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Scott Ruggels

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Everything posted by Scott Ruggels

  1. Isn't this already covered with "set" and "brace" for firearms?
  2. ...once again I will mention a 40th anniversary re-issue of Champions Second Edition, with Vipers Nest, a new adventure, dice, in a box, cows funded, in time for the summer of 2021.
  3. This is where the market currently is. It's where WoTC and Paizo live, putting out adventures and supplements at $50 USs a pop, and selling them, A mere game master at this point still has the duties of the floor director of a published stage play, and that is that the show goes on smoothly. That is still a lot of work. It's only those before college graduation, and retirees that have the luxury of time for home brewing these days. One thin book, "powered by Hero, with adventures published later, if it sells. Keep it short, simple and without powers. We should not make an "ideal game for an ideal situation". We should make "a good game for the situation that exists".
  4. Sadly, world builders are a distinct minority in the new crop of time slammed gamers.
  5. Nah. The thing about the boxes was loading them but being boxes they were stack-able and we would tile the floor of the vehicle with them, and it gave us a slightly padded floor to walk on while in the truck. Then we would make furniture out of the thick plastic bags of bound and stacked cash. As long as the AC could handle it, the inside of the truck was comfy, but it was a losing battle in the summer when the sun would heat up that 3 tons of armor, and the inside became a pizza oven aftrr 1pm
  6. I used to work for an armored car company, right as they were transitioning from the Canvas bags to heavy cardboard boxes for transporting coins. Many of those canvas bags had a bank logo printed on them, and were sealed at the top with wire and a lead sea, and a tag that specified the amount. When empty those bags were useful and I obtained a lot of them for various uses around the house. still have a couple. A bag strong enough to hold 40lbs of quarters is a good thing to have.
  7. Robots in 4 color. You can cut loose. But for many of my characters, even 4 color, they are all just targets to be dropped.
  8. It’s documented in The Armoury, Vol. 1 (Second Edition), available on DrivethruRPG. It’s a third party supplement for Espionage/ Mercenaries, Spies & Private Eyes. They go into formulas on how to convert muzzle energy to HERO dice amounts. If you have those (usually easy info, but if not, you can get it from reloading manuals). The hard part of conversions are figuring out is the weapons have bonuses to range mods When set & braced ( what kind of scope and how powerful), if the bullet does extra stun (determined by bullet weight) , any bonuses to offset autofire minuses, due to design or compensators. And the like.
  9. Might be possible. Damage is easy using Kevin Dockery and George MacDonald's formulas.
  10. Well here in California, no one is panicking, other than the fact that Msks and hand sanitizer has diappeared from the shelves. But stores in the SF Bay Area seem to have flats of water , and bulk beans and rice vanishing. https://abcnews.go.com/International/coronavirus-live-updates-countries-scramble-outbreak-case-numbers/story?id=69381834 Me? I have my supplies all ready laid in, and I never leave my house anyway except for Doctor's appointments, and perishable groceries. I am expecting them to cancel KublaiCon. (Memorial Day Holiday). Large companies are already backing out of Comic-con in San diego.
  11. I am curious about this. I saw this on another forum I browse. if the tiers are budget priced, I may back this, just so I can get a copy to look at. I probably won't play it, but it will be illuminating to see the quality of the printing and the art. Who knows? Maybe there are lots of ideas to retool for Hero?
  12. Welcome. Look for references in Other Software in these forums.
  13. Herosystem Mobile has a Die Roller that works well. The best Die Roller though is probably the one in Brenall's Tabletop Simulator Module for Hero system that he's working on, as it's physics based, so it's probably more random that the pseudo-random number generators. His also calculates body and stun.
  14. Scale depends on which edition you are using, For 6th edition use 1M per Hex, otherwise it's 2M per hex. Never plan ahead in the campaign. But, Know the world as intimately as you can. Three years of world Building, through three campaigns, gave me a good idea of who was where, and how they reacted. In general though, other than the first session or two where I did have to prepare some background and packages and the like for the players, What would happen is that during the wind down half hour after the game, while everyone is packing up their books and binder, I would take a half hour to think and elaborate on the notes I took during the game. a half hour before the next session I would make some notes as to who would do what, make some rolls, and remember where thye players were at the end of last session. So any "planning" was just an intro into the next session and then the players would be off, like frightened cats, all over the background. Here are some of my note from the last time i ran that campaign, back in 1993 or so: https://imgur.com/a/YMeqPys They are in chronological order. (until the final retcon that derailed and ultimately sank the campaign.)
  15. They have it as PDF in the shop, for $14.00. Thought i tend to like Physical copies to carry around.
  16. i will dig for it, as I am now getting into 6edition games on TTS, and possibly at local cons (though the local cons may be running 3-4 edition XD)
  17. Oh I am known for apocalyptic amounts of typos. so I am somewhat dependent upon the little red underlines in Windows systems, These old things were done on a Macintosh Plus, which at the time did not have any sort of spell checker and I type recklessly fast.
  18. D&D Little Brown Books, AD&D Hard backs, D&D 3rd (D-20 Era briefly) D&D 5e Melee/ Wizard, Advanced Melee Wizard. Also FGU's "Bushido". Hero System 1 -4, after 1993 mostly 3rd 4th edition Fantasy Hero and occasionally Star Hero. I own a lot of 5th edition books including the big green bullet stopper. I also own Champions New millenium, , but I was out of the hobby on break (called Los Angeles) for the 6th edition and only own Champions Complete.
  19. Apparently BB code no longer works for dropping in characters if one wants to share here. HTML also comes out looking like raw output (code) rather than a nice page. So for me, I guess it’s, print the character sheet, scan it, post it to Imgur or another image sharing site and linking it here. The old BB code used to allow for some nice looking results.
  20. So I am lying here in bed with my phone at entirely too early in the morning, and nodding in agreement with the whole “Analysis Paralysis” supposition. So I do think that a 3e like presentation of a 6e based game would work. Equipment and items as just stats and description, and cash cost, sets of skills, and some background info. I think that may be the correct approach. The $64 question is what would be compelling to the market, now? Other than Fantasy, which Hero has a lot of published backgrounds for, all that have small audiences, what sort of background would be compelling? An updated Danger International? An America in Flames background to rope in all the Bernie voters?, Something based on Altered Carbon, but with the serial Numbers filed off? As much as it might be attractive to base a game off of a licensed media property, licenses cost money, and licenses can be withdrawn at any time. Hall of Champions then could be some sort of incubator for such products if HERO was amenable to complete games.
  21. Here's a package example from old FH game: The other item was that package Disads were always full price. That was the point of packages versus templates.
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