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Scott Ruggels

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Everything posted by Scott Ruggels

  1. You pull out the dice when the players have a chance to fail. If the dice rolls break your plan, well so be it, maybe it is someone else’s turn to save the day at that moment. There is a table of other participants than can and should have a try. And a good team will plan for failure as well as success.
  2. Anti climactic sounds like a GM problem rather than a dice problem to me. The Hero points to me break the flow, and the solidity of the environment. Sometimes you just have bad luck. Better to blame the dice than someone else at the table.
  3. But what do you define as a superhero story? From what traditions do you see missing in the standard game? From even within the superhero genre, we are looking at 75 years of stories, across multiple publishers, encompassing thousands of characters. The you have the Comics Code and then the post comics code stories. There is a wide latitude there.
  4. Yes we need a stripped Dow focused system, and we need an adventure , and only gloss the setting, and we need pretty art, other than the high expense for the last part, sounds simple enough.
  5. Mostly the former, but the music I still listen to, and that's culture to me.
  6. I think we were discussing how current year marketing is box office cancer: https://jalopnik.com/we-deserve-an-all-female-fast-and-furious-spin-off-1841671250 and then how've studios manipulate Rotten Tomatoes to gaslight movie goers to try to recover box office revenue, or a films damaged reputation.
  7. Movie superhero suits cannot look like the comics. Because film and video display more detail than most comic art (because deadlines). Therefore you get multi layered spandex with texturing, and overlapping plates. This is because the suit has to look visually interesting at unflattering angles during stunts, as well as closeups. Marvel currently is the best at it, picking visually contrasting materials and intricate details, though at the extreme end was Ironman, where the suit was totally CGI. A good friend animated the suit by hand without mocap data for the scene where a champagne drunk Tony Stark embarrasses Pepper at a public function. The suit was based on the designs by Adi Granov, which honestly cannot be worn by humans. But Marvel has the money to pay for the CGI. On the other end of the spectrum was the Shazam movie, where the suit was merely adequate, but looked like a padded muscle suit under microscopically tailored, matte finished or flocked spandex. Simple spandex Suits in solid colors just end up looking like cheap jazzercise costumes, and don't reflect well on the budget or the actor wearing them.
  8. I would have to unironically agree. Vicftory over Communism without firing a shot!😍
  9. Graduated High school in 1982. Flunked out of college in 1984, and worked a series of dead end jobs. At this point school didn't matter, other than to learn graphics, and animation skills, because... I went to Dance clubs. I played a huge amount of games. Got involved in a whole slew of gaming fanzines. Got invited to play with the Hero games folks, and got my first paid illustration gigs. Worked in Comic books. Worked the stands as an usher during the 84 Olympics, and saw Brazil beat Italy decisively in soccer. I started collecting the music I ran across in Clubs, collecting orange crates full of 12 in. Dance singles and Motion Picture soundtracks. Lots of great action movies, and delectable Trash Cinema (The Sword & The Sorcerer), and I was healthy enough to eat anything (Jack in The Box Ultimate Cheese burgers, with a side of Bacon Cheddar Potato wedges.). Ronald Reagan broke the back of the Soviet union, and it collapsed 6 months after he left office. (Victory over Communism!) Went through three cars. Started to travel to big conventions, like WorldCon, Gencon, and Comic-con. For me, the 80's were a grand, young person's Adventure, so I have to Grade it as an A!
  10. I was traveling a lot in the 80s as well, to game cons, either on my own dime, or working with game companies like R. Talsorian and others. Picking up a ton of music. Exploring the country. Just our of college, hitting clubs having a blast.
  11. Been out of the loop for 15 years. Used to run a lot of pick up games at cons. Fantasy Hero, Cyberpunk, occasionally Tri-Tac, but Inhavent been to a gaming con in maybe 18 years? Going to one on Saturday, but I am so rusty , and Inhave nothing prepared. I will see how it goes. If it’s good I may GM someday, but it helped to have a regular weekly group, but Indont have a face to face local. Just 5e on Roll 20’on Saturday’s.
  12. it's very much slice of life. quirky characters. lots of odd locations. it's ver sweet, rather than action oriented.
  13. Go take a look. It is on Netflix. Yes the same universe. Same currency unit of Woolongs.
  14. I love the 80's! The Music, the Movies, Reagan! I also like the cast for WW1984. Prdro Pascal is a personal favorite.
  15. I haven't had a TV since 2006, so I watch a lot of YouTube, and occasionally Netflix on my iPad. Movies I rarely see on opening day and wait for the reviews from trusted sources/friends.
  16. But it isn't UBO. it's a focus and applies it to the wearer. but the focus can be passed to, or stolen from the original wearer. The regeneration does not continue to grant the original wearer if someone else is wearing the ring. Sometimes common sense should take precedence from the rule hacking.
  17. So... with the partnership program, does anyone have a game in the making? I don't, but I could... maybe. But this could be an approach people could take for hall of Champions. (sic)
  18. from 6e rules: Inaccessible Foci An Inaccessible Focus can’t be hit with a Grab or otherwise attacked for purposes of taking it away from a character while that character is in combat (an Inaccessible Focus could still be targeted at -2 OCV to hit it for the purposes of damaging it; see below). However, someone who spends 1 Turn out of combat can take an Inaccessible Focus away from a character (or otherwise deprive him of its use and benefits). An Inaccessible Focus cannot be removed from a character who’s struggling or resisting. Some common examples of Inaccessible Foci include powered armor, magic rings, a belt, and similar items.
  19. Suspension of disbelief is a player, and a "meta" function. The characters may not know the moon is not made of green cheese, but the players do, and that is often difficult to overcome. Not all of us are perfectly immersive role players. Sorry.
  20. I would say that would be a "surprise/ Non-Combat situation" rather than in combat. Unless the thieves were beating the victims until resistance was overcome...
  21. Only if they are unconscious. I would say IIF, or OIF, if it flares brightly while doing it's thing. Only removable in non-combat situations.
  22. There is a YouTube channel called Nerdrotic, that I subscribe to as it delves into the fan Media, and the host documents this. He is probably one of the most disappointed Dr. Who fans in the U.S. He's pretty much disappointed in everything lately, and notes the rigged results of numerous old franchises of SF,, once beloved by the fans, but in rapid decline due to "agendas".
  23. Okay Next Character. This is my second Champions Character, and I played him nearly exclusively for about a decade. He had a LOT of experience, when I kind of gave up on 4 color play and slid almost exclusively into FH. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present Sgt. S. M A. S. H.* the U.S. Army Powered armored suit from the 1980's. SMASH.hdc *Suit, Man Amplification, Standard, Heavy.
  24. Well Hero Tried that with MHI. What we need to look at, is analyze it like an Air crash Investigation Team, and figure out why that one went wrong? Was it internal (as in the presentation by Hero), or was it external? (The author, or the popularity, or lack therof?)\ Learn from mistakes,, don't sweep them under the rug and forget them.
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