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Posts posted by pinecone

  1. On 6/19/2021 at 5:36 PM, Cancer said:

    If you have developed the bad habit of liking good bread with olive oil and basalmic vinegar, then you already know that you need the good stuff (in all three components) for that. 


    (Cancer sighs deeply.)

    You did me some harm, I purchased a fresh from the oven Italian bread loaf, and filled a saucer with Olive oil, Balsamic, and a couple of cloves of crushed garlic. By the end of the day...no loaf of bread!

  2. On 6/19/2021 at 5:13 PM, assault said:

    I remember a short story in Space Gamer magazine in the early 80s that started with a young super getting a message on his pager. He then went and logged in to a secure network to get the details of his mission.


    So even in the early 80s, the idea of an on-call gig based system for superheroes was around.


    There were stats for the characters at the end of the story. IIRC, for V&V, Superhero 2044 - and first edition Champions.

    I think Aaron Alston had the "Hero net" as a concept Way back when. In my own games I expanded on the idea with the Heroic Examination, and Registration Org. (HERO) a federal agency that ran the HERO.net and maintained records on registered members. Want to join our team? Lets check Hero.net Hmmm lots of property damage, and you don't have insurance...sorry. Hero reg. allows members to have their Super ID be a legal person, so you can buy insurance, testify in costume etc....

  3. 2 hours ago, Terminax said:

    Lawsuits would kill it unless current laws are changed.

    But in a Super universe, they would Have to change.

    1 hour ago, Opal said:


    Yes, absolutely, so long as they were down with said authorities' partisan lines, and their public actions and personae fit the acceptable narratives.  No white Nationalist paramilitary captains or Aryan ubermenchen, for instance.  


    Heck, SF could have a sponsored hero team, like the Rainbow Warriors or something.... hmmm... the Create a Hero Theme Team thread has been quiet lately....  


    I think I heard something about police &c moving to new digital systems that can't just be picked up that way.



    Yeah, as long as the politics match, it could work.


    On the radios, there is a thing called operational security, so moving to a more secure means just makes sense. Bad guys can own radios just as much as good guys. I could easily see Viper monitering the police radio, then launching ops when something "big" happens, because both the police, and the supers will be busy.

  4. 1 hour ago, Tjack said:

        Could Supers operate legally in San Francisco?  Probably not.   Could that city really use a Batman or The Question patrolling the streets......ehhhhhhh, maybe.

    But could a area crowd fund a vigilante? Maybe... SF really is in melt down mode. But just like Tony, internet giants might have super powered security that is Totally Not the founder of the company.

  5. On 3/16/2021 at 12:03 AM, tkdguy said:


    I had this thought of putting several of the elements together. Use these propellers with a few quadcopters painted with Musou Black. Maybe add a few more LEDs on the sides. Have the drones take off on a dark night. Let them freestyle a bit and race across a few hoops lit up with LEDS. Then they fly over people in black body suits spinning lightsabers. Maybe have a couple of lightsaber wielders do a mock battle as well. Add a few holograms and dancing robots. Music will be played with the laser harp and other instruments featured on this thread. Footage will be FPV and other cameramen, along with some light photography stills. Add some VFX to the footage.


    Yeah, I know this will never happen, but a guy can dream. I did try to explain it to my sister. She said it was too much sensory input.

    Put together a pitch, gather a team of euthusiasts and look for funding. All dreams start out as impractical, until they're not.

  6. 3 hours ago, Hermit said:

    I've actually used Bounty Hunters and Bounty Hunting organizations that involved supers in my Champions games before


    Like this Bail Bondsman in another thread

    Yeah I could see Super Bounty Hunters become a "thing" Dr Doom has diplomatic immunity, etc so stopping a rampaging super might be worth posting a reward. Such things are currently used with serial kidnappers etc. Again crowd funding.


    A badly beset city might have fed up citizens crowd fund up a bounty on the local Viper Nest...?

    45 minutes ago, Greywind said:

    Buffy did construction. The other works didn't appreciate her help.

    You either go with the change, or get left behind....always been that way.

  7. 6 hours ago, LoneWolf said:

    I see a couple of problems with this.  First of all who is paying the bounty?  Anyone doing this is opening themselves up to huge liability when things go wrong.   Unless the Heroes are willing to provide a lot a information about themselves no company or government organization is going to allow them to just blindly assign tasks like this.  This would also open the publisher of the app to law suits when no one shows up.  No company would offer any kind of insurance for this type of thing, and without insurance the cost of law suits would destroy any company or business tying it. 


    The second problem I see is that an app is not needed. Police band radios have been around for a long time.   All any hero needs to do is to monitor those frequencies for alerts to crimes in progress.  I had at least of few characters in the 80’s that did this to find out what happened in the area.  Radio Listen and Transmit is not that expensive.  

    The Avengers is a NGO, and is a limited liability company/Corp.. Also laws can be passed or reinterp. such as "good samaritan" laws that are on the books in almost every state (if not all) A Super Hero universe has had to deal with "Super" issues for awhile, and things can be put in place. Uber, and other companies have already provided  the ground work. In a "real" world, having amature supers is a very poor model. It would be vastly better to have "full time" supers. Not only can they train and learn better, but they would be far more available. How much crime was commited by Spider Man's rogue gallery while he was off in Europe?

  8. On 12/22/2020 at 7:31 AM, Christopher R Taylor said:


    Its probably meant to be in the 30s but the director didn't get the setting details exactly right (like what movies were out).

    It seemed like it was meant to be pre-war, just on the cusp. Japan was in China, Sky Captain might have been a flying tiger...?

  9. So I got to see my girl today, for the second time since Pandemic. And I was talking on how much the world has changed, and how comic book universes have not kept up. And I mentioned that I thought the Avengers Project would have moved to a Gig economy model after MCU movies. And she really liked that idea. If you join Avengers, you can down load an App, that works like Uber, Door dash etc. Bank robbery within 5 blocks, are you available? Heroes can be paid bounties, and docked for excessive damages. And make a living as a full time hero, And live a private life, if wanted.


    What other changes should the Comic book universe contain?

    Do you wish to Tip your hero? Did He/She arrive in time? etc...thank you for helping Avengers become a better service!

  10. 19 hours ago, DShomshak said:

    I just heard on All Things Considered yesterday that Snapchat is removing its "Speed Filter." I*think* that means that while you send a Snapchat video message from a car, the service splices in a message of how fast you're moving. Supposedly, some young people took this as a challenge to show they were messaging at 100+ mph, with the predictable result of some of them crashing and dying. (Tho, Snapchat claims the filter was removed because it wasn't popular enough.)


    Last year, IIRC, was an interview with a doctor who tried compiling statistics on "Death By Selfie": People dying because they think they'll get lots of Likes by showing themselves hanging by one arm from a skyscraper, in front of an oncoming train, or some other flagrantly stupid and dangerous situations.


    All very sad for family and friends, but I am cold-blooded enough that I cannot see these deaths as tragic. Not when so many people die through the stupidity, malice and greed of others.


    Dean Shomshak

    As my great grand used to say "Stupid is a Capital Crime"

  11. 3 minutes ago, archer said:

    I've never really understood the disparity of pricing on olive oil.


    The primo stuff just doesn't seem different than the whatever stuff.

    For cooking? No real diff, the heat kills any extra flavor. But when the oil is used for other things it does make a diff. Expensive is for bread, and salad. Cheap is for cooking. :)

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