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    Hermit got a reaction from bigbywolfe in Random Television Quotes   
    "What you did to me was unbelievable, Connor. But then I got stuck in a hell dimension by my girlfriend one time for a hundred years, so three months under the ocean actually gave me perspective. Kind of a M. C. Esher perspective but I did get time to think. About us, about the world. Nothing in the world is the way it ought to be. It's harsh, and cruel. But that's why there's us. Champions. It doesn't matter where we come from, what we've done or suffered, or even if we make a difference. We live as though the world was what it should be, to show it what it can be. You're not a part of that yet. I hope you will be. I love you, Connor. Now get out of my house."
  2. Like
    Hermit got a reaction from pinecone in Aquaman Spoiler Thread   
    From Comic Vine
    "Aquaman possesses great superhuman strength sufficient to toss a tank or punch a hole in a submerged submarine. It is generally accepted that Arthur can lift well over 100 tons, as it's evident when he pushed a tectonic plate downward onto the trench in Aquaman #4, towed a boat with the waves pushing down onto it in Aquaman #7, and sucker punched Superman in Justice League #16. Even before the New 52 he is depicted carrying really massive objects appearing to have great amount of weight such as an oil rig platform and a city block of Sub-Diego (as shown in picture) which both weighs easily hundreds of tons. His strength enables him to demolish through anything from thick wood to heavy metal and would take reinforced barriers to have a chance of slowing him down. Aquaman's strength is on a category that allows him to defeat and hold his own in a physical fights against brute powerhouse characters like Olympian, Slig, Wonder Woman, Triton, Lobo and Superboy.

    In Throne of Atlantis, he has shown to be able to punch Superman, and take on Wonder Woman. He has been shown among other things lifting a transatlantic ocean liner (around 160000 tons) on land, throwing an enormous cargo ship at the Dead King and throwing a nuclear submarine from the bottom of the ocean to the surface. Perhaps his most impressive feat of strength yet would be when he went toe to toe with a legendary hero* and held his own."
    * Link llisted as Hercules, Dc version
  3. Like
    Hermit reacted to Pariah in A Thread for Random Movie Lines   
    "One of these days in your travels, a guy is going to show you a brand-new deck of cards on which the seal is not yet broken. Then this guy is going to offer to bet you that he can make the jack of spades jump out of this brand-new deck of cards and squirt cider in your ear. But, son, do not accept this bet, because as sure as you stand there, you're going to wind up with an ear full of cider."
  4. Like
    Hermit reacted to mojo_bones in Watership Down BBC Miniseries   
    It is available on Netflix. I have watched it because I will watch or read anything Watership Down related (there is another book called Tales from Watership Down btw) I felt they changed some of the story unnecessarily but other additions I thought were ok.  I didnt really like the "love story" stuff they added in. Overall it was...meh. I liked the original traumatizing animated movie better.
  5. Haha
    Hermit reacted to Old Man in Annoyances   
  6. Thanks
    Hermit got a reaction from Christopher in Aquaman Spoiler Thread   
    From Comic Vine
    "Aquaman possesses great superhuman strength sufficient to toss a tank or punch a hole in a submerged submarine. It is generally accepted that Arthur can lift well over 100 tons, as it's evident when he pushed a tectonic plate downward onto the trench in Aquaman #4, towed a boat with the waves pushing down onto it in Aquaman #7, and sucker punched Superman in Justice League #16. Even before the New 52 he is depicted carrying really massive objects appearing to have great amount of weight such as an oil rig platform and a city block of Sub-Diego (as shown in picture) which both weighs easily hundreds of tons. His strength enables him to demolish through anything from thick wood to heavy metal and would take reinforced barriers to have a chance of slowing him down. Aquaman's strength is on a category that allows him to defeat and hold his own in a physical fights against brute powerhouse characters like Olympian, Slig, Wonder Woman, Triton, Lobo and Superboy.

    In Throne of Atlantis, he has shown to be able to punch Superman, and take on Wonder Woman. He has been shown among other things lifting a transatlantic ocean liner (around 160000 tons) on land, throwing an enormous cargo ship at the Dead King and throwing a nuclear submarine from the bottom of the ocean to the surface. Perhaps his most impressive feat of strength yet would be when he went toe to toe with a legendary hero* and held his own."
    * Link llisted as Hercules, Dc version
  7. Like
    Hermit got a reaction from Christopher R Taylor in Aquaman Spoiler Thread   
    Don't worry,  The ever humble Batman will always be ready to keep them in check

  8. Like
    Hermit got a reaction from assault in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I hate being forced to shake hands, makes me feel like someone sees me as their cocker spaniel
  9. Like
    Hermit reacted to Pattern Ghost in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    The audience score is 81%, so people like it. Rotten Tomatoes has a really low bar for what passes as a professional review, so I generally ignore the reviewer rating. I think the more important factor is how much money the movie makes. Isn't Hollywood essentially profit driven? It seems like audience scores + box office earnings are more important than an amalgamated score that includes a bunch of semi-literate bloggers in its tally.
  10. Like
    Hermit reacted to Lord Liaden in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    Rotten Tomatoes: Critics 64%, Audience 81%. Cinemascore A-. Box office after 8 days, $666 million worldwide. The movie is succeeding where it needs to succeed, with the audience and the investors. Not a home run, but strong enough to consider worth following up on.
  11. Like
    Hermit reacted to Old Man in DC Movies- if at first you don't succeed...   
    Nick Fury is not a DC character.
    Just got back from Aquaman.  It did not suck, and it exceeded (admittedly low) expectations.  It was epic and well cast.  If I had complaints, they would be cheesiness and predictability.
  12. Like
    Hermit got a reaction from Pariah in Hello From Australia   
    Perhaps I should first say "Welcome!"
    But since the thread drifted fast ...
    Honestly, I might tease about Australia but If England is Mom... (And this is just one Americans' take on it)
    The US i the Rebel Elder Son that decided he would pull a James Dean ride out be a bad ass and he is... but he also revs his engine too much and throws his weight around. He has both matured and lost some of his youthful idealism. Sure, he's a great success story, but where once he fought 'the man' now he is 'the man' and he tries to have it both ways which drives others nuts. No wonder he appears to be going through a mid life crisis currently. It is ironic that he's actually a lot like mom in that he's made some of the same mistakes she did when she was running her empire but with a modern twist. He is more aware of his many screw ups in the past and owns most of his mistakes but also resents having them thrown back in his face and isn't sure how to fix them without making things worse for himself or others. Sometimes he resents that the same neighbors and family that fuss at him for intruding on matters are none of his business also expect him to 'do something' when #### hits the fan. It is unknown whether the United Kingdom smirks at this , feels sympathy, or both.
    Canada is the good son, who did his homework, chores, and yet elder brother got all the attention! Everyone says Canada is such a nice boy (And he usually is even if he makes snarky comments under his breath) and if folks talk less about him than his older brother, those that do talk about him often talk more fondly of him so there's that. Still, it sucks being in this shadow, so he consoles himself with the certainty that his path is right and Hockey is superior to this whacked out egghand game his older brother plays. Sometimes he feels bad about some of his past wrongs feeling he should have been better than that but over all he IS a voice of good will in his neighborhood and in his chat room. He's got a lot to be proud of, and can have a wicked sense of humor (his older brother often steals his best jokes/comedians), but in his heart of hearts his greatest fear is if he put on either a suit and tie, or a leather jacket he'd look just like his older Brother America.  Please, God no.
    Australia is like that younger brother who got the spare room in the attic, and thus had more space than others. Left on his own devices, he explored, dropped in on mum, and realized his 'attic' had cool beaches, neat stuff, and really could be party central. He became the Fun one! Of course folks often misjudged him either as the frat boy, or the jock, but the truth is like Canada when mom was in trouble he showed up.  He seems to have a good sense of humor about himself but perhaps has less patience for taking #### from others than middle brother has.  He's kind of got the best of both worlds, he's popular and dog gone it, folks like him while he's done really well of making a go of it near that Asian Neighborhood so far from mom's current locale. He boasts more than his middle brother, less than his older. And is possibly more introspective than either knows. Some of the stuff he did to set up his home bugs him and he'd like to make it right, preferably over a drink while watching a game and scaring visitors with stories about how the wildlife in his neighborhood could strike at anytime.
  13. Thanks
    Hermit reacted to Pariah in Noah's Ark: The January 2019 Superdraft   
    Figures from established mythologies--Greco-Roman, Norse, Egyptian, Aztec, etc.--are fine. But let's avoid referring to figures like Moses, Mohammed, the Buddha, and such from current world religions as "fictional characters".
  14. Like
    Hermit reacted to Michael Hopcroft in Random Television Quotes   
    "There are times, sir, when men of good conscience cannot blindly follow orders. You acknowledge their sentience, but ignore their personal liberties and freedom. Order a man to turn his child over to the state? Not while I'm his captain."
    "No, I am not dead. Because I refuse to believe the afterlife is run by you. The universe is not so badly designed!"
    "Fortune favors fools, little children, and ships named Enterprise."
  15. Haha
    Hermit reacted to Old Man in Hello From Australia   
  16. Like
    Hermit reacted to Ginusbact in Hello From Australia   
    Hi guys i'm a newbie. Nice to meet everyone
  17. Like
    Hermit got a reaction from Christopher in Aquaman Spoiler Thread   
    I am a notoriously soft touch, and enjoy Aquaman getting some love so I am very likely biased here, but this movie was bonkers and I loved it. Someone described the visuals as LotR under the Sea, and yeah, it works as such! The comic books were heavily borrowed from and without shame! You want folks riding on seahorses? Oh yeah, we got that. Drum playing octopus? Heck yes! Five flavors of water breather? This movie borrowed from a lot of pulp craziness (Even touched on Hollow World with dinos) as well. I think a lot of credit has to go to the Director for being absolutely fearless in grabbing the material and then being good enough to make it work. It does dump a lot of backstory and doesn't always repeat itself, and it seems like everytime there was more than 6 minutes of talking somone broke through a wall- but I liked that too. The acting wasn't going to win any awards, but neither did it suck (Though the kid playing Teen Arthur was the weak link there imo, but hey he's young) but it actually had a stronger closing than the third act of wonder woman imo, and I adored Wonder Woman.
    Black Manta is nicely set up to be in the sequel and made a good showing. Ocean  Master was the main villain for this, and while there will be inevitable black Panther and thor comparisons, Aquaman holds up fine (And in fact I think it was better than the first Thor).
    I'd give it an 8.5 out o 10. Worth seeing once on the big screen and glad I did.
  18. Like
    Hermit got a reaction from slikmar in Aquaman Spoiler Thread   
    I am a notoriously soft touch, and enjoy Aquaman getting some love so I am very likely biased here, but this movie was bonkers and I loved it. Someone described the visuals as LotR under the Sea, and yeah, it works as such! The comic books were heavily borrowed from and without shame! You want folks riding on seahorses? Oh yeah, we got that. Drum playing octopus? Heck yes! Five flavors of water breather? This movie borrowed from a lot of pulp craziness (Even touched on Hollow World with dinos) as well. I think a lot of credit has to go to the Director for being absolutely fearless in grabbing the material and then being good enough to make it work. It does dump a lot of backstory and doesn't always repeat itself, and it seems like everytime there was more than 6 minutes of talking somone broke through a wall- but I liked that too. The acting wasn't going to win any awards, but neither did it suck (Though the kid playing Teen Arthur was the weak link there imo, but hey he's young) but it actually had a stronger closing than the third act of wonder woman imo, and I adored Wonder Woman.
    Black Manta is nicely set up to be in the sequel and made a good showing. Ocean  Master was the main villain for this, and while there will be inevitable black Panther and thor comparisons, Aquaman holds up fine (And in fact I think it was better than the first Thor).
    I'd give it an 8.5 out o 10. Worth seeing once on the big screen and glad I did.
  19. Like
    Hermit got a reaction from Pariah in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Pariah, I hope you don't mind, I had to share that line with some friends *chuckle* 
  20. Thanks
    Hermit reacted to Pariah in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    If the President is so dead set on building a wall that he'll shut the government down indefinitely to do it, I say we build him a wall. I have a small cask of Amontillado that I could contribute to the effort....
  21. Haha
    Hermit reacted to Cygnia in In other news...   
    7-year-old receives snow pants for Christmas and promptly calls 911
  22. Like
    Hermit reacted to Pariah in A Little Good News   
    Every once in a while, I'll see a news story that restores my faith in humanity and makes me feel like the powers-that-be haven't given up on this world just yet.
    This thread is for sharing stories like that.
  23. Like
    Hermit reacted to Cygnia in In other news...   
    Baby Jesus Statue Returns To Church’s Nativity Scene Nearly 90 Years After Theft
  24. Like
    Hermit reacted to Old Man in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    In some instances I agree.  In this case, leaving the Kurds to die in exchange for Erdogan shutting up about MBS, and entirely ceding Syria to the Russians, is not a strategy for long term success.  Syria may have been unwinnable in a conventional sense but sticking it out could have eventually beaten both Assad and Putin through attrition.
  25. Like
    Hermit got a reaction from Enforcer84 in This Week in MMOs   
    Ok. WoW: Battle for Azeroth has a lot of good in it. I'm really impressed by the Kul Tiras (Sp) zone. Parts of it remind me of places in the Smokies. Autumn for one zone, and Spring for another.
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