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Everything posted by Hermit

  1. I've wanted to make a mentalist who's "Job" is a professional stage Hypnotist
  2. Hermit

    Char: FIST

    Cool. I remember "Crisis at Crusader Citidel" fondly.
  3. Actually, for me the funniest part wasn't in the show, but in a comercial clip... Wonder Woman and (presumably) Hawkgirl are both in trouble... and Wonder Woman cries out "Hera, give me strength" and Hawkgirl snaps in irritation, "Do you always have to say that?" I couldn't help but smirk.
  4. Well, yeah, that's part of being a GM, that which spooks us, we're going to use to our own advantage *EG*
  5. That's how I did it as well.
  6. As I look at the Champions threads about Witchcraft, Nighthawk, and others; I'm reminded of how well they've actually worked as supporting NPCs in my own MC campaign. Naturally, a lot of success for characters is what you put into them once the Role playing gets going, but I can see potiential in them. An earlier thread discussed how to boost them up, but what directions story wise do you think they'll be taking? For those of you that use the Champions that is. I can see Defender going lots of routes. He might end up upgrading his armor more and more to keep up with the advancing powers/skills of his compatriots. Eventually, he may realize Harmon Ind itself can be a weapon against crime, and might start wielding it in an almost Night Thrasher/Tony Stark kind of way. I personally hope to play up rivalry between He and Cavalier. Ironclad... well, I've mentioned the idea of his being AWOL before. Eventually, he is going to have to face his people again, either because they're going to insist he come back, or he's going to hear they're in danger. Heck, he might end up being the catalyst for taking the Champions on a world spanning adventure. PCs could either go along, or stay and guard the "home front" suddenly the main heroic force in MC. Nighthawk... at first I was going to play him as very in love with Julie Morgan. Now however, I see potiential for her to 'betray him' by pulling a White Tiger accidential secret identity exposure or nearly doing so. Nighthawk is going to withdraw more and more into himself if that happens. While he won't admit it, he clearly needs the team for more than muscle. I'm half way tempted to make one of the VIPER agents that scarred him now a super villain. Vendetta time. Sapphire- She may go Activist... I can see Cory bringing, of all things, an element of the political to the Champions whether they want it or not. Mutant Rights, hispanic community issues, charity fund raisers, and perhaps even for or against the registration act. Witchcraft- It's practically written that the first thing she'll buy off is her underconfidence. When she does so, the transformation will be astounding. I can see her facing her inner and outter demons, but only after facing her past a bit more. Eventually a showdown with her sister and she is in the offing. Kinetik- Finally, he'll be joining the Champions. He will try to "Keep the group real" and focused on the local level, with mixed success. As more black super heroes are in MC and beyond, he may either feel some of the pressure to be a role model for the black community fade a bit, or he might try to organize things. Wendy Brooks- Eventually, Wendy's wish for powers will be heard by fate, or a super villain. Be it strapping on Defender's spare armor and going "to the rescue" of the Champions, or as part of a plot by Teleios, she'll gain powers. She might end up becoming a villainess in the wrong hands for a time, but I think she'll one day be on the side of the angels.
  7. Nothing like that in Champions, but back in my regular D&D days, one of my players would play a bard, and the campaign would die. She didn't insist on yodeling at the table or anything... RL would always intrude. She's since come to the conclusion that bards are jinxed for her.
  8. BTW, all in all, a good episode. Very solid, and I like the new hour long formats.
  9. Ah, rats. I wish I could remember the lyrics to "Cat Scratch Fever"
  10. The C.R.O.W.N. (Coolness Regulated by Omin-Waves Networking) Want to start a nest, but lack that certain something to inspire awe in your troops? Want your speeches to be the stuff that sets your troops to storm hell's gates (or heroes' HQ, which ever comes first)? Want your sinster looks to send shivers down your foes' spines, and turn women's knees to jelly? The CROWN is for you. It accents and amplifies your natural charisma to, dare we say, super human levels! Despite it's name, the CROWN can be built into any article of clothing of certain size; Capes, Cowls, helmets with face concealing visors...They'll never know it's not your real personal magnetism. WARNING: VIPER is not responsible for any mishaps that may occur due to slight malfuctions. By accepting this you release VIPER from any obligations, legal or other wise, in case of such side effects such as sudden reversal of polarity, or overly amourous super powered members of the opposite sex breaking you.
  11. For Sale: One slightly used VIPER nest/HQ. Only raided Once. Discount price because location now known. All reasonable offers considered, Self Destruction option never before used!
  12. Funny you should mention that... http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1936&perpage=15&pagenumber=1 About the 3rd from the last post on the first page of that thread
  13. google am our friend! According to a websearch Amazo first... in The Brave and the Bold #30 July 1960 following was Adaptoid, later Super Adaptoid in First Appearance: Tales of Suspense #82 1966 though, in the LOOKS dept tonight, they sure seemed to go with an Adaptoid kind of thing... minus the green
  14. From Dr. Denter WANTED: Some Frickin henchmen who won't whine when I can't afford to give them full body armor. They will get some frickin' helmets, and that should be enough. Jobs will include leg breaking, Head bashing, firing at do gooders, and heavy lifting. Reasonable pay as long as the plans are coming to frickin fruition. Every Sunday and Christmass off. Those who can't help but laugh at my helmet need not apply, you ignorant heathens! PS: No zombies and no Dental
  15. Whoops, turns out this guy is meant to be a modernized version of AMAZO.
  16. It's on now... and... forgive me, but that android is a dead ringer for Marvel's "Super Adaptoid"
  17. Q: How does Steve Long describe the latest as yet unpublished product for Champions? A: AOL was forced to admit it's products suck.
  18. It's about time! Though, Twilight was darn good.
  19. I was watching the Daredevil DVD, when the bit with Elektra's work out came up. Evanescence's "Bring me back to life" was playing, and I was struck just how appropriate that was to the character. Others may disagree, but my point is that many super heroes seem to get their own song or even theme music in other medium. So, if you had to pick a song that best represented your characters, which songs would you pick for each? Off the top of my head, I think mine might go something like this: Lone Star- The William Tell Overture. Slammer- All Star, by Smash Mouth Surge- Over my head, by Lit Wildcard - Luck be a Lady, by Loesor I believe
  20. Ah shucks Tweren't nothing. Actually, if I came up with the "Great One" it should be Jackie Gleason as a Nest Leader
  21. Q: Why are we all walking like we have jock itch and talking in manly drawls? A: Nobody tosses a dwarf.
  22. "Here at CRAZY Setti's, everything MUST go! That's right, we're cutting laser prices in half! Need armored vehicles to break into those banks? Tanks, tanks alot! Here at CRAZY Setti's! You can net yourself a net laucher, and for those speedy gooddozies, you can purchase up to three barrels of our patented Super Slippery Snake Oil! Why do we sell the best from every Nest for Less? Because I'm CRAZY Settie, that's why!"
  23. I sort of picture ARGENT as being into this as well.
  24. That's what i meant by "shift quickly" .
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