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  1. Haha
    Echo3Niner got a reaction from Quackhell in Create a Hero Theme Team!   
    Oh, I know it's not my turn - but I just had to do this (before I forget, I'm old), cause I thought of it when reading the thread name, and couldn't (wait for my turn, cause I'd forget; did I say that?) help myself:
    The Great Googly Moogly's
    As in: "Great googly moogly" is an expression that had been uttered by Willie Dixon in Howlin' Wolf's 1961 recording of "Going Down Slow".
    I think the fun is that the theme is whatever comes to your mind from the name...  May the mayhem begin.  You're welcome.
  2. Like
    Echo3Niner reacted to Tjack in Modern Champions   
    Shadowrun had for a time a perk you could buy called “Common Sense” whereby if you as the player decided on a course of action that the GM thought was a horribly bad/suicidal idea or if he realized that the player had forgotten some important consideration he would be obliged to warn the player in advance.
         I always thought that was the best possible use of points ever created.
  3. Like
    Echo3Niner got a reaction from Beast in New Champions campaign idea... Earth, 2030 - Whatchya think?   
    "Holy resurrection Bat Man!"
    Yes, after 7+ years, we're about to resurrect this campaign world!
    Making new characters tomorrow!
  4. Like
    Echo3Niner got a reaction from Setherak in New Champions campaign idea... Earth, 2030 - Whatchya think?   
    From the journal of Master Gunz – American Hero
    The year is 2030 and Earth has changed, everything has changed.
    On December 21st, 2012 – when the Mesoamerican’s long count calendar ended, the solar system that Earth is in, passed through an area of the Milkyway galaxy which the Mesoamericans called “The Void”; an area of the Milkyway galaxy which looks like a rift, as it is devoid of many stars.  A place very important in their mythology and a place located in the plane of the galaxy.  The Mesoamerican’s put much mythological/religious significance to this event.  We now know, that there was real, scientific significance as well.
    It had personal significance for me too, cause that’s the day I joined the US Marine Corps; I had just graduated from Boot Camp.
    There was a bunch of crazies back just prior to 2012 that made a bunch of money talking about how the world was going to end, cause the Long Count calendar ended on that day.  Bunch of idiots.  It didn’t of course; the calendar is based on a 25,695 year processional cycle of the equinoxes through the galaxy.  This procession is broken into segments of the processional cycle, lasting just over 5100 years.  We are now in the 1st segment after a full cycle of the 25,695 years.  This is why the long count ended, because we started over on 12/22/2012.
    But, at the end of the day, none of that really matters; what matters is what it was tracking, which is where we sit in the Milkyway.  Why?  Well, because it turns out, our little corner (solar system) of the galaxy oscillates across the galactic plane.  So, why’s that so important, I hear you asking.  Well I’m here to tell ‘ya, it’s about the most important thing we’ve ever discovered.
    So, turns out there is a radiation that exists on one side of the galactic plane, that isn’t present on the other side.  A simple fluke of galactic geography and some event which took place in our galactic past?  Could be.  It’s been around 17 years since we crossed over and were exposed, so our scientist are still trying to figure it all out; in between figuring out what the Hell happened to those of us susceptible to this radiation, and dealing with the arrival of the aliens…  So cut ‘em a little slack, I suppose.
    So, this radiation has many uses.  Most people are not affected by it directly.  Only like .0001% of the earth’s population is susceptible to the effects of this radiation on their genes.  So, in 2012, when we crossed the galactic plane, that was about 700,000 people on the planet earth.
    Today we call it Sudden Unexplained Radioactive Genetic Expression, or SURGE.  .0001% of the human population of Earth have a gene, which when exposed to this radiation, expresses some sort of random mutation.  Many people have small effects, some don’t ever even notice; lucky bastards.
    Some of us, well, some of our “random mutations” can cause Hell on Earth.
    So think about that.  700,000 random people; in every clime and place, every culture, every socio-economic level, suddenly had powers that our ancestors called Gods.
    Oh, did I forget to mention that?  Yeah, this happened before.  As I said, we oscillate across this plane, so using our current calendar, between 8239 and 3114 BCE we were on this side of the plane, and they had .0001% (of a much lower) population express these SURGE powers.  Turns out that’s where much of our mythology, folklore, stories and many of our religious beliefs came from…  But today, we don’t have those same quaint ideas; instead, we have Superheroes.  Of course, if you have Superheroes, it stands to reason that you also have Supervillains…
    So, think about it again, back in 2012; .0001% of the two-bit punks, street thugs, gangbangers, organized criminals, serial killers, white-collar criminals, corporate criminals, and international criminals got juiced.  But that wasn’t the worst of it.  That was reserved for the crazy extremist of all stripes.  From Jihadist Terrorists to White-power Aryan Nation wackos, to the anti-governmental nutbirds.
    What about that Head Hunter from Papua New Guinea, or that newly found Amazonian tribe?  Doesn't matter to you much when they stayed where they were; but, what if the Head Hunter can fly over here to hunt now?  What if the Amazonian tribesmen wasn't very well liked, and mistreated by his people, and now can run 4000 mph?
    But, there were some of us on the other side of those tracks; local cops, Feds, and us in the military; well, .0001% of us changed too.
    There have been a bunch who just decided not to get involved, I’d say the majority.  Might have been a good idea, if you could do it.  Cause some nations hunt us SURGE’ers down and burn us at the stake.  Other’s, they want to use us, however they can.  And many of them, want us in a lab.
    So, from early 2013 through 2015, the human race had to recalibrate.  It wasn’t easy.  There were about 20 SURGE’ers in the US Marine Corps with me, we’ve lost almost half.  But midway through 2015, everything changed again.  Cause that’s when the alien residents of HAT-P-11B decided to open a Lorentzian Stable Transversable (LST) or Morris-Thorne Wormhole (MTW) using powerful engines that use this new (to us) radiation as the Exotic Matter to hold the wormhole open and stable.
    Suddenly, right in the middle of all our chaos about SURGE, we found out we weren’t alone in the galaxy.  And the neighbors had stopped by for coffee and cake.  Since then, we’ve had another neighbor stop by too.  Lucky for us, both neighbors have been fairly friendly.  Cause at that time, we’d have had some major issues dealing with them if they weren’t.
    So, after 15 years of getting used to the new neighborhood, things were going much better.  We’d all settled down about SURGE, and our visitors.  Our science and technology sectors have been going nuts figuring out what it all means; from the new radiation (known as “Z-rad” by the media), to the MTW’s the aliens use to move about our galaxy, and what the extent of us SURGE’ers abilities might be.
    Now it’s 2030, and you had to know it; at some point the bad neighbors would show up, and the neighborhood would go to Hell.  This year, we finally noticed that some of the changes we’ve been experiencing for the last several years, on Earth and our friendly neighborhood alien’s planets too, aren’t due to Z-rad or anything random, they were early deployment of resources to help soften us up, cause this year, the Empress showed up…  And all bets are off now.
  5. Thanks
    Echo3Niner reacted to archer in Need a MacGuffin - help please   
    How about a god or robot that needs to be reassembled?
    For example, in Egyptian mythology, Set killed his brother Osiris and scattered the pieces of his body.
    Isis went on a quest and retrieved the body parts and temporarily revived Osiris with a spell. Their son Horus was conceived and when he grew up eventually defeated his uncle Set.
    Or maybe a giant Power Ranger's style Zord which needs all the heroes inside to power it. And maybe a few follow-up sessions with at least some of the players being partially depowered because their powers were "used up" in the Zord. (The depowering being negotiated with the players in advance with an eventual small experience bonus attached.)
  6. Thanks
    Echo3Niner reacted to Lord Liaden in Need a MacGuffin - help please   
    I did develop a plot I was going to write up for Xarriel, the CU's Thanos/Darkseid analogue, to use three specific official cosmic artifacts to essentially pull off MCU Thanos's final gambit, destroying the entire universe then recreating it in his image; although not nearly as simplistically as snapping his fingers. There are reasons for Xarriel to seek those artifacts on Earth. It wouldn't be too improbable to substitute Istvatha for him.
  7. Thanks
  8. Thanks
    Echo3Niner reacted to TheQuestionMan in New Champions campaign idea... Earth, 2030 - Whatchya think?   
    I LIKE IT!!!
    Campaign Settings premise looks good Character Creation Guidelines neef to be clearly presents as well as Character Backgrounds.
    Istvatha V'han, Empress of a Billion Worlds.
    No guts, no galaxy'
    P.S.: Champions Complete, Champions Beyond, and Champions Universe would make good purchases.
  9. Thanks
    Echo3Niner reacted to Scott Baker in New Champions campaign idea... Earth, 2030 - Whatchya think?   
    I'd play in it! (Pretend that's a good thing, even though it's coming from a total stranger!  )
  10. Thanks
    Echo3Niner reacted to Tjack in New Champions campaign idea... Earth, 2030 - Whatchya think?   
    You’ve got a lot of interesting ideas here.  What exactly would you like us to do?  Chime in with character/backround ideas and plot lines or hang back a little more so you can bounce your plans off of us like a collective editor for your story or just help with the number crunching for stuff you’ve already got thought out? 
       We’re pretty good at all three, but without some direction we tend to stampede in every direction at once.
        My first question is about the fact that 2030 is a lot closer now than it was before. Do you want to keep that as a hard start date or move the beginning of the game closer to 2040?
         The next one is about the set up for the team. Will it be a random group of do gooders who came together and decided to partner up (Relatively low resources and no outside support-Teen Titans).  A mysterious benefactor put the group together to help the world for his own reasons (Some resources like a base and some future plots threads-Legion of Superheroes) Or a Govt. or Law Enforcement agency putting a team together (Strong resources but a group watched-MCU Avengers)
        What kind of characters your players will be creating and your first few adventures will be heavily influenced by these decisions.
  11. Thanks
    Echo3Niner reacted to Tjack in New Champions campaign idea... Earth, 2030 - Whatchya think?   
    Very cool, kind of a cross breeding of Legion of Superheroes/Galaxy Rangers and a Star Wars:Alpha Team kind of thing.  Looks like a lot of fun, good luck with it.
  12. Thanks
    Echo3Niner reacted to drunkonduty in New Champions campaign idea... Earth, 2030 - Whatchya think?   
    I love it!  A really cool setting.
  13. Haha
    Echo3Niner reacted to Lord Liaden in What alien would you be?   
    I'm going to eschew reasoned discourse in favor of the first juvenile thought that popped into my head: a Centauri from Babylon 5. Six, meter-long, prehensile penises.
  14. Like
    Echo3Niner got a reaction from fdw3773 in What alien would you be?   
    I get to choose?  Depends on my mood I suppose; either:
    A Q from Star Trek - He is an extra-dimensional being of unknown origin who possesses immeasurable power over time, space, the laws of physics, and reality itself, being capable of altering it to his whim. Despite his vast knowledge and experience spanning untold eons (and much to the exasperation of the object(s) of his obsession), he is not above practical jokes for his own personal amusement, for a Machiavellian and manipulative purpose, or to prove a point. He is said to be almost omnipotent and he is continually evasive regarding his true motivations. A Czarnian with exceptional strength and fortitude. He enjoys nothing better than mindless violence and intoxication, and killing is an end in itself; his name roughly translates as "he who devours your entrails and thoroughly enjoys it." He is arrogant and self-centered, focusing almost solely on his own pleasures, although he proudly lives up to the letter of his promises – but always no more or no less than what he promised. The last of his kind, having committed complete genocide by killing all the other Czarnians for fun. 
  15. Like
    Echo3Niner got a reaction from Nekkidcarpenter in Need a MacGuffin - help please   
    OK, so I'm (re)starting a Champions campaign, based on my Earth, 2030 setting <link>; my plan, is after getting the players to settle into their cosmic-powered characters with a few "normal" games, I'll start to seed the campaign with minions of the Empress coming to Earth (and perhaps the other two alien's systems) to find "something" (the MacGuffin(s).
    These are to serve the same purpose as the Infinity Stones in the MCU or the Mother Boxes in the DCEU; very powerful items, the heroes do not want the Empress to have.
    I plan to try to keep the MacGuffins secret for as long as possible, having the players uncover that there is an actual conspiracy to gather them prior to the Empress' arrival (I don't even want the characters to know about her either, but to discover that she's coming as they go along in the campaign also) - it'll be a big reveal at some point, as many beings will be fleeing her (causing their own chaos in their wake), so to get the players/characters to be worried/scared before they even face her in any real way.
    In my campaign, the Empress' main motivation is to enslave the galaxy; much like the Roman Empire, she feels she's bringing order, peace and civilization to the barbarians - so she's the hero in her 'story' (or head; of course, aren't they all)...
    So, what is she sending her minions to gather?  I've decided they can be either (keys to the?) super-powerful MacGuffin(s) (or are they the MacGuffins themselves?) she needs to help her enslave the populous (e.g., the afore mentioned Infinity Stones or Mother Boxes, or One Ring for that matter) - OR - they could be (keys to the?) the one thing that could defeat her, and she wants them gathered so they cannot be used against her (she may collect them, or try to destroy them, or whatever).
    Whatever they are, they just "awoke" when the Earth crossed the threshold (per my setting's mythology), which is what got her attention and answers the "why now?" question.  So, anyone have any good ideas for what she's looking for?
  16. Like
    Echo3Niner reacted to Sveta8 in Need a MacGuffin - help please   
    You could go with Mirrors. They are emblematic of reflections and gateways, so for a cosmically invading force, something like that might work.
    Each Mirror it's own gate to some time and place, to grant access to a wealth of information or material or space or so on to be used and manipulated as seen fit. Associate each with some sort of force or concept, wrap that Mirror in bringing it forth and to bear, or residing within it. And you can have them all be different sizes and shapes too.

    When all are gathered, overlayed on one another, they let you reach forth through time and space, all the cosmos in your grasp in a very literal sense. 

    Dunno for name though. Call it... The Celestial Lens or Crucible of the Cosmos. Foundation of the World or so on. 
  17. Like
    Echo3Niner reacted to steriaca in Need a MacGuffin - help please   
    The Orbs of Omnicronous.
    Six round orbs made of various materials and colors. There is the Orb Of Muscle, Orb Of Mind, Orb Of Fist (or Flesh), Orb Of Energy, Orb Of Spirit, and Orb Of Command. 
    Unbenounced to others, there is a counter MacGuffin called The Orb Of Chaos, actually increasing the number to seven. But you only need six of them (all but the Orb Of Chaos). The Orb Of Chaos can substitute for any missing orb if needed.
    Note: it is quite likely that at least one was destroyed in 'recent' years. There are ways to recreate it...to have it reform from out of nothingness. One has only to find out where it is written and do the instructions.
    (Of course it doesn't have to be six and a spare. It can be as many as you wish, as the GM.)
  18. Like
    Echo3Niner got a reaction from Beast in New Champions campaign idea... Earth, 2030 - Whatchya think?   
    From the journal of Master Gunz – American Hero
    The year is 2030 and Earth has changed, everything has changed.
    On December 21st, 2012 – when the Mesoamerican’s long count calendar ended, the solar system that Earth is in, passed through an area of the Milkyway galaxy which the Mesoamericans called “The Void”; an area of the Milkyway galaxy which looks like a rift, as it is devoid of many stars.  A place very important in their mythology and a place located in the plane of the galaxy.  The Mesoamerican’s put much mythological/religious significance to this event.  We now know, that there was real, scientific significance as well.
    It had personal significance for me too, cause that’s the day I joined the US Marine Corps; I had just graduated from Boot Camp.
    There was a bunch of crazies back just prior to 2012 that made a bunch of money talking about how the world was going to end, cause the Long Count calendar ended on that day.  Bunch of idiots.  It didn’t of course; the calendar is based on a 25,695 year processional cycle of the equinoxes through the galaxy.  This procession is broken into segments of the processional cycle, lasting just over 5100 years.  We are now in the 1st segment after a full cycle of the 25,695 years.  This is why the long count ended, because we started over on 12/22/2012.
    But, at the end of the day, none of that really matters; what matters is what it was tracking, which is where we sit in the Milkyway.  Why?  Well, because it turns out, our little corner (solar system) of the galaxy oscillates across the galactic plane.  So, why’s that so important, I hear you asking.  Well I’m here to tell ‘ya, it’s about the most important thing we’ve ever discovered.
    So, turns out there is a radiation that exists on one side of the galactic plane, that isn’t present on the other side.  A simple fluke of galactic geography and some event which took place in our galactic past?  Could be.  It’s been around 17 years since we crossed over and were exposed, so our scientist are still trying to figure it all out; in between figuring out what the Hell happened to those of us susceptible to this radiation, and dealing with the arrival of the aliens…  So cut ‘em a little slack, I suppose.
    So, this radiation has many uses.  Most people are not affected by it directly.  Only like .0001% of the earth’s population is susceptible to the effects of this radiation on their genes.  So, in 2012, when we crossed the galactic plane, that was about 700,000 people on the planet earth.
    Today we call it Sudden Unexplained Radioactive Genetic Expression, or SURGE.  .0001% of the human population of Earth have a gene, which when exposed to this radiation, expresses some sort of random mutation.  Many people have small effects, some don’t ever even notice; lucky bastards.
    Some of us, well, some of our “random mutations” can cause Hell on Earth.
    So think about that.  700,000 random people; in every clime and place, every culture, every socio-economic level, suddenly had powers that our ancestors called Gods.
    Oh, did I forget to mention that?  Yeah, this happened before.  As I said, we oscillate across this plane, so using our current calendar, between 8239 and 3114 BCE we were on this side of the plane, and they had .0001% (of a much lower) population express these SURGE powers.  Turns out that’s where much of our mythology, folklore, stories and many of our religious beliefs came from…  But today, we don’t have those same quaint ideas; instead, we have Superheroes.  Of course, if you have Superheroes, it stands to reason that you also have Supervillains…
    So, think about it again, back in 2012; .0001% of the two-bit punks, street thugs, gangbangers, organized criminals, serial killers, white-collar criminals, corporate criminals, and international criminals got juiced.  But that wasn’t the worst of it.  That was reserved for the crazy extremist of all stripes.  From Jihadist Terrorists to White-power Aryan Nation wackos, to the anti-governmental nutbirds.
    What about that Head Hunter from Papua New Guinea, or that newly found Amazonian tribe?  Doesn't matter to you much when they stayed where they were; but, what if the Head Hunter can fly over here to hunt now?  What if the Amazonian tribesmen wasn't very well liked, and mistreated by his people, and now can run 4000 mph?
    But, there were some of us on the other side of those tracks; local cops, Feds, and us in the military; well, .0001% of us changed too.
    There have been a bunch who just decided not to get involved, I’d say the majority.  Might have been a good idea, if you could do it.  Cause some nations hunt us SURGE’ers down and burn us at the stake.  Other’s, they want to use us, however they can.  And many of them, want us in a lab.
    So, from early 2013 through 2015, the human race had to recalibrate.  It wasn’t easy.  There were about 20 SURGE’ers in the US Marine Corps with me, we’ve lost almost half.  But midway through 2015, everything changed again.  Cause that’s when the alien residents of HAT-P-11B decided to open a Lorentzian Stable Transversable (LST) or Morris-Thorne Wormhole (MTW) using powerful engines that use this new (to us) radiation as the Exotic Matter to hold the wormhole open and stable.
    Suddenly, right in the middle of all our chaos about SURGE, we found out we weren’t alone in the galaxy.  And the neighbors had stopped by for coffee and cake.  Since then, we’ve had another neighbor stop by too.  Lucky for us, both neighbors have been fairly friendly.  Cause at that time, we’d have had some major issues dealing with them if they weren’t.
    So, after 15 years of getting used to the new neighborhood, things were going much better.  We’d all settled down about SURGE, and our visitors.  Our science and technology sectors have been going nuts figuring out what it all means; from the new radiation (known as “Z-rad” by the media), to the MTW’s the aliens use to move about our galaxy, and what the extent of us SURGE’ers abilities might be.
    Now it’s 2030, and you had to know it; at some point the bad neighbors would show up, and the neighborhood would go to Hell.  This year, we finally noticed that some of the changes we’ve been experiencing for the last several years, on Earth and our friendly neighborhood alien’s planets too, aren’t due to Z-rad or anything random, they were early deployment of resources to help soften us up, cause this year, the Empress showed up…  And all bets are off now.
  19. Like
    Echo3Niner got a reaction from Tywyll in New Champions campaign idea... Earth, 2030 - Whatchya think?   
    From the journal of Master Gunz – American Hero
    The year is 2030 and Earth has changed, everything has changed.
    On December 21st, 2012 – when the Mesoamerican’s long count calendar ended, the solar system that Earth is in, passed through an area of the Milkyway galaxy which the Mesoamericans called “The Void”; an area of the Milkyway galaxy which looks like a rift, as it is devoid of many stars.  A place very important in their mythology and a place located in the plane of the galaxy.  The Mesoamerican’s put much mythological/religious significance to this event.  We now know, that there was real, scientific significance as well.
    It had personal significance for me too, cause that’s the day I joined the US Marine Corps; I had just graduated from Boot Camp.
    There was a bunch of crazies back just prior to 2012 that made a bunch of money talking about how the world was going to end, cause the Long Count calendar ended on that day.  Bunch of idiots.  It didn’t of course; the calendar is based on a 25,695 year processional cycle of the equinoxes through the galaxy.  This procession is broken into segments of the processional cycle, lasting just over 5100 years.  We are now in the 1st segment after a full cycle of the 25,695 years.  This is why the long count ended, because we started over on 12/22/2012.
    But, at the end of the day, none of that really matters; what matters is what it was tracking, which is where we sit in the Milkyway.  Why?  Well, because it turns out, our little corner (solar system) of the galaxy oscillates across the galactic plane.  So, why’s that so important, I hear you asking.  Well I’m here to tell ‘ya, it’s about the most important thing we’ve ever discovered.
    So, turns out there is a radiation that exists on one side of the galactic plane, that isn’t present on the other side.  A simple fluke of galactic geography and some event which took place in our galactic past?  Could be.  It’s been around 17 years since we crossed over and were exposed, so our scientist are still trying to figure it all out; in between figuring out what the Hell happened to those of us susceptible to this radiation, and dealing with the arrival of the aliens…  So cut ‘em a little slack, I suppose.
    So, this radiation has many uses.  Most people are not affected by it directly.  Only like .0001% of the earth’s population is susceptible to the effects of this radiation on their genes.  So, in 2012, when we crossed the galactic plane, that was about 700,000 people on the planet earth.
    Today we call it Sudden Unexplained Radioactive Genetic Expression, or SURGE.  .0001% of the human population of Earth have a gene, which when exposed to this radiation, expresses some sort of random mutation.  Many people have small effects, some don’t ever even notice; lucky bastards.
    Some of us, well, some of our “random mutations” can cause Hell on Earth.
    So think about that.  700,000 random people; in every clime and place, every culture, every socio-economic level, suddenly had powers that our ancestors called Gods.
    Oh, did I forget to mention that?  Yeah, this happened before.  As I said, we oscillate across this plane, so using our current calendar, between 8239 and 3114 BCE we were on this side of the plane, and they had .0001% (of a much lower) population express these SURGE powers.  Turns out that’s where much of our mythology, folklore, stories and many of our religious beliefs came from…  But today, we don’t have those same quaint ideas; instead, we have Superheroes.  Of course, if you have Superheroes, it stands to reason that you also have Supervillains…
    So, think about it again, back in 2012; .0001% of the two-bit punks, street thugs, gangbangers, organized criminals, serial killers, white-collar criminals, corporate criminals, and international criminals got juiced.  But that wasn’t the worst of it.  That was reserved for the crazy extremist of all stripes.  From Jihadist Terrorists to White-power Aryan Nation wackos, to the anti-governmental nutbirds.
    What about that Head Hunter from Papua New Guinea, or that newly found Amazonian tribe?  Doesn't matter to you much when they stayed where they were; but, what if the Head Hunter can fly over here to hunt now?  What if the Amazonian tribesmen wasn't very well liked, and mistreated by his people, and now can run 4000 mph?
    But, there were some of us on the other side of those tracks; local cops, Feds, and us in the military; well, .0001% of us changed too.
    There have been a bunch who just decided not to get involved, I’d say the majority.  Might have been a good idea, if you could do it.  Cause some nations hunt us SURGE’ers down and burn us at the stake.  Other’s, they want to use us, however they can.  And many of them, want us in a lab.
    So, from early 2013 through 2015, the human race had to recalibrate.  It wasn’t easy.  There were about 20 SURGE’ers in the US Marine Corps with me, we’ve lost almost half.  But midway through 2015, everything changed again.  Cause that’s when the alien residents of HAT-P-11B decided to open a Lorentzian Stable Transversable (LST) or Morris-Thorne Wormhole (MTW) using powerful engines that use this new (to us) radiation as the Exotic Matter to hold the wormhole open and stable.
    Suddenly, right in the middle of all our chaos about SURGE, we found out we weren’t alone in the galaxy.  And the neighbors had stopped by for coffee and cake.  Since then, we’ve had another neighbor stop by too.  Lucky for us, both neighbors have been fairly friendly.  Cause at that time, we’d have had some major issues dealing with them if they weren’t.
    So, after 15 years of getting used to the new neighborhood, things were going much better.  We’d all settled down about SURGE, and our visitors.  Our science and technology sectors have been going nuts figuring out what it all means; from the new radiation (known as “Z-rad” by the media), to the MTW’s the aliens use to move about our galaxy, and what the extent of us SURGE’ers abilities might be.
    Now it’s 2030, and you had to know it; at some point the bad neighbors would show up, and the neighborhood would go to Hell.  This year, we finally noticed that some of the changes we’ve been experiencing for the last several years, on Earth and our friendly neighborhood alien’s planets too, aren’t due to Z-rad or anything random, they were early deployment of resources to help soften us up, cause this year, the Empress showed up…  And all bets are off now.
  20. Like
    Echo3Niner got a reaction from assault in New Champions campaign idea... Earth, 2030 - Whatchya think?   
    Thanks Tjack.  This was really just about getting folks thoughts on the "game'verse" (setting and mythology).
    Back in 2014 we ran a series of test games, as a couple of us had played Champions 4e WAY back, but the rest had never played it.  Then, life intervened, and the campaign never got off the ground.
    I've moved from the DC area back to the mid-West (Northern Indiana, just south of the MI boarder).  I have not looked for a group here, so it's just my long-time player/best friend who plays via Zoom from MI (except every blue moon when we're together), and my wife, so small group, and no drama.
    This time around, they have decided they want to play 'Galaxy-class' superheroes (e.g. Silver Surfer, Binary, Beta-ray Bill, etc.).
    So, I intend to get the game going slowly, let it build a little, let them settle into their characters, and then I'll bring in the Empress invasion.
    I have created the Intra-Galactic Quasar Corps (IGQC) as a galaxy-spanning superhero organization, who will oppose The Empress - which these two characters will eventually be introduced to.
    So no real "action required" on the part of the forum at this point; mostly just sharing...  If you look at some of my old posts, you'll see I have a lot of questions at times, but I'll post specific threads for those.
    Thanks for asking.
  21. Like
    Echo3Niner got a reaction from Tywyll in New Champions campaign idea... Earth, 2030 - Whatchya think?   
    "Holy resurrection Bat Man!"
    Yes, after 7+ years, we're about to resurrect this campaign world!
    Making new characters tomorrow!
  22. Like
    Echo3Niner got a reaction from Pariah in New Champions campaign idea... Earth, 2030 - Whatchya think?   
    "Holy resurrection Bat Man!"
    Yes, after 7+ years, we're about to resurrect this campaign world!
    Making new characters tomorrow!
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    Echo3Niner got a reaction from Lucius in Create a Hero Theme Team!   
    Armani.  The name says it all, or maybe not in this case.
    Georgino Alaman was a mild-mannered man once; a bank teller that all the women stood in line to do their banking needs, which he was completely oblivious to.  A dashing figure, at 6'1" and 185#, he has broad shoulders and a slim waist, giving him that classic upside down V shape.  His black wavy hair, clean cut and chiseled chin, with huge dimple in the middle, made him the envy of all the men, and the center of attention of all the women.  He was also blessed with loads of charm, which he again was oblivious to the effects it had on others.
    Problem was, Georgino had no aspirations.  None.  He was happy, living his solitary life, focusing on his house plants and immaculately cared for lawn.  He had no room in his perfect life, for anyone or anything else.
    Everything changed when the Wild Bunch (supervillain team) decided to rob his bank.  Georgino has OCD to the extreme, and he couldn't stand the chaos the robbery was causing, so he stepped up; right into the line of fire of a villain's transmutation ray...
    Suddenly, the mild-mannered Georgino, wearing one of his close-to name-sake's suits, was transformed.  He could not remove the suit, it was grafted to his body, but the suit also suddenly provided him protection, speed, strength and stamina.  Suddenly, Armani was born.
    His OCD still makes him insufferable (especially to his team mates), but his inability to allow any evil doer's plans to cause chaos or upset his world view (akin to a Zen garden), focuses him, and he leads the team to foil any such plans.
    Think 007, with a clean/neat fixation, and you're getting close.
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    Echo3Niner reacted to SKJAM! in Create a Villain Theme Team!   
    Chaos Butterfly was once an ordinary butterfly until it was bitten by a radioactive human and gained hyperintelligence and (by butterfly standards) immortality.  Now it knows the exact small actions to take in the exact spot to cause enormous disasters.  Soon it will be the smartest being left living on Earth.  That will show those humans!
  25. Like
    Echo3Niner got a reaction from Kirby in Aphorisms for a Superhero Universe   
    A sucking chest wound is the villain's way of telling you to slow down; until your healing factor kicks in.
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