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Everything posted by Supreme

  1. Re: light saber color signification The special features for Ep II has Sam Jackson talking to Lucas about it. Lucas said that the general rule was evil gets red, good gets green or blue. Jackson asked for a purple one and got it. Just one more reason to envy that man.
  2. Re: Aahz Nope. NCC means that the spells would go off, just not when he intended. I also vote for the copious knowledge skills.
  3. Re: What do you do onboard a starship? Man does not live by bread alone. Entertainment will something of an industry. I imagine those folks will get bored. That means entertainers, and engineers to support the holo-decks or whatever medium of choise they use (even theaters require engineering). You also didn't mention anything about medicine or education (as others have mentioned). Then there's the fact that those 100+ engineers and 100+ life support people will want more time off of work.
  4. Re: Balancing of the Green Lantern The difference between a Green Lantern character and any other VPP-using character is that he is ALL power pool. A Batman character has a small power pool (maybe) and then some other stuff, but GL is almost all VPP (after a modicum of points for stats and skills). Thus, whatever level a regular VPP character unbalances a game goes up by an order of magnitude for a GL character.
  5. Re: Jack-Jack Parr Unless he's just flying against the ceiling. Yeah, so obviously a VPP. Personally, I thought they overdid Jack-Jack, but then they weren't originally planning on doing any more films (when they were wrapping up on this one, they thought they were going to sever all ties with Disney which would have left the Incredi-rights with them.
  6. Re: Here on Earth-2: your evil counterpart! All evil twins should have the same powers and skills, but reversed psychological limitations. The only exceptions should be where a power is undeniably good. Let's face it a healing spell looks plenty evil when used to help Dr. Destroyer.
  7. Re: [Newbie] My first character I don't see any figured stats, so I hope you didn't take them at base level (especially SPD, PD and ED). There's no Armor for your powered armor, so no resistant defenses. Ouch. There's also no mode of travel which isn't crucial, but darned useful (you could try swinging defined as a projected strand of glue). It's hard to judge this character for all the info that's missing. Is this for a super-heroic game? Is it of a particular period? Right now, I'd say if you added some kind of bullet-proof vest, you'd have a great pulp-era or Golden Age character (except for all the references to cybernetics).
  8. Re: Strength at Range vs. Stretching OK, now I am (re-)sold on Stretching. Thanks!
  9. Re: Picture if You Will... Well, other substances, such a ethly alcohol, can accumulate in large, nearly pure clouds. If an accretion disk spins fast enough, can't it act as a sort of centrifuge? Maybe not oxygen (O2), but Carbon Dioxide which would be enough to keep the inhabitants of Haven warm and not-exploding from decompression. They can incorporate plants to get O2 from the CO2. I don't have a problem with the presense of other moons. I based this idea upon Io, which has gravitational-force-based vulcanism. Well, it turns to gas, but iss too cold for biological processes, right? But would the people of Haven be able to breathe without space-suits? Unfamiliar with L4 or L5, but it sounds like you are referring to Lagrange points between the two gravities? Of course, in my example, the material being expelled is less dense, isn't it?
  10. Re: Picture if You Will... I'm aware. I was thinking, "heated well past the boiling point."
  11. Just wondering... Any reason why I can't use the Ranged advantage on STR to simulate stretching, instead of buying it by the inch?
  12. Re: Flying through an asteroid belt.
  13. Imagine that there is a large planet with a moon that are reasonably far from their sun. The moon is made of mostly elements like Oxygen and Nitrogen, but frozen solid. However, the moon is so close that the gravitational forces continuously knead the moon causing it to: a. liquify then boil the core of the Nitrogen/Oxygen moon, the resulting vulcanism expels massive amounts of super-hot nitrogen and oxygen b. said super-hot gases are then sucked down in a continuous stream to the larger planet below Obviously, the moon wouldn't last long. However, by human standards a million years (let's say the moon was recently acquired) is quite long. Could you, if you had the technology, set up some kind of floating city in that stream of cooling nitrogen and oxygen? I call it "Haven".
  14. Re: "So, Thor hits Superman with Mjolnir..." The conclusion of which was Superman barely defeating Thor and saying, "He may just be the toughest person I've ever fought..." before passing out. Great fight, but I suspect Superman's victory was as much a nod to Supes being the First. I'd have had Superman win too, but after being forced to resort to some trickery (i.e., getting Mjolnir away from him for a minute).
  15. Re: "So, Thor hits Superman with Mjolnir..." Incredibly precise comments from Keith aside... The way Superman's vulnerability is phrased in the dialogue is not how it gets played out in any of the battles. In the dialogue Superman has only normal human resistances to magic. In battle, Superman has reduced resistance to normal magic attacks, and normal human resistance to non-normal attacks (mental powers, power drains, etc.). The way, I'd write it up would be that Superman has whopping high defenses and 75% Damage Reduction which doesn't work vs magical attacks. He also has all the extra defenses (Life Support, Power Defense, Flash Defense, etc.) which don't work against magic at all. Also, it seems that Superman's CON is never reduced under any circumstances (including deprivation of Solar Energy).
  16. Supreme


    Re: Moonquakes Then what the hell are we paying all those astronomers and lunar geologists good money for???
  17. Re: Star Wars "Science" Yeah, the droid torture struck me as odd, even as an eight year-old. But then my dad was a computer programmer. As for the technological loss from the Clone Wars, it's not just about knowledge, but infrastructure. Lose too many Questonite processing plants and there's no more Questonite and all the gizmos that require it to function. And as tgrandjean points out, if you're spending too much on the military, you won't have enough left over for rebuilding. And no, not even for military technology. Pig-headed generals who now have too much authority are going to short-sightedly feather their nests just as much as anyone else. Has anyone brought up mono-climates yet? I can sort of buy an all-arctic planet, and maybe even an all desert planet, but an all forest planet? An all swamp planet? Ummm... no... And Star Trek was more guilty of this than SW, but cultures where everyone is of one vocation (i.e., Klingons are all warriors, Ferengi are all merchants, etc.).
  18. Re: Flying through an asteroid belt. It occurs to me that space-faring societies would, at some point, develop formulas and what-not for dealing with asteroid belts. Plug all the values for variables like cluster density, materials present (being hit by a chunk of lead is very different than a chunk of ice the same size), and the computer spits back the maximum recommended speed for getting through the belt. BTW, age of the belt itself should be a factor in how many micro-asteroids you'll find. The older the belt, the more likely those little chunks will have gotten sucked up into the larger ones.
  19. Supreme


    Re: Moonquakes
  20. Re: Star Wars "Science" And type "M" atmospheres -- AND normal temperature ranges (excepting Hoth). Also, those ships with artificial gravity never have seat-belts.
  21. Re: Flying through an asteroid belt. I just wanted to add that the biggest danger in flying through an asteroid belt could be in the smallest bits. Asteroids the size of marbles don't sound like much, but hitting your hull at the relative speed of 100,000 kph, or whatever your sub-light speed is, could be pretty dangerous. Especially if you don't have force-fields or methods of detecting them in time.
  22. Re: Astronomy/Physics question As would the Buddhist, but that's OK because everything ends.
  23. Re: Star Wars "Science" Not to apologize for the bad science of the Star Wars universe, but one thing that should be kept in mind is that episodes 4-6 take place after the Clone Wars in which a lot of technological knowledge was lost. One of the things that struck me watching Ep 4 for the first time as an adult was how the blasters mounted on the Millenium Falcon had targetting systems well behind where we are now. The Walkers in Ep 6 couldn't target Ewoks hiding inside of hedges, unfortunately. Then there's the complete lack of any biological or chemical warfare agents. Also, was it just me, or did there seem to be no media whatsoever in the movies? No one goes to the movies, or sees plays, or listens to the news on the radio.
  24. Re: Setting up super-prisons Ridiculously high defenses and heavily armed guards can't stop most shape-shifters or mentalists. The only super-prison I ever did was a converted missile silo. Individual cells could be prepped to block various powers that were good for escaping. The big, nasty shape-shifter, Anarchy (think Odo's powers with the Joker's insanity) was kept in an air-tight cell. Cells also had various "kill-switches" meaning that as soon as something went south, someone would hit a switch and the cell would be flood with nerve-toxins or claymores would be set off or whatever was sufficient to instantly kill the villain. None of my villains were ever powerful enough to totally unkillable by some existing ordnance.
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