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Everything posted by Hermit

  1. Wait, are you saying MONEY motivates TV execs? Next you'll tell me there's gambling in this establisment
  2. I know that's one reason I liked Hiro. "He's one of us" is one I heard from a lot of comic book geeks about him.
  3. I... am... pleased. While I'm not sure about the change Johns made in the comics (Having Barry's mom killed) it works well enough in TV, and does not plunge either the character or the show into gloom and doom. Indeed, while Barry wants to save people, bring bad guys to justice, etc, he also just shows enjoyment in having superspeed period! Hey, how about that, no moping about powers and their side effects "Lightning gave me abs?". My gripe about 'superhero tv shows' is they often seem embarrassed to BE about superheroes. They might have costumes, but no powers, or powers, and no costumes. Or they'd have 'realistic' villains. Not to say those don't have their place, there are excellent shows without one or the other, but here we have a show that out of the gate has it all, or at least 90% of it. This is not a perfect pilot, but it is an incredibly promsing one.
  4. I gripe about the trouble state of many police, how far too many act like they're at war with citizens rather than protecting them. The amount of corruption or deception involved in many police stories is alarming... and then you run into good men in blue like this one who make you remember not to dwell always on the negative. http://kplr11.com/2014/10/07/police-officer-buys-mom-a-car-seat-instead-of-giving-her-a-ticket/ If I had a hat on, I'd tip it
  5. Ah, end of an era... Man, I remember joyfully wasting some hours as a kid on Saturday mornings. I resented the heck out of Jimmy Carter for his tendency to use that time for his public speaking which interuptted it. My mother would tell me that if it wouldn't kill me. Then Reagan got elected and interuppted later in the day on her talk shows and soaps. HA! Take that mom
  6. Whew... with all the stuff going on, I'm not sure many Americans are realizing what's going on in Hong Kong http://news.yahoo.com/hong-kong-leader-refuses-resign-offers-talks-protesters-023520354--sector.html
  7. Cap needs no umbrella, that shield deflects just about EVERYTHING
  8. Well, no worries, it's perfectly legal to agree to disagree, even on the internet. I actually don't think DC is really anymore 'cornball' than Marvel really. Both companies have fictional settings, talking apes, and the like. And Marvel relies so much on their version of NYC that, I honestly don't give them much credit for 'real cities' because it's all about their version of the Big Apple in 90% of what they put out. But Marvel started the 'humans in masks' trend against DC's original take on 'legends in human form' and both are now stuck to some degree with those reputations IMO. Frankly, it strikes me a little of comparing Star Trek vs Star Wars...both have their fans, and their preferred tropes, but you can have some pretty kick ass adventures in either one and a lot of the material is interchangeable if you file the serial numbers off
  9. I had recorded this and finally got to watch it. I'm not sure I'm crazy about the new dynamic with the team itself, but it certainly was a treat to see the Absorbing Man
  10. Frankly, the two companies borrow from each other, not just in storylines but in creative talent, so much that many of the differences have faded. It's all really a matter of which one is going what direction THIS cycle. I grew up more on Marvel in the 70s, and then shifted to DC in the 80s, and then...well, in the late 90s I dropped comics. Now I tend to zip back and forth trying to find the type of stories I like.
  11. I've been watching the second season of the Awesomes on Hulu Plus. The team continues to put the fun in dysfunctional and watching the villains in the background doing their thing makes me nostalgic for the use of similar tropes in yesterday's adventures with my own champions groups.
  12. Bluecloud2k2 is part of the rebel rutabaga alliance, and a traitor! Take him away
  13. Death Tribble gives offerings of boy band members to appease the dark gods... and there was much rejoicing
  14. Only the halfling can save him now... Oh #$#@, he's in trouble
  15. Popcorn kernals wrapped in space tiles with protected butter packets... when the orbit decays, hot buttery mana from heaven that could land anywhere! NT: Attempts to lure movie goers to theatres that smack of desperation
  16. Taunt him a second time... with a french accent!
  17. Agreed big time with this one. If she signed up for playboy or put them online herself for free public viewing then I'd be saying to my fellow guys (And any ladies of that inclination) to enjoy the generous bounty if they like. But this is just Peeping Tomism you can pile in on and a big violation of her privacy. There are many (so I'm told) nude figures to be found online, some of them are even rumored to be hollywood worthy (Ah, the wonders of photoshop!), so with so many WILLING options, why break a person's request not to go hunting for illgotten images of a personal nature? I'm sure she looks amazing nude. I'm sure I'd look stupid with my shirtless top half painted in my favorite team's colors. Neither of us should be seen that way unless we want to be (Actually, I should never be seen like that... it's just no...world of no)
  18. I'm visualizing the ammo lighting up with 'holy fire' as it streaks through the air. A lot of demonic bad guys in the CU have a vulnerability to 'Holy attacks' and this would qualify. For an added touch, the bullets might each have a holy mark or name on it after being spent.
  19. It depends. A lot has to do with the level of trust players have for their GM. One factor I've noticed is that PCs maybe true blue noble heroes, The players OF the PCs can be a bit more petty. They will take a loss or capture with more grace if they trust you to let them get the bad guy who did it to them. I would say that I've made some mistakes. I had an NPC help a PC out of a jam and the player voiced their dislike of being 'rescued' (Though, IIRC, the PC had rescued the NPC first). So I made a note of it not to do that with that Player anymore and it IS best if the pc finds a way to free him or herself. EDIT: Or mostly what Markdoc said above. ---------- As a player, I don't mind it, though I'll admit to fore warning helping. Different genre, but I loved Pathfinder's Skull and Shackles but it was upfront about the whole 'You've been seized by a pirate crew' thing. On the other hand, there can be a frustration to be suddenly depowered (Say in a power surpressing prison) for too long in Champions. You feel like you played a lot of points for nothing or you wanted 'Bam Pow zap' when you've got a dreary 'scrap just to survive' take. Really, it varies. I've met some good GMs who can pull it off VERY well.
  20. tkdguy is secretly head of the covert organization D.R.U.M., a society SO secret, even they don't know what their acronym stands for. While he has no eye patch, he does have a ring on his left hand that makes birdcalls when you blow on it. He speaks over four dead languages, and well he should, for it is he who ordered each of those languages terminated with extreme prejudice. Flemish is next!
  21. Curfew in Baltimore http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2014-08-07/news/bs-md-ci-curfew-effective-20140806_1_curfew-collington-square-recreation-center-sandtown-winchester
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