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Everything posted by Kenn

  1. Re: Resurrection, my players dislike it There was a villain in the old Hawk campaign who was decapitated by one of the "heroes" (it was the 90s, and Rick was into that whole 90s anti-hero thing). The villain had regeneration, not that Rick knew that. The only reason why there weren't two Claws running after that is because Pallequin (Rick's character) had Claw's head bronzed to keep as a trophy. ("Want to see the head?") But the rest of Claw's grew a new head and he came looking for his old head.
  2. Re: New Power: Width Increase I'm with CrosshairCollie. Can shoot an energy burst for a moment? Buy Energy Blast. Permanently shooting an energy burst? Buy Energy Blast, 0 END Persistent Inherent. Can temporarily become denser than normal? Buy Density Increase. Permanently denser than normal? Buy Density Increase, 0 END, Persistent, Inherent. Wait that's not allowed. WTF? It's certainly not the only way to make permanently larger/smaller/heavier characters, and it may not be the "best" way. But to disallow it?
  3. Re: Super Transportation http://www.rcuhero.net/inventions/scarletship.htm Specialised aircraft used by one of the Champions of Justice's gadgeteers, which for some time also doubled as a team transport.
  4. Re: New Power: Width Increase 1 Level of Girth?
  5. Kenn


    Re: hypnosis Interesting... doesn't sound at all like any of the times I've been hypnotised. However, since you don't recall "anything else" from the visit it is possible you consented but have forgotten. Not necessarily, but a it is possible.
  6. Kenn


    Re: hypnosis Real world hypnosis requires a willingness to be hypnotised in the target. If that isn't there, it won't work. So, in that sense, what happened in the comic book was correct. Generally speaking, once hypnotised anything on the EGO+10 level on the Mind Control chart is probably doable. Also, the target gains skill levels with Perception and memory. Probably anywhere from a +6 to a +10. Possibly a temporary bonus to REC. One also regains lost LTE.
  7. Re: The Classic Justice League starting members on 350 points I think you overestimated Aquaman's water-powered strength some. I would have held him to +25 or +30, especially if Diana is a 55 STR.
  8. Re: Absorbing "Metamorphs" How Savinien and I put together such a character for the Aces game in the RCU: http://www.rcuhero.net/hsheets/stalwart.htm
  9. Re: Tips on my First Character There are no polynomial equations in the Hero System. Seriously, the algebra IS algebra, but it isn't advanced. Has your game master given you any guidelines? How many points are characters to be? Active Point or Damage Class caps?
  10. Re: Smarter than your average Brick Throwing Enemy #1 at Enemy #2 is a tactic I've used for years. Don't always fight the most obvious opponent first. It's easy to get into a Strong Guy vs Strong Guy match-up. Use your strength against others first, when feasible.
  11. Re: What does a "20 Comeliness" look like to YOU? So, if I could lift 880 lbs. (400 kilos), I would have a 20 STR. If one of my buddies can lift 945 lbs., which works out to be 20.498 STR, and another can lift 850 lbs. (19.733 STR). Now, using the standard Hero rounding rules, all three of us have a 20 STR, right? Butwe aren't all lifting the same amount are we?
  12. Re: Underpowered tropes? I think it varies by campaign and play group. It also depends on how close the "source material simulation" is. A human martial artist is more competitive with a brick in a "70s Live Action TV Supers" game where 20 STR and a 4DC martial kick does similar damage as the 40 STR strongman. In a high-powered supers game, the differences between high end human and super human are more pronounced. How do you give Batman enough armour on the batsuit to be competitive with Thor, without turning Batman into Iron Man?
  13. Re: What does a "20 Comeliness" look like to YOU? Those pictures are interesting, but I couldn't help but notice that, and this is probably indicative of the situations, that most of the "without" pictures were candids where the actress in question was frowning/looking displeased, and scrunching up her features. Pictures where they're posed and smiling, but without make-up, would make for a more fair comparison. However, it does reveal another thing that can be done with COM as a characteristic, that would be harder to do with attractiveness being a Talent or Perk. Make-up kit: 1/2 AID to COM, extra time, requires a skill roll, OAF.
  14. Re: Random musings on Clinging I tend to gloss over the differences between "standard" and "special" powers. However, upon thinking about it, I think Clinging is really an Adder to Running. However, since everyone gets 6" of Running free, Clinging potentially becomes a "naked Adder." But otherwise, it is entirely dependent on the character with Clinging also having Running.
  15. Re: How to build a Cannon Bolt like power I'd suggest something like I used on Tommy Townsend... http://www.rcuhero.net/scsheets/pinballwizard.htm
  16. Re: Starwars Vehicles: Any ideas? Machesney Park... Hmmm. Would you be looking for players and how often and when would this be run?
  17. Re: What is "Pushed Str DC" ? Look under pushing. It sounds like you are somehow, presumably unintentionally, using two more dice (or Damage Classes = DC) than it thinks you normally have, and is therefore thinking you have pushed your strength, thus charging you an extra 10 END.
  18. Re: Gestalt of Electability Contact: the political machine of Chicago.
  19. Re: '70s TV Supers "I know we spend thousands on toilet seats, but now we've paid how much to replace this astronaut's @$$h*le with a robotic rectum?"
  20. Re: Powers for a Growth Brick Skill levels in Move-Through. And the necessary extra running to keep his running speed proportionate to his height. So if he has 8 levels of growth, which will make a 6' tall person around 38' tall, then he needs +32" of running. His speed and STR at full height should be devastating.
  21. Re: Dark Matter Being Psych Lim: Imaginary friend - Dark Matter being. I'm a MOND proponent.
  22. Re: Terminator, with a twist! Set up one those cybernetic Austrian body builders up as a movie star (to gain popular support) and then as a politician. Maybe setting him up as the governor of a large, populous state.
  23. Re: New Power: Invulnerability No. Because a limitation that isn't limiting isn't worth anything. If a character cannot take BODY damage the limitation not vs BODYdamage, for said individual, is -0. What if someone buys Drain vs this Invulnerability power?
  24. Re: Synonyms for Superheroes In my game I use the term "parahuman" as a generic term for a person with powers.
  25. Re: How to make a character that turns into a spaceship? To me a cool looking spaceship is impressive looking. To you cool looking spaceships are aesthetically pleasing. "Cool" means different things to different people. To me, the Millenium Falcon was cool looking, even though aestheically it was, as Luke put it "what a piece of junk."
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