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  1. Like
    Tech got a reaction from Duke Bushido in Supers Image game   
    "Why do heroes need to be good looking or have slick costumes? Not me! I don't need any fancy fire-powers or being able to read minds. Yea, sure, some of those heroes like to get all sneaky-like or show off there super-ultra power and wow the crowd. I say 'Big deal!'.  I say you just need to get the job done and the people will call you a superhero. With my powers of super-belching, I can blow away just about anything I see. So says Captain Uncouth!"
  2. Like
    Tech got a reaction from SteelCold in Supers Image game   
    "Why do heroes need to be good looking or have slick costumes? Not me! I don't need any fancy fire-powers or being able to read minds. Yea, sure, some of those heroes like to get all sneaky-like or show off there super-ultra power and wow the crowd. I say 'Big deal!'.  I say you just need to get the job done and the people will call you a superhero. With my powers of super-belching, I can blow away just about anything I see. So says Captain Uncouth!"
  3. Like
    Tech got a reaction from GreaterThanOne in Cheesy-munchkiny builds you've seen?   
    I'm looking through some of these and am thinking: are these book legal? Yes. Are they powerful, even very-powerful? Yes. Cheesy? Mmm, not really.
  4. Thanks
    Tech reacted to CptPatriot in The Old C64 Video Game   
    This was the only Champions game that they were talking about back in the days.
    It was highlighted in Computer Gaming World Issue 93/April 92 ( http://www.cgwmuseum.org/galleries/index.php?year=1992&pub=2&id=93 )

  5. Like
    Tech reacted to Ninja-Bear in Extra CON, only to avoid becoming Stunned?   
    Maybe because it may not fit their character’s conception .
  6. Like
    Tech got a reaction from SteelCold in Supers Image game   
    Bullet Train
    James Tally, age 45, enjoyed his job working in the train industry. He'd been fascinated with trains since his youth so it was only natural that he decided to get a job in that area. Being outdoors, checking on tracks, repairing trains, he loved it all. However, being outdoors at night is not always kind to people. On one particular evening, James saw - and felt - a meteor strike nearby. This was a once in a lifetime chance to see a meteor, and maybe get his photo in the paper. He went to the edge of the strike and took a look. The meteor was much smaller than he thought it'd be: perhaps a meter across at most with the strangest, light-blue glow to it. He understood the glow could be radiation and tried to leave. Unfortunately, he'd already been exposed and couldn't move. Moments later, he felt weak and within a minute, fell unconscious into the small crater on top of the meteor.
    After waking up in the hospital and staying a few days, James was ready to get back to work. He felt fabulous and better than he had in over a decade. That was when he discovered his powers: he ran to work the ten miles distance in a little over a minute before he knew how to regain control. He'd read the stories about superheroes and their powers; the realization that he'd gotten powers was incredible! After he got home, he took a month's leave of absence and tested himself: he had to know what his powers were or he could devastate something, or someone. He was superhumanly strong, strong enough to lift over ten tons but his ability to run dwarfed even that. With the help of Dr. Helena Amory, the superhuman power expert, he was able to find he could run approximately 500mph.
    He decided to take up the mantle of becoming a superhero, to help people in need in the fastest of ways, as Bullet Train.
  7. Like
    Tech reacted to Ninja-Bear in When/if you upgrade a villain from an edition...   
    Tech, I do change characters to the edition I’m using. (FWIW is 6th). Like Hugh, I do also edit characters to the game I’m GMing. For example I’ve updated Laser to 6th but he has only a 3 slot multi power for his Laser Rifle. I do like that average Normals should be 8s though seeing less than a 10 can still trip me up. (I started in 4th ed.) 
  8. Like
    Tech reacted to Oruncrest in When/if you upgrade a villain from an edition...   
    In The HERO System Almanac, the Average Soldier was given a PRE of 10, with the text specifying that the extra point came from 'an improved self-image and experience with acting under pressure'.
    If the idea of an Average Human having Primaries of 8 took hod around this time then a Genocide Rook having a PRE of 10 doesn't seem so unreasonable...
  9. Thanks
    Tech got a reaction from Quackhell in Supers Image game   
    Duke, the image author is PatC-14. You can find his work on deviantart.
  10. Like
    Tech got a reaction from Quackhell in Supers Image game   
    Bullet Train
    James Tally, age 45, enjoyed his job working in the train industry. He'd been fascinated with trains since his youth so it was only natural that he decided to get a job in that area. Being outdoors, checking on tracks, repairing trains, he loved it all. However, being outdoors at night is not always kind to people. On one particular evening, James saw - and felt - a meteor strike nearby. This was a once in a lifetime chance to see a meteor, and maybe get his photo in the paper. He went to the edge of the strike and took a look. The meteor was much smaller than he thought it'd be: perhaps a meter across at most with the strangest, light-blue glow to it. He understood the glow could be radiation and tried to leave. Unfortunately, he'd already been exposed and couldn't move. Moments later, he felt weak and within a minute, fell unconscious into the small crater on top of the meteor.
    After waking up in the hospital and staying a few days, James was ready to get back to work. He felt fabulous and better than he had in over a decade. That was when he discovered his powers: he ran to work the ten miles distance in a little over a minute before he knew how to regain control. He'd read the stories about superheroes and their powers; the realization that he'd gotten powers was incredible! After he got home, he took a month's leave of absence and tested himself: he had to know what his powers were or he could devastate something, or someone. He was superhumanly strong, strong enough to lift over ten tons but his ability to run dwarfed even that. With the help of Dr. Helena Amory, the superhuman power expert, he was able to find he could run approximately 500mph.
    He decided to take up the mantle of becoming a superhero, to help people in need in the fastest of ways, as Bullet Train.
  11. Thanks
    Tech got a reaction from Duke Bushido in Supers Image game   
    Duke, the image author is PatC-14. You can find his work on deviantart.
  12. Like
    Tech reacted to PhilFleischmann in Theorycrafting: Why do we need both Darkness and Flash? Why not one Power for both?   
    I think the distinction is the actual effect.  Flash affects the sensory organs of the target, whereas Darkness affects the environment.  If I've got sunglasses to protect me from bright lights being shines in my eyes, that's not going to help me see through thick fog and smoke.  If I can smell with the accuracy of a bloodhound, I'm going to be affected differently by having raw garlic shoved up my nose as opposed to having a strong wind blow away all traces of scent.
    Flash and Darkness do different things.  I think they need to remain different powers.
    However!  You could certainly make the case for folding Darkness into Change Environment, as Duke Bushido mentions.  In essence, that's what Darkness is - a change to the environment.
  13. Thanks
    Tech got a reaction from Bruce Wallon in A rule that always bothered me, Full Move, Half Move and Attack, DEX, SPD, and you!   
    Hey, massey, for the campaign we're in, the sniper would be the only one to get a 12's attack, then a whole new round would start.
    massey quote: We allow people to hold generally (as opposed to something specific such as "when that guy comes around the corner").
    Woo! Nice to see someone else does this, too.   
    KA., depending on the situation, if the higher dex guy races the 30"/60meters across but the lower dex guy is ready, the lower dex guy could try something to surprise the higher dex guy and thus, effectively go first. Again, depends alot on the situation and creativity of the people involved. I have a vague GM memory of having a viper agent surprising a higher dex/speed hero and effectively going first but can't recall any specifics.
  14. Thanks
    Tech got a reaction from Quackhell in Supers Image game   
    Seems like people aren't interested in posting at the moment. So, Quackie has the win.
  15. Like
    Tech got a reaction from Spence in Villain Campaign?   
    I've never done such a campaign myself, nor heard of anyone doing one. I would heed everyone's caution and avoid it. It's one thing for characters to go ballistic, it's another thing for real people to lose tempers. Perhaps Fantasy Hero is more what you're looking to do.
  16. Like
    Tech got a reaction from Vanguard in Swimming...how does it work   
    Swimming and holding your breath are two different things. Swimming is like running; it's the movement of how far you can swim on top or under the water. To my knowledge, nothing in the rules suggests preventing you from taking a Post-12 recovery when swimming on the water so yes, you can swim a long time. However, when you swim underwater, unless you have some form of life support/can breathe water, you have to hold your breath or drown.
    When you hold your breath, you must expend (minimum) 1 End per Phase with no Post-12 Recoveries. You will run out of END eventually. If you assume a SPD of 6 with END 40, that's 6 End used for holding your breath alone per turn (not even considering combat but let's ignore combat for now). In 6 Turns (a total of 72 segments or 1 minute 12 seconds), you will have used 36 END - you are almost out of END! The average normal person with a SPD 2 and END 20 will last 10 turns (120 segments/seconds or about 2 minutes), the time varying with a persons' physical condition/training. I don't consider this a ridiculous length of time.
    If I missed something, let us know.
  17. Like
    Tech got a reaction from Hugh Neilson in Swimming...how does it work   
    Swimming and holding your breath are two different things. Swimming is like running; it's the movement of how far you can swim on top or under the water. To my knowledge, nothing in the rules suggests preventing you from taking a Post-12 recovery when swimming on the water so yes, you can swim a long time. However, when you swim underwater, unless you have some form of life support/can breathe water, you have to hold your breath or drown.
    When you hold your breath, you must expend (minimum) 1 End per Phase with no Post-12 Recoveries. You will run out of END eventually. If you assume a SPD of 6 with END 40, that's 6 End used for holding your breath alone per turn (not even considering combat but let's ignore combat for now). In 6 Turns (a total of 72 segments or 1 minute 12 seconds), you will have used 36 END - you are almost out of END! The average normal person with a SPD 2 and END 20 will last 10 turns (120 segments/seconds or about 2 minutes), the time varying with a persons' physical condition/training. I don't consider this a ridiculous length of time.
    If I missed something, let us know.
  18. Haha
    Tech got a reaction from Duke Bushido in Idea: Assisting getting unstunned   
    First, I smiled at this. Then I chuckled. Then I laughed.
  19. Like
    Tech got a reaction from phoenix240 in Supers Image game   
    So, who's the winner?
  20. Like
    Tech got a reaction from phoenix240 in Supers Image game   
    Black Harlequin was in a slump. His latest toy creations were utter failures and frankly didn't work. After watching an old "Frankenstein" movie, he finally got the creativity he needed. He would create a living doll, in the literal sense of the word. Of course, in his case, it would be a Destructive Overly Likeable Lifeform (D.O.L.L.).
    Still, creating a lifeform wasn't his thing; he'd have to find someone to create it to his specifications. Being as there are still mad scientists out there, he contacted one of them with his idea. The mad scientist gleefully agreed and got to work. Time passed and D.O.L.L. was finished. Black Harlequin tested his 'toy' to see how destructive it was, and later woke up with a black eye and a broken rib. He was in pain... and elated... and in pain. She was much more powerful than any toy that he'd created. The mad scientist sheepishly apologized for the injuries; he was found dead by the police later. Black Harlequin first unleashed DOLL on a mall shortly before Halloween and caused much destruction before making a retreat due to incoming superheroes.
    DOLL is an artificial lifeform, appearing to be a girl in her late teens. Other than her blue skin, which is easily concealed with makeup, she is cute and adorable. However, when given a command by him, DOLL reacts much like a robot on a mission of mindless mayhem. She is strong enough to punch a tank and dent it, can jump hundreds of feet and is very durable. DOLL's energy core will last about a week before needing a recharge, taking about a day. Hence, she can fight literally for days at full power.
    At the moment, she understands she was created for destruction and obeys Black Harlequin, but she is slowly gaining her own personality. Black Harlequin is too crazy to notice little changes in her actions and where this will lead is unknown. If she gains any ounce of humanity, she may turn from her destructive ways and even help heroes. However, if she gets worse, Black Harlequin may not live to see how dangerous she really is.
  21. Like
    Tech got a reaction from Quackhell in Supers Image game   
    Black Harlequin was in a slump. His latest toy creations were utter failures and frankly didn't work. After watching an old "Frankenstein" movie, he finally got the creativity he needed. He would create a living doll, in the literal sense of the word. Of course, in his case, it would be a Destructive Overly Likeable Lifeform (D.O.L.L.).
    Still, creating a lifeform wasn't his thing; he'd have to find someone to create it to his specifications. Being as there are still mad scientists out there, he contacted one of them with his idea. The mad scientist gleefully agreed and got to work. Time passed and D.O.L.L. was finished. Black Harlequin tested his 'toy' to see how destructive it was, and later woke up with a black eye and a broken rib. He was in pain... and elated... and in pain. She was much more powerful than any toy that he'd created. The mad scientist sheepishly apologized for the injuries; he was found dead by the police later. Black Harlequin first unleashed DOLL on a mall shortly before Halloween and caused much destruction before making a retreat due to incoming superheroes.
    DOLL is an artificial lifeform, appearing to be a girl in her late teens. Other than her blue skin, which is easily concealed with makeup, she is cute and adorable. However, when given a command by him, DOLL reacts much like a robot on a mission of mindless mayhem. She is strong enough to punch a tank and dent it, can jump hundreds of feet and is very durable. DOLL's energy core will last about a week before needing a recharge, taking about a day. Hence, she can fight literally for days at full power.
    At the moment, she understands she was created for destruction and obeys Black Harlequin, but she is slowly gaining her own personality. Black Harlequin is too crazy to notice little changes in her actions and where this will lead is unknown. If she gains any ounce of humanity, she may turn from her destructive ways and even help heroes. However, if she gets worse, Black Harlequin may not live to see how dangerous she really is.
  22. Like
    Tech got a reaction from Amorkca in Supers Image game   
    Black Harlequin was in a slump. His latest toy creations were utter failures and frankly didn't work. After watching an old "Frankenstein" movie, he finally got the creativity he needed. He would create a living doll, in the literal sense of the word. Of course, in his case, it would be a Destructive Overly Likeable Lifeform (D.O.L.L.).
    Still, creating a lifeform wasn't his thing; he'd have to find someone to create it to his specifications. Being as there are still mad scientists out there, he contacted one of them with his idea. The mad scientist gleefully agreed and got to work. Time passed and D.O.L.L. was finished. Black Harlequin tested his 'toy' to see how destructive it was, and later woke up with a black eye and a broken rib. He was in pain... and elated... and in pain. She was much more powerful than any toy that he'd created. The mad scientist sheepishly apologized for the injuries; he was found dead by the police later. Black Harlequin first unleashed DOLL on a mall shortly before Halloween and caused much destruction before making a retreat due to incoming superheroes.
    DOLL is an artificial lifeform, appearing to be a girl in her late teens. Other than her blue skin, which is easily concealed with makeup, she is cute and adorable. However, when given a command by him, DOLL reacts much like a robot on a mission of mindless mayhem. She is strong enough to punch a tank and dent it, can jump hundreds of feet and is very durable. DOLL's energy core will last about a week before needing a recharge, taking about a day. Hence, she can fight literally for days at full power.
    At the moment, she understands she was created for destruction and obeys Black Harlequin, but she is slowly gaining her own personality. Black Harlequin is too crazy to notice little changes in her actions and where this will lead is unknown. If she gains any ounce of humanity, she may turn from her destructive ways and even help heroes. However, if she gets worse, Black Harlequin may not live to see how dangerous she really is.
  23. Like
    Tech got a reaction from wcw43921 in Supers Image game   
    Black Harlequin was in a slump. His latest toy creations were utter failures and frankly didn't work. After watching an old "Frankenstein" movie, he finally got the creativity he needed. He would create a living doll, in the literal sense of the word. Of course, in his case, it would be a Destructive Overly Likeable Lifeform (D.O.L.L.).
    Still, creating a lifeform wasn't his thing; he'd have to find someone to create it to his specifications. Being as there are still mad scientists out there, he contacted one of them with his idea. The mad scientist gleefully agreed and got to work. Time passed and D.O.L.L. was finished. Black Harlequin tested his 'toy' to see how destructive it was, and later woke up with a black eye and a broken rib. He was in pain... and elated... and in pain. She was much more powerful than any toy that he'd created. The mad scientist sheepishly apologized for the injuries; he was found dead by the police later. Black Harlequin first unleashed DOLL on a mall shortly before Halloween and caused much destruction before making a retreat due to incoming superheroes.
    DOLL is an artificial lifeform, appearing to be a girl in her late teens. Other than her blue skin, which is easily concealed with makeup, she is cute and adorable. However, when given a command by him, DOLL reacts much like a robot on a mission of mindless mayhem. She is strong enough to punch a tank and dent it, can jump hundreds of feet and is very durable. DOLL's energy core will last about a week before needing a recharge, taking about a day. Hence, she can fight literally for days at full power.
    At the moment, she understands she was created for destruction and obeys Black Harlequin, but she is slowly gaining her own personality. Black Harlequin is too crazy to notice little changes in her actions and where this will lead is unknown. If she gains any ounce of humanity, she may turn from her destructive ways and even help heroes. However, if she gets worse, Black Harlequin may not live to see how dangerous she really is.
  24. Thanks
    Tech got a reaction from steriaca in Supers Image game   
    Black Harlequin was in a slump. His latest toy creations were utter failures and frankly didn't work. After watching an old "Frankenstein" movie, he finally got the creativity he needed. He would create a living doll, in the literal sense of the word. Of course, in his case, it would be a Destructive Overly Likeable Lifeform (D.O.L.L.).
    Still, creating a lifeform wasn't his thing; he'd have to find someone to create it to his specifications. Being as there are still mad scientists out there, he contacted one of them with his idea. The mad scientist gleefully agreed and got to work. Time passed and D.O.L.L. was finished. Black Harlequin tested his 'toy' to see how destructive it was, and later woke up with a black eye and a broken rib. He was in pain... and elated... and in pain. She was much more powerful than any toy that he'd created. The mad scientist sheepishly apologized for the injuries; he was found dead by the police later. Black Harlequin first unleashed DOLL on a mall shortly before Halloween and caused much destruction before making a retreat due to incoming superheroes.
    DOLL is an artificial lifeform, appearing to be a girl in her late teens. Other than her blue skin, which is easily concealed with makeup, she is cute and adorable. However, when given a command by him, DOLL reacts much like a robot on a mission of mindless mayhem. She is strong enough to punch a tank and dent it, can jump hundreds of feet and is very durable. DOLL's energy core will last about a week before needing a recharge, taking about a day. Hence, she can fight literally for days at full power.
    At the moment, she understands she was created for destruction and obeys Black Harlequin, but she is slowly gaining her own personality. Black Harlequin is too crazy to notice little changes in her actions and where this will lead is unknown. If she gains any ounce of humanity, she may turn from her destructive ways and even help heroes. However, if she gets worse, Black Harlequin may not live to see how dangerous she really is.
  25. Like
    Tech got a reaction from Vanguard in Reasonable Character Creation   
    Are you referring to creating your player characters, or creating characters as a GM?
    If you mean player characters, I'm guessing the GM will handle that.

    Bolo has good suggestions if you mean as a GM. Don't be afraid to make them potentially weaker than you anticipated in battle. There are multiple times I've done that and the heroes stomp the bad guy; in those cases I've said, "I expected him to last longer." The players like it because it shows their characters have power, not 'just enough to get the job done'. If you create an enemy that you find it too powerful, nothing prevents you from quietly lowering the PD, ED, Con, whatever of the enemy. The same can be said if you make someone too weak. I think the following is key: finding the balance requires you to know the effectiveness of the heroes, not just the villains. If you know a particular team is powerful, then you have an idea of the enemy strength to create. If a group of heroes isn't powerful, you can go easy on the creation of the villain.
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