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Everything posted by allen

  1. allen

    Apocalypse Hero

    Yup, that's the one... Allen "Thanks for the assist" Thomas
  2. allen

    Apocalypse Hero

    Nuclear A Boy and His Dog, Harlan Ellison (Also a movie) Virus (maybe Biological) I am Legend, Richard Matheson (basis for the movie, Omega Man, also a movie starring Vincent Price that I _think_ was called I am Legend.)
  3. Re: The Outer Limits. I would love to play in a game like that, but I also think that sort of RPG is not to everyone's taste.
  4. Re: Re: 25mm hex bases or this one: http://www.jeffvalentstudios.com/ those are plastic slotta bases.
  5. Re: 25mm hex bases you can order them here: http://www.doordice.com/GameAids/Category.cfm?Section=Modeling&Search_StartRow=11 I've never ordered from doordice.com so I can't vouch for 'em. also, those are produced by Reaper, so they might be metal rather than plastic. There's no number of bases either.... and they might not be slotta. Anyway if you go to google.com and do a search for '25 mm Hex Bases' you'll get some hits. (believe it or not.)
  6. Re: Maps - How To Find Them? Look for children's books... There's a series called "how's it work" or "what's inside" or something along those lines that's really good. While it may seem silly, the great thing about children's books is they have tons of illustrations. Also public libraries carry tons of them.
  7. Re: Tech level concept Interesting to see spoken language included here... There's a novel by Scott Westerfeld (sp?) titled Fine Prey, which deals with the differences in language between alien species and the evolution of spoken language to deal with the resulting ideological changes. Anyway, that's not a perfect abstract of the novel, but I think if you wanted to take communication tech levels in a sort of different direction, the novel would make good meat for the grinder (so to speak).
  8. oof... that 'beast and dazzler' reference was a blast from the past... what was the mini-series called? "Beauty and the Beast"? mutant gladiators right? crazy.
  9. Heck, take a closer look and you'll see that Witchcraft has already been knocked out by Firewing... although I'd guess red-heads move more units than talking apes.
  10. check out http://www.crocodilegames.com for minis...
  11. heh... well, to be fair, the rest of her spell selection isn't too bad and is in general enchantment/illusion spells, but it is, admittedly, a tre' D&D character write-up of Daenyrs (sp?) and not how I would've done it using the same system... to each their own, I guess.
  12. I was one of the people on the "Cheating Death" thread that mentioned Steve said Prof. Muerte wouldn't be back; I can't remember his exact phrasing, but he posted the comment on the old boards.
  13. So as stated elsewhere, Dragon #307 has some d20 info for gaming in Westeros. I've read through the material and brief summary and comments follow if anyone's interested... It's about 18 pages in length, plus there's an interview with George R.R. Martin. The gaming stuff is authored by Wolfgang and Shelly Baur. It begins with a page and half summary of the history of Westeros. Then moves on to discuss two possible campaigns ideas. I'll summarize with section headings... THE SAGA OF WESTEROS Westeros History, Abridged [maybe 1 full page of text] >House Targaryen >House Baratheon >House Lannister The Secret War [1 paragraph concerning what's going on north of the Wall] Sidebar: The Kingsguard and King's Hand THE AWAKENING DARKNESS: THE ICE WALL CAMPAIGN The Wall >The Night's Watch [4 para. descrip.] >The Keeps [2 para. descrip.] >Mole Town [1 para. descrip.] The Night's Watch Ranger [description of Prestige Class] Sidebar: Jon Snow [character sheet] The Starks of Winterfell [4 para. descrip mostly concerning Eddard and Catelyn's children] >The Magic of the North [3 para. descrip -- no rules] King Stannis I Baratheon [5 para. descrip of why King Stannis comes north with his army] >Religion in the North [3 para. descrip. -- no rules] Sidebar: Melisandre [character sheet] Beyond the Wall [6 para. descrip. -- mostly concerning Mance Rayder and the Free Folk] Barrow-Wights, Giants, and the Others [4 para. descrip -- no rules] Boxed Text: Monster Equivalents [5 monsters from the novels and their D&D equivalent] Ice Wall Adventures [4 plot seeds] THE CLASH OF KINGS: THE ROYAL CAMPAIGN FOR THE THRONE OF WESTEROS [this section describes, in brief, the five kings vying for the throne of Westeros, their allies, and "stronghold."] The Lannisters [7 paragraph description] >Lannister Adventure Seeds [3 plot seeds] >Lannister Bannermen [describes 4 allies] >Stonghold: King's Landing Sidebar: Tyrion Lannister [character sheet] King Stannis I Baratheon [4 para. descrip.] >Baratheon Adventure Seeds [4 plot seeds] >Baratheon Bannermen [describes 3 allies] >Stonghold: Dragonstone Island [1 para. descrip.] Sidebar: Sandor Clegane [character sheet] Boxed Text: The Master of Coin [descrip. of Littlefinger] The Targaryen Heir [4 para. descrip.] >Targaryen Bannermen [describes 4 allies] >Stronghold [1 paragraph] Sidebar: King Stannis I Baratheon [character sheet] King of the Iron Islands [7 para. descrip.] >Iron Island Adventures [3 plot seeds] >Greyjoy Bannermen [describes 2 allies] >Stronghold: Pyke, Capital of the Iron Islands Sidebar: Daenerys Targaryen [character sheet -- watch out! she can cast Burning Hands 7 times a day... yeah, that's sarcasm.] Boxed Text: Dragons of Westeros [2 para. descrip.] Boxed Text: How Westeros Is Different [focuses on four differences btwn Westeros and "typical D&D campaign world": Seasons, History, Mass Combat, and Social Class, Followers, and Wealth.] The Starks, Kings of the North [9 para. descrip.] >Stark Bannermen [Describes 4 allies] >Stronghold: Winterfell Sidebar: The Brotherhood without Banners [couple of paragraphs about Beric Dondarrion and Thoros of Myr] Box Text: Magic In Westeros [4 paragraphs, describing 3 options] NOTE: I noted above which characters were given character sheets; a level and class are noted for most other characters where they appear in the text. One caveat: Some of the material is wrong or misleading. For instance, page 91, in the section concerning Davos Seaworth: "...he saved Stannis' Dragonstone Island by bringing in food during a seige." It was the siege of Storm's End. Page 92, in the section concerning Barristan Selmy: "His Dornish connections could move the Tyrells to Daenerys' side." Huh? The Tyrells are in Highgarden; the Martell's in Dorne... To be blunt, I've only read the novels once, it's been a couple months since I finished the latest one, and I caught some mistakes. I wouldn't be surprised if there were more. Anyway, to sum this up... might be good to get the 'creative juices flowing' for potential GMs, might be alright as a sort of 'player primer', and it does have a pullout map of Westeros which is the size of a small poster (not of the continent, I'm afraid)... Also provides plenty of classes and levels for characters and -- if you agree with the classes and/or levels, or aren't picky -- this could provide a good yardstick for stating them out in other systems...
  14. Re: Re: Once more into the ethnic heroes fray. AH-HA... I get it now... Master Alternating Current... man, I sat there and sat there and could not figure out why the heck the guy'd want to be called Master Air Conditioning... me so smart.
  15. allen

    Cheating Death

    LOL... you're probably right -- i should delete the post before it gets out. Someday, somewhere I'll run that adventure and all my players will be sitting around with shucks-eating grins... "What're you guys smiling about?" "Nothing." "Nada." "Just happy to be here." "Yep. Just love you're game so much, we gotta smile." *Razzle-frazzle*
  16. allen

    Cheating Death

    Re: Re: Re: Cheating Death thanks... It's the basis of an adventure I was going to pitch to Steve for HERO Plus. I dropped the idea, 'cause Steve posted somewhere on these boards that Muerte was never-ever coming back. I never really fleshed it out much, but if your curious, this was as far as I got... Act One Destroyer/Muerte conquers small European country. Fiacho, knowing that this is contrary to his plans for uniting Europe, opposes this. Chaos ensues. UN/UNTIL asks PCs to intervene. In the climatic fight between PCs, Eurostar, and Destroyer/Muerte, Scorpia and Feuermacher switch sides. They've been "Manchurian Candidates" all along. The trigger phrase is "Muerte Lives!". Anyway, at the conclusion, the PCs are left with this weird-o trigger phrase. Act Two PCs investigate Destroyer's "death" in Detroit and Muerte's "death" in South America. Muerte's armor is an empty shell. Giganto is off in some Lost World type thing deep in the Amazon Jungle (either Mayans or something along the lines of Nova Roma from The New Mutants). Destroyer's corpse is in a satellite orbitting Earth (protected by Destroids of course). Act Three This is all vague, but basically... Sennacherib (Destroyer's AI) has been over-written with Destroyer's "brain engrams", and has been manipulating events, trying to engineer the return of Destroyer to the flesh. Destroyer/Muerte doesn't know this. I was going to call it "Night of the Destroyer" -- a sort-of homage to the old "Day of the Destroyer" module, although I don't know what exactly night had to do with it. I'm sure thinking of something sufficiently fiendish wouldn't be difficult.
  17. allen

    Cheating Death

    Re: Cheating Death Dr. Destroyer is actually Prof. Muerte... Doc D died in the Battle of Detroit. Prof. Muerte decided to raid the doctor's lair and labs, salvaging what technology he could. Eventually, he found a suit of prototype armor, put it on, and fulfilled his life-long desire of becoming Doctor Destroyer. Prof. Muerte's death at the hands of Scorpia and Feuermacher was faked. The two villains are a fifth column within Eurostar, just waiting for the order to betray Fiacho and the rest.
  18. Re: Super crime scene reconstructionist... If you feel Reduced By Time is too restrictive, then it probably doesn't belong and you should probably get rid of it. Also, RSR says something about if the Skill doesn't apply (I think), the character can't use the Power... so in the case where a crime scene has been totally trashed and/or a great deal of time has passed, the power doesn't apply since the skill doesn't apply. The evidence is tainted or gone or whatever, and nothing can be determined. (Gotta say, I like Balok's interpretation of Extra Time though -- I'm not sure how much fiddle-faddling with the rules it would require.) Concerning the penalty: Don't forget RSR also suffers an Active Point penalty (-1 per 10), so the hole just got deeper. Concerning faces: I'd rule no Limitation; it's a part of the special effect.
  19. Re: Re: Sorry to nit pick, but.. How about... (drum roll please)... Shaman and Talisman from Alpha Flight?
  20. Re: Worst...Supplement...Ever... Have never read the module, but absolutely love the title... has to rank up there in 'my best superhero module titles' ever list. (Which is admittedly probably even *more* frivolous than 'worst supplement ever list'.)
  21. Westeros in Dragon #307 An article concerning Westeros will appear in Dragon #307 (May issue)... here's the blurb: "Westeros Campaign by Wolfgang and Shelly Baur Visist the blood and pageantry of Westeros, the world created by George R.R. Martin in his best-selling series, 'A Song of Ice and Fire.' From the brothers of the Night's Watch to the treachery of House Lannister, Westeros is world of epic scope filled with danger, deceit, and ancient secrets. This special setting includes a poster-size mapg of the continent of Westeros, the tools you need to adventure in this amazing world, and a detailed look at the setting's most prominent characters, organizations, and noble houses. Plus, an exclusive interview with George R.R. Martin." Anyway, I'll try to post a Table of Contents when I get the issue next month... if nothing else, it might make a good primer for players unfamilar with the novels, and a poster-sized map is always a plus.
  22. next thing you'll say is d20 is plot by Greys to take over the planet... haha... umm... wait a second...
  23. nah, no way... I don't know about Spidey, but I'm looking at a Hydra Agent, a Superfig named Scrounger, and GW wood elf from fairly recently... the Hydra agent is noticeably bigger -- using a ruler, from bottom of foot to top of head, he's 35 mil... For a more accurate visual... GW rank and file are an honest 28 mil (maybe creeping up to 30 mil but the difference is negligible). Superfigs are about 28 mil. What Reaper calls 25 mil (or at least used to) is more like GW's 28. I believe the recent slotta base, fantasy figs are advertised at 32mm. I haven't seen the SAS minis. For true 25, dig out some Tom Meyer/Ral Partha figures from yesteryear. From what I've seen, few people outside of Historicals and some old school sculptors (ie Tom Meyer, Bob Charrette) use true 25 anymore... and come to think of it Foundry Historicals are 28mm I think. [EDIT... silly me. GW LotR minis are true 25.]
  24. ummm... you mean HeroClix are 30mm right?
  25. Hmmm... that's a good approach. You could also chop off the arms on one of the torsos -- cut straight across at the shoulders or elbows -- then reattach a little bit twisted (shame it's not lead -- you could just bend it then). That way it wouldn't look like two sets of arms, one atop the other, exactly the same.
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