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Gary Miles

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Everything posted by Gary Miles

  1. Re: Why Your Heroes Shouldn't Kill Except it's nothing like that. The Death Star was a MILITARY installation/ship. Which means all on board are considered part of the MILITARY. The ENEMY military. Whether they were sleeping, or running the PX, or doing the dishes, they were still inhabiting a military installation/ship.
  2. Re: Gods with Off Switches vs. Loaded Guns. DC vs. Marvel in Character Design.
  3. Re: House rules: speed, height advantage, gang up bonus, facing, dodging? Not good. Too much changing from base HERO rules. There's nothing wrong with characters that vary in SPD. It's part of what differentiates characters from each other. If they paid 10 points per point of that SPD, they NEED to "get their money's worth". Otherwise, you (as GM) can just flat-out say, "Guys, I only want you to make SPD 3 and 4 characters". Or, "Guys, I only want you to make SPD 2 characters".
  4. Re: Announcement: The Monster Hunter International RPG! I was going to be getting this, because it sounded interesting. Then I took a look at Correia's blog. I've now decided he's going to get none of my money. Sorry, Hero Games folks.
  5. Re: Cyber Hero (4thEd) any good? I thought it was pretty decent. It was during the period when Iron Crown was publishing, though, and a lot of the stuff appeared to be converted from I.C.E.'s "Cyberspace" game. Not bad.
  6. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete But she does seem to be a good kid (I think I can call her a kid- I'm 51). By the way, over there, I'm nightwind1.
  7. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Yeah. Plus, I've noticed on RPGNet that Rachel can be verrrryy particular about her characters and their capabilities and such.
  8. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete I've always been of the opinion that rulebooks, being manuals, don't need color. Color is great in my comic books, but I don't need it in a book full of rules. That said, I did color every villain in my 4th Edition Classic Enemies book with colored pencils. I'm growing older, I refuse to grow up.
  9. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... You know those little boxes that new checks for your checkbook come in? My Maine Coon used to like to sit in those. Yup. A Maine Coon. Only his feet would fit in the box, but he didn't give a damn.
  10. Re: Interesting article about Sexism in Geek Communities Why, yes, it should be. That's pretty frakkin' obvious. But that doesn't mean a person can't take steps to maybe, possibly present less of an opportunity for said rapist- who shouldn't be raping any way- to get away with it. You know, be with a group, walk in well-lit areas, maybe learn some self-defense techniques. Because we already KNOW that a rapist shouldn't be raping in the first place.
  11. Re: Interesting article about Sexism in Geek Communities
  12. Re: Hero-D&D system merge? Found it! (I knew I wasn't THAT crazy!) Fifth Edition Ultimate Martial Artist, Page 160. So, apparently, it was in "Special Cases and Optional Rules" in Ultimate Martial Artist. But I know we've used it in non-martial arts games as well, because it makes sense.
  13. Re: Hero-D&D system merge? I believe (don't have FREd in front of me) that in 4th and 5th Edition Hero, if your character passed through a hex that was directly adjacent to another characters hex (as part of your guy's movement), then your guy is considered 1/2 DCV versus the other character. To me, that sounds like the equivalent of "zone-of-control" and "Attack Of Opportunity". I could be wrong, though. I rarely play D&D.
  14. Re: Tactics "Once you pull the pin, Mr. Grenade is no longer your friend."
  15. Re: Tactics I had this problem once. We were playing FASA's "Star Trek", and all of the other players elected me captain of the ship. However, the first ship-to-ship encounter we had, my captain started giving orders, and the players started getting pissed that I didn't ask them for their input first. This was set during the TOS era, so there was no reason for them to expect my character to call a huddle like TNG in its worst moments.
  16. Re: GM vs Player narrative authority Here's another example of GM vs Player authority, from my own Fantasy HERO campaign this time. For the very first time, instead of requiring individual spells, or Multipower spell pools, I allowed one guy to use a Variable Power Pool for his spells. Things were going great, until after one battle, he went to heal another PC. Now, in my world, the highest amount of Healing Aid available- without being a cleric or paladin of Chrylisti, the Goddess of Light, Healing and Knowledge- is 2d6. ONLY a cleric or paladin of Chrylisti can have higher than 2d6. That's her in her portfolio, so that's the way it works. The wizards VPP was enough, rules-wise, that he COULD do 4d6, if I allowed him. But I told him it wasn't possible- he wasn't a cleric or paladin of Chrylisti. So no more than 2d6. Player argued with me for almost 30 minutes. Was I being a dick? Or was I right? PS: I got into it over this on RPGNet one time. When I ran a D&D version of this same world, I stated that only a cleric or paladin of Chrylisti had could take Cure Heavy Wounds or greater. The most anyone else could do was Cure Light Wounds. One guy argued with me for over a dozen posts that I was doing it wrong.
  17. Re: GM vs Player narrative authority This is my opinion: HERO System is specifically a GAME DESIGN TOOLKIT. It's a kit for the DM and/or players to tailor the game to THEIR specifications, and it SPECIFICALLY lays a lot of the game on the GM. Many, many things in the HERO System rules are listed "GM's Discretion", and even if some rules AREN'T labeled "GM's Discretion", the official assumption is the GM is allowed and encouraged to make judgement calls. That's what GM's do- they make JUDGEMENT CALLS.
  18. Re: GM vs Player narrative authority That's pretty much the way I would GM it. The player says Epic, that doesn't mean he gets the basic Mod, it means EPIC. Also, so many of the people in that thread seem to have a major HATE-on against GMs. Especially this quote: Gary (nightwind1 on RPGNet)
  19. Re: Earlier version of the Champions Superteam Oh, yeah. Forgot about them. I kind of liked that version of Defender.
  20. Re: How to balance mages in high fnatasy. That was in "THE TICK", and the villain was Chairface Chippendale.
  21. Re: Earlier version of the Champions Superteam Fifth Edition had: The Champions- Defender, Sapphire, Ironclad, Nighthawk and Witchcraft. Fourth Edition was: The Champions- Defender, Jaguar, Seeker, Solitaire, Quantum and Obsidian. First through Third Editions had: The Guardians- Marksman, Flare, Giant, Rose and Icestar.
  22. Re: Creepy Pics. I got nothin'. But I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that it was a pic of the helicopter made from a stuffed dead cat, that I've seen on a couple of other forums today. Am I right?
  23. Re: Rogues...and Soldiers...and Assassins...and...Gallery (Dark Champions Art)
  24. Re: Make Your Own Motivational Poster Here are a few you might be interested in (none were done by me):
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