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Scott Ruggels

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Posts posted by Scott Ruggels

  1. 57 minutes ago, batguy said:

    How can I create my own super hero rpg system?


     1.) define your goals.
    2.) Select your preferred method of determining probabilities.

    3.) Play test it.
    4.) Return to Step  one.

    5.)When Play and goals  closely match, Write things out, like you are explaining it to a five year old.

    6.) Send it to a friend for proof reading, and ask them to create a character in the system.

    7.) If your friends like it, time to ;ay out the book and hire artists, graphic artists, and pick  fonts.

    8,( Decide to Kickstart, or find a publisher to finance printing and distribution.

    That all being said You7 can put things together in CHampions, to see if things will work. 



  2. Because even the ancients realized the sun was the engine of growth and of time. Very powerful stuff.  The ancients we’re grateful for the warmth, and the effects it had on the crops. The moon in contrast is just time, and often the unseen because the night is full of mystery and fear. 

  3. On 4/22/2023 at 11:16 PM, Khymeria said:

    I keep coming back to this sort of thing. A companion animal is a really good thing to complete a PC for this style of campaign. The super smart, fast, tough horse is obvious, Hi-Ho Silver and all that. The mountain lion, wolf, or coyote are also pretty easy to imagine choices. A hawk or eagle could also be an option for a PC and still keep an old west feel. I mean there is nothing keeping someone from a character with a more exotic animal like an orangutan or tiger, but it could come with a series of problems. "You can't bring that thing in the saloon."

    Oh, you mean like this? (Regular damned Disney Princess) 


  4. On 4/23/2023 at 11:47 AM, Duke Bushido said:

    Super Squirrel (who hasn't been here in ages) and Scott Ruggels have both posted in the past on using custom Shrink Dinks as minis.  I would _love_ to see some nice clear up-close shots of that!


    Oh gosh. I’d have to make something new, from scratch maybe Bob still has his Centurion figure. But I don’t have a lot of the art from those days, and what I do have, was used in the Champions Begins project last year. 

  5. I know Dennis a little.  For the 40th Anniversary at Steve Petersen’s house, he brought photos and a portfolio of his work.  All of the cardboard heroes were generated new because they needed front and back views.  The colors were P. H. Martin’s vibrant watercolors.  They were done 150% scale and reduced for printing.  They were originally made for Steve Jackson’s The Fantasy Trip, but Aaron convinced Steve to make sets for Champions.  

  6. 7 hours ago, assault said:


    Pauli Kidd came out as trans some time ago, so "her" Lace & Steel game, even though she wrote it before coming out, and it has an older name on it.

    She's also a Hero System fan.

    Well aware of her current situation. She goes by Pauli, and I watch their YouTube.  Just using the initial so as to make it easier to find the game, as she could use the cash. 

  7. 17 hours ago, Ninja-Bear said:

    How does Social Mechanics make the world anymore or less malleable than it already is? I’m confused on that point.

    It is how the rolls are implemented., and for what reason.  FOr the sake of RP immersion, I prefer that there is a strict GM and Player boundary. The GM brings the world, and the player brings the character. If, Like combat, a social roll is applied to a Player character, and the effect is calculated, and the same works if applied to an NPC, it's all fair, and immersion is not broken. But if a roll is made that changes a character's back story or the environment, that makes the envoronment maleable, or inconsistent, and messes up the immersion.  There is a right way, and a wrong way to do it, and my nervousness, is that most of the social systems are now tied to heavily externally narrative systems, which is why the paranoid response.  There have been  two RPG systems that had developed social and social combat systems, boit by designer P. Kidd , using very different mechanics. The Ties and Antipathies system from the Albedo SF game, and using the deuling cards in his later Lace & Steel game.

  8. Experienced champions, characters, tend to learn more and more skills and knowledges. So the difference between a young Spider-Man, and an older Spider-Man, may be a few levels in combat, and a knowledge skill about the sinister six. He may also have up his performance skill for better one liners. The funny thing about Peter Parker is that he was not so much a nerd, as he was kind of a jerk before uncle Ben died, and after he was a jerk only to his enemies. For experience, you may just want to poke around with the background/life paths for your NPCs. As a poster above said, and this is very true, a champions character starts off powerful, and becomes more versatile, with experience.

  9. 1 hour ago, Doc Democracy said:


    To me, it is a build sheet, one with ALL the numbers. Useful between sessions but less useful on play.


    I prefer stripping away the extraneous details and numbers.  Almost no-one but the GM needs to know the real points of powers or skills.

    that’s an oddly modern take for a Champions player, as most of the character sheets I have are in this or earlier formats.  It’s what I am used to, especially the full info in the pre- electronic days or at RBK that prohibit electronic devices to cut offf distractions.  I am trying to get Heromakr.exe to work again on a Win 10 machine so as to build 4e and earlier characters, but so far Ave only been partially successful.  

  10. On 4/1/2023 at 10:12 PM, Opal said:

    You might check out Fate and Powered by the Apocalypse games.  Those are both core systems that have been used to create a number of games each.

    PbtA uses a structured system for resolving non-combat challenges that includes setting stakes and a 'clock' the players beat to succeed. (Im not doing it justice) 

    The one Fate game I've played was Dresden Files, I did like the way it gave you different approaches to social tasks - I haven't played in like 10 years, but the one that stuck with me was "open up" where you share an experience to elicit some information.  So you have to think about whether it's a good approach, mechanically, and about your character's past and willingness to be vulnerable. (But, yeah, then you roll the weird fudge dice and count +'s & -'s )

    I have had terrible experiences with FATE, and PbTA, as they are external narrative systems that for me, torpedo RP immersion. Partially, what I game for is RP immersion ( the other is tactical problem solving). That immersion, is dependent upon the world remaining a self consistent environment. The problem is that making social interaction as mechanics, renders the world malleable, and the narrative becomes external to the world, rather than internal.  Because of this I avoid indie RPGs in their entirety, and stick with pre-Amber Diceless traditional RPGs.

  11. Launch scrubbed for today due to a frozen valve. They carried the count down to T-10 seconds, and considered it a successful wet dress rehearsal.  Next attempt is Wednesday 4/20.  (Cue Beavis & Butthead laughing) 

  12. With sufficient wing span, one could do it in the method German submariners did in the months before radar was added to the U-Boats. Place the ornithopter on a towed raft and go full speed into the wind. The pilot guides the craft up to a safe minimum altitude and kicks the wings on.  With the Germans originally it was an unpowered, towed autogyro to get altitude enough for long distance observation. I’d see the ornithopter behaving in a similar fashion.  

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