all got a nasty virus and DIed.
  9. most of the small vaults I have seen were less than 1" steel facings with concrete or some such inside, but they were actually safes, not true Vaults.
  10. NOt all their money, just enough to have the airsoft guns that match their real ones for practice in the house.
  11. Re: Suggested Reading for FH I like them quite a bit, though rather depressing.
  12. I will buy it, even though I am not really a d-20 fan. Weber fan, YES INDEED!
  13. The only thing I can think of is a skill level or 2 with thrown weapon. maybe more given his frisbee skills.
  14. True, but there are always those "unfortunate accidents" when they forget you are in range of their killing 4d6 Explosion...
  15. Mythic Greece wrote up Heracles also. Now THERE was an archer.
  16. That makes absolutely NO sense. he flat out stated a 300 lb bow in one issue. A 60 lb bow is a nice hunting weight, a 75 lb is heavier than most people use, and an 80 is about the same. I read about a guy hunting in Africa who had a 95 lb longbow.
  17. bump Now that I am back from Vacation I can actually catch up on this.
  18. Doesn't Hawkeye draw a 300 lb bow? and he is NO MATCH for Cap, imo.
  19. That sounds really familiar, was it John Kelly's campaign at the UW?
  20. I can't remember what my old group instituted after I left, something like killing attacks end up with a range of 1-4x . It might even have been straight 3x. Bugged me quite a bit.
  21. Even old 30 30s will probably penetrate! Pistol rounds out of carbines might gain enough velocity. BE CAREFUL OUT THERE, PEOPLE. Seriously. Be careful, think ahead, always check six. I work in security, but if I ever have to start thinking like a Police Officer, I will probably switch over to Custodial. Not THAT big a downstep in pay.
  22. The problem is that Shaped charges are also used in US service as the only HE round of the tanks, because their Blast effect is pretty good. Not as good as a HESH round, or a Russian HE-Frag round, but they are still an anti-armor round, with the HE effect as a side benefit. Personally I think we should use a Dual purpose with a fragmentation sleeve or a straight HE/HE-Frag also. Particularly as there are relatively FEW tanks for the military to target now. The US tank ammo loadout was predicated on a war against the Warsaw Pact, where their tanks would outnumber ours by a very large number. Tanks were to kill tanks, everything else was secondary. Now we will most likely mostly be shooting at bunkers, buildings, trucks, groups of infantry... I keep wondering if a 75-90 millimeter gun with an autoloader and a LOT more than 40 rounds would make more sense for near term. Problem is that those would not penetrate a modern tank frontally.
  23. Just IMHO, if a world where supers exist, the police would have standing response teams with things like anti-material rifles, laser designators, and possibly mortars or more probably recoilless rifles. WIth a low velocity projectile of that type, you could have a scaled up capture net, bean bag "non-lethal" rounds, or cannister or shaped charge rounds. Sniper attacks would be the norm, with the more destructive stuff called out only when necessary. Has anyone seen the "AD Police" anime? WOrld of "Bubble Gum Crisis" relatively normal police dealing with rogue combat robots, cyborgs, etc. Not a job for those with families. National guard could have somewhat heavier equipment, I like an armored vehicle with a "gun Mortar" and an autocannon. The mortar can fire direct or as an indirect fire with guided rounds. the autocannon would be designed for accuracy and have at least 2 types of ammo, AP and area effect, maybe just one hex in game terms, in which case there would be an HE type round for blowing holes in walls, etc. Basically an Armored fighting vehicle Optimized for Urban fighting ans small targets. Anti-tank weapons like Predator or SPIKE would be popular too.
  24. Shaped charges are one of the weak points in Heros system writeups imo. There should be explosion, NON AP on at least part of the attack. partial advantages are a pain, though.
  25. That has my vote. EDIT on the other hand I have made a lot of compromises on how I Envisioned characters to get them to fit in one way or the other.
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