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Everything posted by Hermit

  1. Re: Champions Live Action coming down to the wire! I haven't supported it yet and I feel really bad about it. Reasons are (Pretty much in order): 1) Cash, you caught me at a bad time. Not that I'm rolling in it normally, but I already make more luxury purchases than I should and I didn't expect to sort things out before this kickstarter was completed. I was thinking I might chip in for 10 bucks or so to at least support it, but hem hawed and put it off. 2) I don't LARP. So I feel like I wouldn't get full use out of the product if I did buy it. 3) I suffered from "Some other guy will buy it" syndrome. Turns out a lot of others may have had the same mistaken thought.
  2. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Heh. The Norwegians have class
  3. Re: Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury #1: Security Robot Zaps Burglar Yup. I would definitely want more than one doctor's statement on that.
  4. Re: Adonis and his ladies (New Mastermind and henchwomen)
  5. Re: Darren's Golden Age Champions Playtest: the United Sentinels of America Ok, I am looking forward to seeing more of this.
  6. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Netflixed Better Off Ted, had never seen it before. I can't decide if it's weird, brilliant, and funny... or merely weird. Two episodes in, and I enjoyed both
  7. Re: Order of the Stick "magnificient"
  8. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Love the Oath
  9. Re: Idea to art by Storn. Year 9 Mmm.... Speculum- This being looks similar to Marvel's "The Thing" but instead of bricks, its body is made of or covered in mirror segments. Speculum appears to be faceless, having a slightly framed space forward so that it's head reflects the visage of the person it is facing. It could be a very odd robot, a 'mirror golem' or an alien lifeform of unusual crystaline make up.
  10. Re: Order of the Stick Looks like our lizard priest is not happy working with the guild
  11. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! New Team: PSI Japan Theme: PSI is expanding its base and going truly international. One of the locations it is now getting a toehold in is Japan! All, of course, are mentalists/psychics of some sort. Some had their powers triggered by the corrupting PSI serum, others had the powers to begin with. Some openly wear colorful costumes, others are more discrete. There are currently 5 members.
  12. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! The Blues- "Pumpkin, how's the new deep sea suit design?" "Just fab, daddy dearest! I've corrected the sonar modulation to make it harder for the US navy to pick up. Aren't I the bestest daughter in the world?" "Oh, right you are, peachy pie. I'm just SO darn proud to be the father of a technical genius." "But daddy!You were the one who took had the bright idea of taking transportation control to its next logical level: making vehicles and even powered armor suits with focus on rapid speed and high attack capability to sabatogue other rival airports and seaports to gain control...." "Wouldn't have been able to turn those can-dreams into can Dos without you, pudding. I'll let the browns know about our progress, they just LOVE your new toys." Martin and Angel of the Blues are doting father and adoring teenage daughter. Their mannerisms often seem to be sugary sitcomish and out of date , but there's no denying they are pure ruthlessness. Martin's late wife died under mysterious circumstances when it was discovered she MIGHT have been ready to betray the colors to the authorities. The Blues have caused dozens of 'inexplicable' airplane accidents and ship sinkings when needed to maintain the supremacy of the transportation hubs they control. Some of the other colors think their new interest in specialized powered armor is stepping on others toes, and the Blues are getting TOO bold, but as they've been nothing but generous with the designs, few have any serious complaints.
  13. Re: Create a Hero Theme Team! Slime Girl- Most of the time, Slime Girl comes in the form of a green skinned girl in her mid to late teens. However, with but a thought, she can turn into a pool of emerald hued slime able to engulf criminals or slap them about with whiplike strands akin to liquid rubber. Slime Girl can enlarge herself, but only in slime form, to enough volume to fill an average swimming pool if need be. Some find her power disgusting but you tend to get used to it and she's adorable in her human form. She seems naturally curious, and a bit naive.
  14. Re: Musings on Random Musings You forgot we also celebrate the teachings of a Jewish Rabbi by eatting as much ham as we can possibly stuff in our mouths
  15. Re: Create a Hero Theme Team! Steel Crusader maybe the most politically incorrect (at least name wise) of the team for the term 'crusader' is loaded in these modern times. However, he is the tenth man to bear that name and the Church is slow to abandon tradition for the sake of sensitivities. Bearing high tech powered armor, the latest Steel Crusader is an example that one can pursue science while still being guided by faith. His technical genius has been as useful as his firepower in more than one situation. Force projection, knock out sprays, and tanglers are just some of the options he can use to take down an opponent. ............ Ok, I think that's ten. There's been so many concepts I worry I'm duplicating something again, but how about this for the next concept: Name of team: The Hunt Club Concept: A group of superhero/bounty hunters who range North America chasing down supervillains who have so far eluded the law or other superheroes (who often aren't as mobile). While they do get paid, not all of them need be in it for the money. Number of members: 6
  16. Re: Order of the Stick Roy and Elan are gold.
  17. Re: Heroes to Villains You're not alone. It's not hard to do, in one of my earliest 6th ed games I took Taurus, Eagle Eye, and Hardpoint , stripped the labels off, and made new villains out of them. It worked out pretty well, though the three ended up in stronghold PDQ
  18. Re: Musings on Random Musings I didn't think it was insomnia per se that caused the sudden anxiety, but I suppose it could have been. In my case, the fix was taking a hot shower, writing for a half hour, then going back to my bedroom and moving one piece of furniture (it wasn't heavy) and trying again. Obviously, I'm awake. I just have a ripping headache.
  19. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I try to go to sleep, but sleep, as of late in the night, is not coming. Then at 4 in the morning, I am suddenly and completely claustrophobic. I've heard folks talk about 'the room closing in' but I've rarely if ever experienced it. I just felt utterly boxed in. Now, my dwelling place is no taj mahal, but neither is it a coffin. Yet here I am having some kind of anxiety attack. I toss, I turned, I try to take deep slow breaths. Finally I get up, go out of the room and take a hot shower, but I'm still feeling an extreme urge to find a nice air condition football stadium's dome to sleep under. What the hell? I've got anxiety, I've got anxiety to burn, but this is a new twist for me and I'm not sure what's causing it and why it is coming out that way.
  20. Re: Create a Hero Theme Team! Sister Shadow- A nun turned superheroine, Sister Shadow gained her powers during an interdimensional crisis where numerous people were transported into various universes. Sister Shadow maintains she was transported LITERALLY into the valley of the shadow of death, and only her faith kept her from being destroyed and she managed to save others by leading them till they found a rift and way to return. There seems to be some merit to the claim, for she now has the power to see the spirits of the dead, can teleport (by taking a quick step into the land of the dead) , and can both hurt or heal with a touch. Though she dare not tell others, she is having some problems recounciling doctrine with her increasing contact with ghosts who quite often tell her she is wrong. Are they just being cruel? She's not sure.
  21. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! 15 Seconds Forever!- Do you have what it takes to dominate the world around you? To MAKE them pay attention? Welcome to 15 Seconds Forever, THE villain reality program. You are equipped with micro-cameras that send (as yet untraceable) feed of your every action. Get points for crimes large and small, the louder the better. Get MAJOR points for taking on superheroes and beating them into the ground! You can't fight your fellow contestants (not till the end of the season), but you're encouraged to show them up. Votes are coming in, and at the end of the season, if you get the most points are are still free, you get one hundred million dollars, and you can beat the major villainous organizations are going to be looking for guys or gals JUST like you to hire in their top tier. Game on! (there are currently 6 members of '15 Seconds Forever' this season. The 'stuido' provides them a base and vehicle so that need not be covered. The contestants do not have to get along, and in fact, their sponsors find it more interesting if the rivalry is intense. They should be at about 'standard' superhero power level instead of world breakers, but there's a lot of room in that)
  22. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Obdurate is a brick, superdense, and nearly immovable. Thus, he is the perfect counter to Thrust. Indeed, the two despise each other intensely, for Obdurate has nothing but disdain for modern music, prefering classical orchestration. Of course, Thrust has the advantage from a distance when they fight, but the villain has gotten quite good at hurling objects nearby.
  23. Re: 4th String Villians Yeah! He was a lot of fun. The late great Jack Monroe/Nomad tangled with him in most of his appearances that I saw.
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