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Everything posted by OzMike

  1. Re: Looking for some "names" Which is?
  2. Re: Western Hero; advice please. Based on Lonesome Dove? Story story story. Based on something a little actiony? A tavern, a group of strangers (the PC's), a corrupt sheriff throwing his weight around, and a big bad outlaw who really rules the town, everyone lives in fear of, and who comes back in "a coupla days". And go from there.
  3. Re: What Marvel/DC storyline have you ripped off...err been inspired by? So have you been running vomit-centric games then?
  4. Re: X-Men "Elseworld" game There was an issue of Excalibur where the Phoenix and Galactus fought - it was pretty cool. Wikipedia is your friend when it comes to researching for this type of thing. A lot of the questions I have are regarding the cosmology - how have demons and such (e.g. Mephisto) interacted with your MU? Things like that. Also if the Kree have interacted, what of the Inhumans? And then there is the Eternal/Deviant question... and are the Celestials in existence? I second the Gambit resolution. And why not have it be someone unexpected, like Nightcrawler, instead? Anyway, good luck with it all. My advice is to flesh out broad background, but leave the details fluid. Who knows - someone may come up with an interesting background that twists things for you. Also use wikipedia to checkout the storylines of the what if? series... a great source of alternative ideas.
  5. Re: Help! I'm stuck in a disad rut! I just remembered another, borrowed from GURPS Weirdness Magnet. If there was ever a character who would find themselves in the thick of absolutely weird events of a threatening nature, it was him. Talking ducks, demons with flatulence, accidentally buying a section of the Necronomicon at a flea market. Kind of like a hunted meets a DF meets Unluck.... but heaps of fun to play.
  6. Re: X-Men "Elseworld" game What is the status of the Hulk situation? How was it resolved? Has Galactus ever visited? What of other alien races? Who is the Sorceror Supreme? Where is Thor? What is the relationship of the gods with your version of the Marvel U?
  7. Re: What Marvel/DC storyline have you ripped off...err been inspired by? Have I personally ripped off? Janus Directive (DC) Miracleman a little bit of Zenith Dreadstar LSH: 5 Years Later Stormwatch Just to name a few which haven't been before
  8. Re: Hair Tricks? Rather than the traditional stretching and STR thing, why not use TK with the Physical Manifestation Limitation? My reasoning behind this is that if someone wanted to cut your hair with the stretching motif, it would be like severing an arm. Yukko in my book. You could use a variety of effects for it even - Area of Effect selective etc. Other tricks could include: Extra DCV levels - being unable to see through the mess of hair Clinging - using hair to hold/find holds EB - Hairballs <--- Joke Flash - flicking hair in your eyes (depending on the effect you're thinking of) - Leaping, Running Missile Deflection (bullets) - flicking them out of the air My two bits
  9. Re: When you think "Superhero".... ... I think dedication and motivation. Well, for the memorable ones anyway. Writers often forget that it's not so much what the person in tights can do, but how and why they do it. Also the good ones are flawed in some way, sometimes their flaw being the other side of their dedication and motivation. For me one of the coolest things about Mr Fantastic isn't that he can bend and stretch, or that he is one of the great scientific brains in the Marvel Universe, but that he once defended Galactus' right to live because he is so dedicated to the ideal.
  10. Re: Unofficial Handbook to the Champions Universe Sounds tops. You got my vote.... or is it my coat...?
  11. Re: Always On.... You could even recommended that the player by DEX, Always On, for her character... Or Armour Always on... Or... You get the picture. Actually the thing I think your player might be looking at is a little advantage called 'Inherent', which implies (for me at least) Always On in a persistent power. And if it's only one point, why is the player quibbling? You are the GM. Be the boss, just like Tony Danza. If they get bent out of shape about it, they need to grow up a bit methinks "The most important lesson I have ever learnt in life is that it is ok to set boundaries and say 'No'."
  12. Re: Limitations and the Silver Age A ferrous metal that is not hot?
  13. Re: [Mahou Sensei Negima] Pacto- Transform or Multipower? Hmmm... here's how I think the base power needs to be done... and it isn't cheap, but I guess you could put limitations on it... Pacto!: Major Transform 40d6 (standard effect: 120 points [for 2x10 BOD and + 2x50 for the extra points) (Character with 10 or less BODY into Superpowered (+250 pts of powers)), Improved Target Group (Any Number of Powers; +1) (1200 Active Points) This assumes the target of the power has 10 or less body, that the target only gains 250 pts of powers (plenty in my book, but it depends on your game), and that it only needs to be done once and works every time (hence the use of standard effect). Here are some possible disads off the top of my head (if you use them all the real cost comes down to 253 pts. Still a lot though). All Or Nothing (-1/2) - like I said, it works or it doesn't, and there's no accumulation of transform No Range (-1/2) - it's a kiss. Show me the man who thinks he can kiss at range and I'll show you a man alone. Limited Target: Only vs Females (-1/2) - like he's going to kiss a boy (although that would be an interesting quandry). Limited Power: Target must be willing (-1) - considering the power, maybe I made this too high. But considering that part of the deal is probably a psych lim: loyal and Psych lim: must protect [dude] I think it's still fair. Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2) - got to focus on that kiss Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2) - kisses can't be rushed Gestures (A Kiss; -1/4) - sealing the deal Or you could just handwave it and make him a DNPC with extremely useful skills/abilities for the PC girls. DNPC: 14- (As powerful as the PC; Useful Noncombat Position or Skills) - 5 pts.
  14. Re: Help! I'm stuck in a disad rut! I also think that playing a character with an Eeyore (Winnie the Pooh) or Marvin the Paranoid Android (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) level of Psych Lim: Depressed and a DF: Depressing would be fun...
  15. Seems like the benevolent Sir Richard Branson has decided to spread the love and start making comics. Looks pretty interesting. Check it out: www.virgincomics.com I posted in this part of the boards because the preview comic makes it look like a more non-spandex superhero-ish venture (albeit one from a slightly different and Asian-flavoured perspective). Or it could be super epic level fantasy or extreme dark champions or ... Just read it for yourself
  16. Re: Black enchantress And liked it so much you did it twice
  17. Re: Help! I'm stuck in a disad rut! The most fun disad I have played was Psych Lim: Lecherous. Basically it meant my character hit on any female in the vicinity, and did it constantly. Even in combat again female supervillains, and bad pickup lines abounded Things got really interesting when I rolled a three on my seduction against the main female antagonist in the campaign. It was doomed from the start, but boy it was fun, especially when she kidnapped me to make me her love slave. My character, I mean my character. Not me. That blurs the line to much.
  18. Re: Plot Seed: Six Places to Nuke When You’re Serious Maximum evil? Or maximum disruption? Most seem to be leaning towards the latter. So I'll go for the former just to be different... For maximum evil I would choose places or events that don't deserve nuking at all through anything they may have done: [1] Red Cross Camps - helpless refugeees and aid workers [2] Romanian Orphanages - helpless orphans [3] The Louvre - irreplaceable artworks [4] Glastonbury Outdoor Festival - large number of people there to have a good time. A large number of musicians who would become legendary in death. [5] 'Small Town', USA - 1 megaton would wipe it off the face of the map... for no reason at all. [6] Orangutan Sactuary in Borneo (or wipe out the last of the Gorillas in Africa) - helpless animals/the last of their species
  19. Re: Limitations and the Silver Age Perhaps cold iron refers to iron that is not heated (as in not fresh from the blacksmith). Anyways, you can decide to what degree. Personally, I liked the idea of a susceptibility and a physical limitation. Doesn't have to be an attack then.
  20. Re: Limitations and the Silver Age Argonite doesn't hurt Dr Atomic because it's merely an inert gas... However, the radiation released by the actual substance that gave him him powers - Atomicum - interferes with the flow/field effect generate by Atomicum energy in his own body. Much like opposing fields interfere with each other. And when this energy is disrupted in his own body, it hurts. Also the field interference effect cause Atomicum, which normally looks like simple granite, to glow with an eerie light. Nosy newspaper reporters labelled the substance Argonite because they don't have degrees in Geology or Chemistry, and because of innaccurate data from 1910. Dr Atomic allows the mistake to continue unrectified because bad folks will 'try' to use his vulnerability to argonite against him, when in reality it does nothing. Hows that?
  21. Re: How would you (why the heck would you) build this power? He fixes your roof? Builds an extension? New HERO Genre: Renovation HERO
  22. Re: Superhero Comics & D&D Alignments So if I only have sporadic dedication to Law, I am chaotic? How would the forces of chaos ever beat the forces of law? We've just put the whole idea of Warhammer behind the 8 ball I think
  23. Re: Limitations and the Silver Age I think that again you end up with a source material (i.e. comics) versus roleplaying games debate. In the DC silver age comics, many superheroes had all-or-nothing limitations that meant under certain conditions their powers wouldn't work and Joe the Streetcleaner would be more useful. Also, in the comics, you had an extreme range of power levels represented (anyone compared to Superman I guess). Neither of these work well in play though, unless you have a great group of players. Imagine how a player would feel if they were rescued by their DNPC regularly (Hulk or Superman). Anyways, just my thoughts. Also RE: GL.... Perhaps rather than recharge it was more like re-activate - like a car immobiliser. If the ring wasn't plugged into the lantern after 24 hours, it simply stopped working. Final thought... The DC Silver Age was more an age of silliness - so why do the limitations have to make sense? Why couldn't you have a speedster who cannot run on the color green or an insect based super who loses all his powers in the presence of cooking meat? Sure, to people in our context they seem stupid, but in a time when there was Beppo the Supermonkey and Comet the Superhorse it all makes perfect (if illogical) sense.
  24. Re: [Mahou Sensei Negima] Pacto- Transform or Multipower? Hmmm... not sure the multiform way is strictly 'legal' in the 5ER way....but it doesn't matter unless the chracter is for publication. If the GM aproves it - cool IMHO - I'd go with a transform rather than Multiform UOO, even if it is practically like a Multiform UOO... It's all rather silly really
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