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Everything posted by kukuli

  1. I agree with hand waving small fairly common items, with limited “charges”. My game runs on late 19th-early 20th century tech so matches, and such are a given. I start characters with all the basic tools necessary for their skills and let them carry small items with them. These items can be taken from them but I don't make them pay for new items unless they want an upgrade. I let them roll on questionable items, if I'm feeling generous. When I was playing Champions in college, my GM allowed my character to be carrying what ever I had in my purse. I didn't abuse it. I only carried what I needed in real life. One day, in a session before my puppetry class, he stripped us of our powers and trapped us in a medium tech trap. I pulled out my pliers and craft knife and explained how I defeated the trap. He still grumbles.
  2. Burrowing owls, or in the Cahuilla langauge, kukuli!
  3. So, why isn't it just Change Environment: Bubble of Nothing and use the drowning rules?
  4. I'm old. The premmorpg hero groups my gang built were usually: An Energy blaster or two, a Brick, some form of healer ( with combat abilities as well), some form of movement specialist (teleport, speeder, or flier, etc., with appropriate combat abilities) , a Magic user and maybe a Martial artist. Some of these characters overlapped. Make sure that the players have a varied set of powers, even with similar special effects.
  5. No MMORPGs for me. I tied Warcraft but I can't seem to get the hang of the controls. My Tauren just ran around in circles. I blame mad cow disease.
  6. Found It! RK_scrn if it helps anyone else.
  7. Does anyone know the file name of the GM screen? I can find the book on my computer, but I can't seem to find the GM screen. Which is strange since I just recently used it. Thanks, I have a real life disadvantage with computers. They hate me
  8. Umm, can we say Pulp hero? Outrageously competent is in the job description.
  9. Umm, can we say Pulp hero? Outrageously competent is in the job description.
  10. Assuming that you have a reason to determine the damage of small animals, and I understand that most won't ever need to, what about these specs? Tiny: 1 Damage Class, standard effect, normal damage. Very Small: 1 Damage Class, normal or killing dependent on animal type (a teacup Chihuahua would be normal, a rattlesnake would be killing). Small: 2 Dcs standard effect, normal or killing dependent on animal type (house cats would be normal, microraptors would be killing). Medium: 2 Dcs, normal or killing dependent on animal type. (Foxy Dude, the mighty Shiba Inu, would be normal damage, a compsognathus would be killing) Large, etc.: Strength damage + any special attributes, normal or killing dependent on animal type. Tiny and very small animals would not be able to do body to most humans, but would be able to damage some low defense items. Small animals, like house cats, would get a little more stun than the Chihuahua, but would still no body damage. My dog could do a stray point or two, not that I'd worry. His favorite prey is the light of a lazer pointer.
  11. Oops! I was recreating the power from memory and got it wrong. 15 Unnoticed: Character blends In to Surroundings: Sight Group Images 1" radius, +/-4 to PER Rolls, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2) (44 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about half of its effectiveness (only to blend into surrounding; -1), Side Effects. (Character goes unnoticed if he doesn't bring attention to himself in Noncombat situations.; -1/2), No Range
  12. This is how we have been doing it. The poor guy has to make a scene at a resteraunt to get service. He also spent a night laying in a alley, injured, because the team couldn't find hum. 14 Unnoticed: Character blends In to Surroundings: Sight Group Images 1" radius, +/-6 to PER Rolls, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (35 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about half of its effectiveness (only to blend into surrounding; -1), Side Effects. (Character goes unnoticed if he doesn't bring attention to himself in Noncombat situations.; -1/2) The opponents get plusses to their perception rolls when he does something to attract attention, like dressing inappropriately.
  13. I am running a 5er pulp/steampunk game and one of my PCs is a talking cat. We used the bestiary cat as a basis. Add the Flurry of Claws and she is a cuisenart. But one thing that no one is bringing up is reduced penetration (AAGH, THE MATH, THE MATH!). Against resistant defenses, she does much less body. She had her first fight with a thick skinned ratman last session and got knocked out for the first time. Maybe a small animal limitation on claws of "treat clothing as rPD for this attack" would help.
  14. Dumb Luck: 7pts Luck 3d6 (15 Active Points); Side Effects: Unluck 3d6, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (-1), 0 end Once, the character, who had no real combat skills but HAP points coming out of her ears, was drugged into a zombie state and was wandering around a dilapidated shack. She rolled 2 levels of luck and 1 level unluck and went crashing through the floor. Luckily, her fall was cushioned by a couple of goons, who were knocked out. And the team found the enemy's hideout when they went looking for her.
  15. Or the hero can just give the guys his phone number. The phone is more of a plot device than equipment. I don't think it's necessary to spend points on equipment that is only there to drive the plot.
  16. I have been playing Hero since the first edition of Champions. Most of my GM experience has been in 5er. I can PLAY in any version, the GM does the heavy lifting in most rules changes. As a GM, I don't have the drive to completely rewrite my existing campaign for changes that don't really change the gaming experience for my players. But, my game is a heroic, somewhat lighthearted, roleplay heavy game. A Supers or heavy Scifi game might be different. The only 6ed change I've made is changing the scale. I handle the change by designing a hybrid hex grid with 2m hexes in black and 1m hexes in blue.
  17. I have a really weird beverage set. and an 8- typing skill roll.
  18. I'm still less than familiar with Hero 6e, but I found this in my perusal of Champions Complete today: Pg 13 When a character uses an ability Casually, he uses it at half effect (or less, if he prefers). For example, a character with Blast 12d6 has a “Casual Blast” of 6d6; a character with STR 50 has a Casual STR of 25; and so on. Using an ability Casually costs END as normal, but only for the amount of the ability he’s using (i.e., he would pay END for a 6d6 Blast, not 12d6). If desired, the GM can extend this rule to trivial non-attack uses of Powers, such as a character using his Fire Blast to light candles. So, spend an end point and fill your gasses.
  19. Where is the "most expensive" rule found? I've been playing Hero from the beginning and I managed to miss it. What page is it in 5er? Or 6?
  20. A required Biology KS would do the trick. In a world where fighting big tentacled beasts is common, a Martial Artist might have acess to Octopus Pressure Points 101. A Sensei might feel dragon fighting is an important skill to teach. It comes down to what is normal for the game world.
  21. That makes sense. St+(v/5) means a "normal" trip wire with no extra strength built in would do 1d6 damage to a normal person moving at noncombat speed. No body would get through and very few stun, if any. Of course, a super moving at combat speed into a specially designed trap would be another story. Good call.
  22. How did you come up with your 'handle' (forum name)?It means Burrowing Owl in Cahuilla, which is the tribe of California Indians I am from. The name translates to "Little creator" and I am an a compulsive crafter. What was the first tabletop RPG you played?The first try was a poorly run game of D&D (don't remember which version), then came AD&D, and Villains and Vigilantes. Then Champions came out and I've played mostly Hero system since. What was the first tabletop RPG you GMed?Dardevils. I switched to Justice, Inc when it came out. What are you currently playing/GMingI GM a pulp/ steampunk ( steampulp!) game using Hero 5th Edition. I am currently playing in Pathfinder and Fate.
  23. Why does it have to be built at all? It's an environmental hazard more than a deadly trap. More like a tree root, but planted on purpose. How do you figure the damage from a face plant? As GM I would just allow it and give a die or two of damage if the victim was running.
  24. I am not the most experienced GM when it comes to introducing players, but I found Heroic Talents to be easier than trying to make powers by scratch. I run a heroic level Pulp/steampunk game and even when I design the Heroic talents myself it decreases the amount of frustration for the first time player. Pulp Hero , Dark Champions and the Widening Gyre have lists of pre-generated abilities. I use 5th edition and have designed a few extra Heroic Talents myself. Use the lists or talk to your players and write up powers for them. Then let them work out the skills and other abilities. It is the creation of unique powers that complicates matters more than any other part of the character generation system. When the player is ready to write up something more difficult you can teach them how. I am also working on an easier to understand character sheet, with combat necessitates on one side and noncombat on the other. I'm also looking for ways to cut out the character generation artifacts from the descriptions. I'll keep the Hero Designer files for reference.
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