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  1. Like
    Lee reacted to Starlord in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    I've already accepted that this Thor is different from the comics.  I enjoy this character for who he is.  Is the story well done?  Is it gripping and interesting?  Thats what matters.
    Trying to find the logic in whether a 2000 yr old warrior can be broken by grief is like complaining why Star Trek planets all have earth-like gravity and atmosphere or that phasers make noise in space...its pointless.  FWIW, how can anyone definitivelly say what a 2000 year old being would think or feel?  What there worldview would be? There's never been one nor will there be.  Want to use an old human as comparison?  Fine, I know many 75 plus year old people who have learned nothing in their long life and most likely closed their minds to any new thoughts by the time they were 20.
  2. Like
    Lee reacted to Lord Liaden in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    I recall an issue of the Thor comic (I'd have to look up which one) after Odin apparently died fighting Surtur in the "Sword of Doom" story line. Wandering grief-stricken he encounters the being called Tiwaz who unknown to him is actually his great-grandfather Buri, who helps guide him back to positivity. At one point Buri quotes the famous psalm by David, "To every thing...". Thor asks him, "What do mortals know of the grief of gods?" Buri replies, "They know more about death and dying than we do, Thor. They live with it every day of their lives."
    There simply isn't evidence that Thor when we first meet him has experienced any of the things you assume. His family is intact, his friends who all seem at least his age are all there. Odin has kept Asgard out of major wars since Thor was a child. As for the plague and loss of his mortal worshipers, this Thor seems scarcely concerned for or even aware of them, and judging from his unfamiliarity, hasn't visited Midgard in centuries. When Fandral tries to argue with Thor against a punitive expedition to Jotunheim, he tells Thor, "This isn't like Earth where you summon a little lightning and the humans worship you as a god!" Odin on meeting Jane Foster in The Dark World even compares her to a goat. Doesn't sound like most Asgardians took humans very seriously.
    Thor tells Selvig in his first movie, "For the first time in my life, I don't know what to do." And to Rocket in Infinity War: "I've lived fifteen hundred years, I've killed twice as many foes, and every one of them wanted to kill me, but they didn't. I'm alive because Fate wants me alive." To me that implies his recent failures and losses are new to him. And for a race and civilization of such power who live for at least millennia, why should the passage of 1,500 years have inevitably forced them on him?
  3. Like
    Lee reacted to Lord Liaden in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    When we first meet Thor in his debut movie, he's been living what amounts to an extended childhood. Over the 1,500 years of his life he's always been privileged, never known failure, never had to suffer the consequences of his actions. (We've learned that humans can live that way for at least seven decades.)   He defined himself as a warrior, a prince, a hero, but in the end he failed at all those things. Over the span of a decade he lost his power (albeit temporarily), lost his lover, lost his whole family, lost all his closest friends, lost his home, and lost the weapon that was like a part of him. He failed to protect his people, and lost most of them. He failed to save half the people in the entire universe. That so overwhelmed him that he lost the will to do anything but eat and drink and play video games, becoming a mental and physical mockery of who he was.
    I don't care how long you've lived, if all that doesn't prompt deep soul searching, I don't know what could.
  4. Like
    Lee reacted to Dr. MID-Nite in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    I really don't want a repeat of Thor: Ragnarök, but it looks like that is what we're going to get. Sigh...
  5. Like
    Lee reacted to archer in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    Well, he screwed up and half the living beings of the universe disappeared for five years because he didn't cut off Thanos's arm. His dad, brother, and sister died. Asgard was destroyed with his assistance. Most of the Asgardians who survived the destruction of Asgard died on the rescue boat that he was captaining.
    For all we know, a 5000 year old being goes through the stages of grief very slowly. In any case, even though he's 2000 years old, what he's gone through is still unprecedented in his lifetime.
    I mean, look at an adult human who's gone through 40% of his lifespan: he participates in the annihilation of the Earth, has his family die, tries to rescue a few people from Earth but they mostly all die on the rescue boat he's captaining. So how many years would he be going to therapy to get over that?  
    That's not how I would have written Thor but it's an understandable(though not entertaining) reaction on the "My-Life-Is-Crap-O-Meter". 
  6. Like
    Lee reacted to Cygnia in In other news...   
    Young girl reunited with stuffed bunny left behind at Reagan Airport
  7. Like
    Lee reacted to Pariah in And now, for your daily dose of cute...   
    Domo arigato. 
  8. Haha
    Lee reacted to Pariah in And now, for your daily dose of cute...   
    I think that duck may be inbred. 
  9. Like
    Lee reacted to Old Man in Books We Hated!   
    Huckleberry Finn - Tried reading this three times.  Never got past chapter 4.
    The Mayor of Casterbridge - The ultimate dull book.
    Madame Bovary - The ultimate dull book, plus pathetic and unsympathetic characters.
    The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant - The ultimate pathetic and unsympathetic character.
    Sword of Shannara - Really bad LOTR fanfic.
    The Crystal Empire (L. Neil Smith) - Nonsensical and offensive.
    Mainspring (Jay Lake) - Also nonsensical and offensive.
  10. Like
    Lee reacted to Pariah in Books We Hated!   
    I started Thomas Covenant twice and couldn't really get into it. I finally made it all the way through in the wake of my divorce. I guess I wasn't sufficiently depressed before that.
    I never read past the first book, though.
  11. Like
    Lee reacted to Logan D. Hurricanes in Books We Hated!   
    I started the Thomas Covenant books and gave up on the first one. Years later, I tried again and finished the entire trilogy. It's one of my favorite fantasy series now but getting started was very rough. I've heard others say they had a similar experience. 
  12. Like
    Lee reacted to death tribble in Books We Hated!   
    I have mentioned this before but the only book I gave up up and then came back to was The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant The Unbeliever. I got half way through and then gave up the first book and read the first of four books Julian May's Pliocene Quartet, Then I went back and finished it. Oddly enough after the first book I was able to get through the the first trilogy and then I read the second without a problem.
    I read Wizard's First Rule and decided I did not need to read any more.
    i read Lord of the Flies in school and liked it but maybe it is a British thing. We get the whole public school thing. It is part of our culture. I have read Moby Dick as well. Not because I had to either.
  13. Like
    Lee reacted to archer in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I'd settle for being the same age but healthy....
  14. Like
    Lee reacted to Lord Liaden in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Dude, have you noticed the median age of folks around here?
    Right now my fondest hope is to die before hell hits the handbasket.
  15. Like
    Lee reacted to tkdguy in Coronavirus   
    Sorry to hear that. I hope you get better soon.
  16. Like
    Lee reacted to unclevlad in Coronavirus   
    What irony?
    Everyone wants a cure for Cancer.....
  17. Like
    Lee reacted to Ternaugh in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    The Vice President is currently Kamala Harris. Trump is essentially arguing that she should decide the next presidential election.
  18. Sad
    Lee reacted to Cygnia in In other news...   
    Howard Hesseman, Dr. Johnny Fever on ‘WKRP in Cincinnati,’ Dies at 81
  19. Like
    Lee reacted to Spence in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    Ask what?  I'm confused.
    Everything is to taste.  I mean I know an avid Bollywood fan.   So there are people for everything, but I am attempting to push through a horrendous movie where it has been almost physical labor to push a full 24 minutes into a 156 minute show.  I mean a high order being that is thousands of years old invents a technological device to help farming and when literally everyone in the room indicates that it is far beyond current human understanding says "can you do that think" referring to mind control like a modern teenage genius that is technologically smarter than his emotional age.  
    So far the characters have not established any kind of connection with the audience except maybe Hayek's character is stupid since the scene with the big red guy clearly telegraphs "you're being lied to" with trumpeting shout of obviousness.   What few scenes there are that try to establish the characters are just long enough to utterly waste time while being too short to actually establish anything the audience can latch on to. 
    I'll admit I have never read the Eternals and it has been a long time since I've read a comic.  I the US comics industry shuttered it's doors back in the late 80's so it has been a while.  
    That means I am going in to the movie with no knowledge of the story so everything is dependent on the movie itself.  This movie is worse than the theatrical release of the 1984 Dune movie.  They were actually handing out a three page cheat sheet with definitions of terms in the lobby.  If you had read the book you could understand what they were trying to do, but with anyone that had never read the book it was a bomb at the box office.  
    I am sure that there are people that liked it, but currently at 24:21 it is about as interesting as a monotone documentary about different shades of white paint drying. 
    But I spent $5.99 on it and I will get my money out of it. 
    If I can stay awake
  20. Like
    Lee reacted to Spence in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    Well, I got Eternals through a special promotional deal.
    I've made it to the where Ajack talks to the big rock dude with red glowing flame pit eyes and is basically told not to think and just do her job.
    But I tell you, it has been a slog.  I may try to endure a little more tonight if I can't find anything more interesting than paint drying.
    I cannot understand how they put this out without a test audience.
  21. Like
    Lee reacted to slikmar in 2021-2022 NFL Thread   
    I would say probably. Should go in when Drew Brees does, the 2 of them helped to revitalize a city with that team after Katrina, iirc. 
  22. Like
    Lee reacted to Pariah in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    I trust DC to make a good superhero movie much like Corwin of Amber trusts his family.
    Which is to say, not at all.
  23. Thanks
    Lee reacted to Kap in Unofficial Advanced Player's Guide 3 Survey.   
    Re: Unoficial Advance Players Guide 3 Survay.

    Maybe you mean something different from what I'm understanding here, but isn't this where roleplaying comes in?
  24. Like
    Lee reacted to Hugh Neilson in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    OK, let's consider...
    Agree 100%.
    So we will never have any new Directors?  What was James Gunn's track record with Supers before he directed GoTG?  How many had Joss Whedon directed before Avengers?
    Agree.  That does not mean proven talent.  Who else would have hired RDJ?  Tom Holland wasn't exactly a household name either.
    Honours, sure.  But as I recall the source material, Peter Parker had no real friends in high school.  His early crushes/girlfriends were Betty Brant (a secretary, not a fellow student), Liz Allen (a white blonde), Gwen Stacy (ditto) and Mary Jane Watson (a white redhead). His Aunt was elderly and frail, as I recall, and never knew Peter was Spider-man (certainly not in his high school days).  I don't recall any Filipinos in his high school classes, but I do recall Flash Thompson, a red-haired white jock. 
    Some might say the various castings are
    but I'd say they
    So ditch those teachers, that high school buddy "Ned Leeds" and any father figure for Peter Parker?
    And we certainly would never want any new characters creeping into the MCU, or the comics for that matter!  In fact, the movies should stick to high-profile characters like the Hulk (how did his movie do again?), not B-Listers like Iron Man and Thor, much less more minor characters like Hawkeye, GoTG or Black Panther.
    Did I get all that right?
  25. Like
    Lee reacted to BoloOfEarth in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    In a past job, I had two coworkers - one of whom liked sci-fi (particularly Star Trek), and the other of whom was a sports fan (specifically the Detroit Lions, so that should let you know how delusional he was).  The sports fan - we'll call him Leo - was making fun of the sci-fi fan - we'll call him Mark - and then Leo turns to me and asks my opinion.
    I said, "Yeah, isn't it stupid those people who dress up in weird outfits, some of them paint their faces, they go on and on about their heroes and talk about weird minutia like any of it really matters?"
    Leo is nodding happily and smiling hugely.  "Yeah, so stupid..."
    I interjected, "I'm sorry, I was talking about sports fans."
    Mark about busted a gut laughing, and Leo was speechless.  It was a perfect moment.
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