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Everything posted by palaskar

  1. Re: The Villain Protocols Gold K is back? What crazy writer decided to do that? I mean, it basically means instant death for Kryptonians (no powers permanently, then just kill them using normal means), and it's not like there are good reasons to do it -- how do you justify any of Superman's actions now, when some mook can hit him with Gold K -- or get in his presence with Green K, then use Gold K. I mean, if I were Lex Luthor, this is what i'd do immediately (since Superman's speed might allow him to dodge the Gold K -- still, though Supes tends to be overconfident and just let bullets bounce off of him.)
  2. Re: What would your Master Villain do? Yeah, I know about that aspect of the football. It's really just another thing to keep the heroes busy. I not sure how many people know that detail about the football, so the dumber heroes might fall for it. But good idea for Windows!
  3. Re: The Villain Protocols Well, how would you model Darkseid's Omega Beams, then? I've always assumed that they would be some sort of ERKA with NND, Fully Indirect, Transdimensional (All Dimensions, All Times), with Explosive (Only to hit people who try to dodge.) Plus, I would like to point out that Darksied's Omega Beams have been reflected, in the Teen Titans/X-men crossover. Starfire's starbolts blasted into Darkseids eyes (right in front of his eyes), reflecting the Omega Beams back, and causing Darkseid severe pain. If you could just figure out how to amplify the effect -- similar to how Cyclop's beams were amplified so that could hurt him when he was normally immune (in the attack on Morlocks' tunnels) we could plausibly disintegrate Darkseid. As for Doom: Have Reed Richards ask Doom for help. Reed says he is dying of a fatal disease he himself cannot cure. Doom, of course, sees this as an opportunity to one-up Reed. When Doom approaches Reed, have the Thing pop out (possibly hidden by the Invisible Woman's powers -- although I think Doom is too smart to fool this way, so the Thing would have to be hidden in some much more undectable way, like in the Microverse) and brawl with Doom. Doom takes this as a way to teach the "brute" a lesson, and the Thing manages to crush Doom's gauntlets (this has happened before.) Next, Reed pops out a small EMP grenade he has hidden in his flexible body, to short out the rest of Doom's electronics. Finally, the Human Torch, who was similarly hidden as the Thing, fries Doom in his armor from behind. As for other problems I've recognized: Ultron's Adamantium probably shields him from EMPs. Solution: put the EMP in his "mouth," either by a tough Brick (Wonder Man and Thor have both gotten close enough to do this) or by a throw by a high-dex Martial Artist. This latter option has happened to the grey "Mr. Fixit" Hulk, when a soldier lobbed a grenade into the Hulk's mouth. Phantom Zone villains: They're still tough to beat down, even if they have no powers. Solution: send in a Martial Artist with a Green K knife, like Darkseid tried to do in the end of Ultimate JLA. Black Flash:Probably have to make it Fully Transdimensional (all times, plus the Speed Zone dimension) to compensate that the Black Flash essentially freezes time when he appears, and can travel through time. Juggernaut: If you complain that Juggernaut will use his force field to black the OIF, just hit him with a sonic NND. This is what Nimrod used to take him out in their conflict.
  4. Re: The Villain Protocols Metaphysician, could you clear up why? I mean, these things are not any crazier than the Batman Protocols. Frex: The Thing has had an anti-grac disk stuck on his back by the Wizard (FF villain.) Darkseid regulary blasts people who annoy him with his Omega Beams, so it wouldn't be hard to trick him into doing it. Likewise with the Phantom Zone villians. They tend to be overconfident. Remember how in "The Dark Knight Returns" how Green Arrow hits Superman with an exploding Green K arrow? Doom has previously had his gauntlets destroyed by the Thing. Galactus has previously gotten a cosmic belly-ache from eating the planet of the Poppopians (Impossible Man's race.) The Black Fash has no mental defenses that I know of; he's just riduculously fast. If you think that triggering it is a problem, just give the power a Trigger: when Black Flash arrives.
  5. Re: What would your Master Villain do? Well, the idea was to give superheroes little time to counter the dangers. I imagine that the UN would agree pretty quickly once that tidal wave started coming in. The rest are just gravy to keep the superheroes busy.
  6. Re: What would your Master Villain do? Patience is the key. Plant a large bomb on the slope of the Canary Islands where it cause much of it to fall into the sea and cause a tidal wave devastating much of the East Coast of North America. Plant a virus in the various versions of Unix and time it to lock up all the computers that use it on a prepated date. On that date, at the same time: Plant EMP bombs at the worlds' major stock exchanges. Attack the department of desease (sp?) control and aquire the remaning samples of smallpox. Then position agents at major airports with the virus. Attack the president of the US to gain the "nuclear football." Inform the UN they have 15 minutes to make you master of the world. If nothing happens, detonate the Canary Island bomb and cause a tidal wave. Give the UN another 15 minutes. If nothing still happens, detonate the EMP bombs. Give the UN another 15 minutes. If nothing still happens, spread out the smallpox. Give the UN another 15 minutes. If nothing happens after that, start blowing up cities with the "nuclear football" codes and the President of the US.
  7. So, reading "The Champions Protocols" got me thinking -- how would you nullify/take out the major Marvel/DC/Champions villians? Here's my take: Galactus: Easy. Megascale cosmetic transform on the Earth from "tasty planet" to "disgusting planet." Darkseid:Missile deflection, vs. all attacks, usable to attack other characters, plus a large Aid, only to the deflectived attack. Darkseid gets disintegrated by his own Omega Beams. The Black Flash: VERY large megascale (probably the size of Earth or so) mind control, only to "convince you are already absorbed by the Speed Force." Does have the nasty side effect of nullifying all Speed Zone heroes, though. Doomsday/Juggernaut/Rampaging Hulk: OIF, only to lift character off the ground. May need Area Effect to take out superfast Doomsday, of course. Dr. Doom: Tough one. First take off or destroy his gauntlets, which disables his offensive and defensive armor systems (look at the Dr. Strange/Dr. Doom team-up graphic novel for proof of this.) Then hit Doom with an EMP to prevent him from moving away via a time travel chip, etc. in his armor. Finally, hit him with Autofire Fully Indirect Penetrating RKAs, so you can get around his mystic shields and don't have to worry about him switching consciousnesses with you via eye contact. Thanos/Satannish/Mephisto: Summon a Slavishly Controlled Death look-alike with very high PRE and COM (COM only versus Death-lovers, of course.) Would probably also work on Hela. Ultron: EMP. The Phantom Zone Kryptonians: Hit them with Green Kryptonite in the form of a sticky dust powder. Villains are covered in Kryptonite, find it hard to get off them. Clobber de-powered Kryptonians with regular attacks. Anyone else?
  8. Re: Armageddon 1946 Great thread start! You might also include that American physicists thought the atom bomb would ignite the entire atomosphere.
  9. Re: Worst. Hero. Ever. Please post stats for Jesus, the Nuclear Whale! I want to see how he stacks up against Professor Clam.
  10. Inspired by the Muchkin comment that somebody built Earth on 350 points,on the Ghostrider-rip off thread, I present to you the Ultimate Supervillian: Planet Earth! The sceneraio is this: The world is rocked by unusual storms, earthquakes, etc. Eventually, your characters discover this is because Earth is intelligent, and it's pissed at the human race for screwig around with its ecosystems, exploiting its natural resources, and so on. So it's decided to eliminate these pesky humans. Now, what your characters do?
  11. Re: Worst. Hero. Ever. I have to disagree with Inputjack on Bobobo-bo-bobo. I think it's great. It makes absolutely no sense whatever. None. Nada. Zip. Zero. That's the point. It's like playing a game of HoL every week without watching your characters die.
  12. Re: Resistance is Futile... Hand-to-hand combat with skilled fighters and fairly large edged weapons. Death Stars. Things that make a star go supernova. Severing the subspace neural link to the collective via subspace fluctations. Using the "spatial rift" teleporting tech in ST:tNG to shift in photon torpedos. Setting off an Omega bomb. Forming a treaty with Species 8472, and gating them to our galaxy. Black holes. Hitting cubes with neutronium, causing the cube to be crushed under the gravity. Frying a Borg queen's brain with tachyon radiation, frying all the queen's minds at once though time and space. (Not sure if this one will work, though.) Tricking the Borg into attacking Orgainia, and having the Orgainians "teach them a lesson" like they did with the Federation and the Klingons. Setting a "planet eater"" on them, like in "ST:Vendetta." Have the Dominion and their Founders deal with them. I doubt the Founders can be assimilated, given their shapshifting and ability to use subspace. That's al I can think of off the top of my head.
  13. Re: Resistance is Futile... Actually, Borg do seem to be vulnerble to physical attacks. Remember when Species 8472 (IIRC) cut them into pieces of limbs?
  14. Re: Worst. Hero. Ever. I can't belive no-one posted Son Goku. Maybe because he's anime/manga, but look at his character motivations/personilty: 1.Fighting. 2.Training (so he can fight better.) 3.Eating (so he can keep training.) 4.Being nice. Because he was dropped on his head as a child. I mean, I can't think of a flatter character ever in print than that, now that I've stopped watching DBZ (although I still want to see Goku's training under King Kai, just to see if I can incorporte into my own martial training.) I mean, look at the current Naruto series and see how even the psycho-killer Gaara gets depth of origin and character.
  15. Re: CHAR: The Hellrider (Witness my unbridled munchkinry) Balabanto, I want to see those Munchkins. And how people would handle them in play...fear me! I am EARTH!
  16. Re: Rocket-propelled Chainsaw What, nobody remembers the "Johnny Extreme" (IIRC) video game with bazookas that shot chainsaws? No, I kid you not.
  17. Re: Please help... Name My Superhero Group! (in-game contest) What, nobody has thought of "The Chicago Champions?" or maybe "The Champions of Chicago" ? It seemed so obvious.
  18. Re: Best Mystic comic/character ever? Doc Strange. Wierd invocations, philosophy, and... he took out Galactus! How can you not respect a guy like that?
  19. Re: Creepiest/Sickest superhero concept ever? Well, there's always "Vomir," French existentialist character who had the power to vomit nearly anything. It just had to be one ton or so or less. So, frex, he could vomit Volkswagens. Never wrote him up though. Then there's Disgusting Man. All of his powers are, ahem, "emissions-based." So, he spews lava diarheaa (sp?), stickly snot Entangles, acid bad breath...never finished the concept, but I think that's a good thing.
  20. Re: Grond vs. A Cow Man, I just can't stop laughing at that one. I keep imagining scenes where the Giant Clam tricks Grond with its superior inteligence. This is great too. Not quite as funny as the Giant Clam, though. How do you rep here?
  21. Re: Grond vs. A Cow This is the perfect reason why every group should have a Brick Cow. "Oh no, it's Captain Cow!" "Moo-moo-moo MOOOO!" "AHHHH! run away, run away!"
  22. Re: ONE power: what do you do with it? The first thing that comes to mind is gobs of Duplication, with 5-point characters. You can do a lot of things at once. The second thing that comes to mind is Drain vs. Int, megascale, personal immunity. With the rest of the world reduced to drooling morons, I would RULE THE WORLD! MUHAHAHAHA!
  23. Re: The Empire of Man -- A Fantasy World I'm not a big faerie fan (at all), but this world looks pretty interesting. But my favorite part was the intestinal flora attack. "Fear my indegestion!"
  24. Re: New Body Armor I'd peg it as 5th ed's "advanced body armor," only with Hardened. So, Armor (11PD/11ED), Hardened (+1/2): 48 points.
  25. Re: Bad Powers Isn't it from "Get Smart?" It's where I took the idea.
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