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Christopher R Taylor

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    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from Dayson in Golden Age Champions Table Top Game.   
    Golden Age characters were infamous for being insanely powerful but rarely actually using their powers intelligently or the way someone would now.  Johnny Thunder is a perfect example of that kind of character.  Others were limited by being dolts.  Captain Marvel was supposed to have the Wisdom of Solomon but he was constantly bamboozled by everyone, was foolishly trusting, and easily duped.
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    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from Vanguard in Western HERO and Equipment as Powers   
    That's why I like to remind people that, despite it being roughly in the crotchal region in terms of where it lies on the chart, "vitals" refers to any particularly vulnerable and weak hit location.
  3. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to Pariah in The 2019 Baseball Thread   
    Despite their base of operations, I was actually pulling for the Nationals for two reasons:
    1. I'm a National League guy. I'll cheer for the NL in pretty much any circumstance, except when it involves the Dodgers or Giants; and
    2. The Nationals used to be my team (sort of). Before the Rockies came to Colorado in 1993, Denver was home of the Denver Bears (later ignominiously changed to the Zephyrs), for many years the AAA affiliate of the Montreal Expos. We'd go to Bears games frequently when I was growing up. Among the players I got to see before they became famous were Andre Dawson, Tim Raines, and Tim Wallach. And the 4th of July fireworks games at Mile High Stadium were always amazing.
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    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from Duke Bushido in Western HERO and Equipment as Powers   
    That's why I like to remind people that, despite it being roughly in the crotchal region in terms of where it lies on the chart, "vitals" refers to any particularly vulnerable and weak hit location.
  5. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to Dayson in Golden Age Champions Table Top Game.   
    Wow! I am overwhelmed by all the help and good will. Thank you all. This community  is awesome and one of the reasons that I chose Hero as my system.
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    Christopher R Taylor reacted to Cassandra in Golden Age Champions Table Top Game.   
    I think his greatest power was getting Miss America, a superstrong flying superheroine who happened to be a brilliant millionaire, and who looked like Maureen O'Hara, to go out with his. 
  7. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from ScottishFox in Golden Age Champions Table Top Game.   
    Honestly, most of those are Silver Age in tone.
    Most of the costumed crime fighters were vigilantes, often clashing with the police.  Batman carried a gun early on, and more than a few of his opponents died.  Superman actively killed several people in his first few years.  Almost all of them were willing to let a bad guy die without putting any effort into saving them, especially if it was an ironic death (Dr Evil was crushed by the gears of his own deathbot, that serves as a lesson to all of us...).
    That's not to say you can't have those themes in a GA game, just that historically in the comics of the time, things weren't quite so white hat squeaky clean.
  8. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to Joe Walsh in Golden Age Champions Table Top Game.   
    GA comic superheroes can also have very silly and/or nonsensical powers or ways to use their powers. And how they acquired their powers can be nonsense as well. In a good way, of course!
    This book has some gems in it: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1631407457/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  9. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from Ninja-Bear in Golden Age Champions Table Top Game.   
    Honestly, most of those are Silver Age in tone.
    Most of the costumed crime fighters were vigilantes, often clashing with the police.  Batman carried a gun early on, and more than a few of his opponents died.  Superman actively killed several people in his first few years.  Almost all of them were willing to let a bad guy die without putting any effort into saving them, especially if it was an ironic death (Dr Evil was crushed by the gears of his own deathbot, that serves as a lesson to all of us...).
    That's not to say you can't have those themes in a GA game, just that historically in the comics of the time, things weren't quite so white hat squeaky clean.
  10. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to Joe Walsh in Western HERO and Equipment as Powers   
    SPD 4 means acting once every three seconds. That seems reasonable at first thought.  Hmm. Could a trained, experienced soldier in a target-rich combat environment aim and fire a weapon that quickly without sacrificing accuracy?
  11. Haha
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to Steve Long in What Happened to Steve?   
    My apologies for taking so long to respond to questions — real life snuck up on me and got in a Surprise attacking, Knocking me Out for several Segments until I could recover.  I can't promise it won't happen again, but I'll try to Dive For Cover next time.
  12. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to Cassandra in Golden Age Champions Table Top Game.   
    Most modern superheroes have a Golden Age counterpart.  There is nothing wrong with taking any  superhero and having them show up back in the 1940s.  Of course if they have Computer Programming they might want to swap that out for Lightning Calculator.
  13. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from ScottishFox in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    This is exactly what Scorcese was talking about.
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    Christopher R Taylor reacted to ScottishFox in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    The cost of tickets barely covers the auditoriums, projection equipment and comfy new recliner seats and the rental fee to the movie studios.
    Theaters make almost all of their money on food & beverage sales.  But getting a consistently large number of butts in seats is THE priority for theater chains.
  15. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to BoloOfEarth in Running Surprise   
    There's also the fact that 2d6 has a different probability distribution than a d12 does. 
  16. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from GreaterThanOne in Western HERO and Equipment as Powers   
    I base low end "heroic" level combat on relative human ability.
    For example, when a normal person hits someone, they do 2d6 damage (10 STR), roughly.  How do you respond to that?  Well a regular person (2 PD) takes a pretty good hit from that, an average of 5 stun or ¼ of their total STUN.  They're 3 hits from down on average.  They aren't going to be stunned, even a 12 only does 10 STUN through their PD, but they feel it.  But a boxer, someone really tough or trained to take a hit -- one of those guys you give a good shot and they kind of chuckle and take off their jacket -- they can take a hell of a shot from a normal person and it doesn't really bother them much.  They can take that hit all day long.   Or a really skilled fast fighter can duck a shot so it doesn't hit them very solid, it just doesn't do much to them.
    In other words, I try to build creatures and characters around the sort of attacks they'll be facing and how much I think it should affect them.  That's how PD works in my mind, and I think in the game,  Someone has 8 PD, they can take a hell of a hit from an ordinary person and shrug it off.   That guy is tough as all get out.  He's like that hulking German sergeant in Indiana Jones, the guy that gets chewed up by the prop.  Indy was a pretty good fighter, and threw everything he had at this guy but he was still coming and not really hurt.   Its not just fiction, there are guys really like that out there.
  17. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from Tywyll in Batwoman   
    Its a lot easier to write soap opera side stories and subplots than actual gripping adventure.  Plus, its a lot cheaper to have the protagonist in regular clothes hanging out talking rather than in costume out doing deeds of heroism.  Nobody needs to train or practice fight choreography, nobody needs to be paid to come up with the fight choreography or do the stunts, etc.
  18. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to IndianaJoe3 in Magic Systems: To Divide or Not?   
    I'm kind of thinking aloud here, the more I think about it the less it seems like Resource Pools (although that's where I started)  The, "loadout" rules would depend heavily on how magic works in your campaign.
    The caster would start with a certain amount of "free" spells, roughly equal to the real cost of a fighter's equipment. These spells would all be GM-created (much like equipment would be). If the player wants custom spells, or more spells, then he has to pay for them normally.
    The introductory spell list would cover the basics, but not be overly powerful. There should be enough to give the player a reasonable selection, but limited enough to give him incentive to spend more points on something special.
  19. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from death tribble in Superhero Cosplayers   
  20. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from death tribble in Superhero Cosplayers   

    No telling if she has the gargantuan booty or not
  21. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from Scott Ruggels in Superhero Cosplayers   
    The Vision (MCU version)

  22. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from death tribble in Superhero Cosplayers   
    wak wak wak wak

  23. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from death tribble in Superhero Cosplayers   
    MCU Loki with the cosmic er, tesseract

  24. Like
    Christopher R Taylor got a reaction from aylwin13 in Superhero Cosplayers   
    Classic Mystique

  25. Like
    Christopher R Taylor reacted to ScottishFox in Speed and END   
    Now I remember. 
    In order to do a 30d6 Move Through using 0 strength the Earth must move 180m on its phase.
    Since terminal falling velocity is 60m/s this means the phase of the Earth lasts 3 seconds.
    Thus, the Earth is speed 4.
    The glorious wasted mental energy of college. 
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