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death tribble

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Everything posted by death tribble

  1. Well I am one of the nay sayers. I hate Tyrannon more than I hate the Dimension conquering princess. But this is my personal preference.
  2. I like the look and the idea of what it might do. Real Dolphins might object though.
  3. Mystical voice recognition ? I could go with that. If you need anymore Ancient Egyptian sort of ideas with a more practical application you could google Elizabeth Peters and her Amelia Peabody series. That might help. Or readers of her work might.
  4. I am in agreement with those against the trench coat. That was when Doc Ock was a bum.
  5. For the Texas based group, The Lone Star Brigade.
  6. Shhusshh ! We don't want Dynamo to get wise to us.
  7. After scouring the lists of heroes and villains I had and then going through new ones I can't think of anymore at the moment. Namers block they call it. But we can and will make 10,000.
  8. I'd go with Juggernaut and Rhino as Thugs. Sabretooth is a Psycho so that puts him in a diffeent class to a thug.
  9. I would back the chorus on the Viper Sourcebook, To Serve and Protect, Strike Force and the Kingdom of Champions. But I liked most of the stuff. Some of the later enemies books like the International File and Scourge of the Deep I found not as good. Now to encite some hatred. I have the Strike Force book but I also have a spare copy. Condition not too good but readable. Unfortunately I have the Atlantic between me and therest of you.
  10. I remember Gunmetal Silk. Still have that book. Nice. And the Paladin as well. Tell if there are any problems with this. If you saw the Catsuit thread in Non-Gaming discusiion then you will have seen various women's pictures uploaded. If I wanted you to convert one of these into a Superhero figure would that be a problem ? I am thinking IP and copyright more than anything else.
  11. I back the inclusion of the Joker. One of the great lines I saw in DC was when the villains wanted to scare themselves and each other, they told Joker stories. I have seen stuff from him when Batman started and upto date. One of the iconic and most dangerous of all villains. Dr Doom. As you never know what to expect from him as countless appearances show in the FF and elsewhere. Mr Sinister. I read the X-Men and have enjoyed the look of this character and his background scheming. The Hellfire Club. great opponents of the X-Men. Juggernaut. Has had good runs against several people including Spiderman who trapped him in cement for a while, and Thor who Juggernaut hit with his own hammer by catching a ride back on it. Killer Frost. Followed a lot of her stories in Firestorm and I like her. Darkseid. Uh oh. Fantomas as in the books by Allain and Souvestre or in film. Dr Mabuse. German arch villain again on film. Fu Manchu as depicted by Christopher Lee and particularly the earlier films. Moriarty. Now there is a villain. Worthy foe to Sherlock Holmes. The Master in Dr Who. Particularly as played by Roger Delgado against Jon Pertwee.
  12. I have this issue. Liked the picture of Deluge.
  13. What is the current turn around from when you get a character to finished product ? ie what are you working on now that would delay the character. Assume no background. How large an attachment is too large if we are sending pics to say 'please base it on this character' ? ie I am assuming anything over 10 Mb definitely is but probably anything over 5 Mb as well in total for several pics.
  14. This was a guy or construct that could appear as a car. In one episode the guy worked as a male stripper if this is the thing I am thinking of. Sort of a digital blue line costume.
  15. Start with the Hindenburg. Remember that if your history includes the destruction of the Hindenburg in 1937 (I believe) that your villain will have a good motive for taking the battle to the States. America would not supply Helium or knowledge of Helium to Germany who used Hydrogen in the balloon instead. There is a fictional film of the Hindenburg with George C Scott and Anne Bankroft. You could try and see that for some ideas. Look at Crimson Skies as well. That has Zepplins as the freight carriers of the day.
  16. All the Quatermass stuff which was made into films were originally BBC TV stuff in the 1950s. The first two series were made into films in the 50s by Hammer. The second which involves something nasty and plantlike in a refinery controlling people is ideal Cthulhu stuff. The other John Wyndham book that could be done as well with a 60s base is Day of the Triffids. Spawn of Shub Niggurath anyone ? The last Quatermass series about some form of space race destroying hippies as they gathered at standing stones was done in the 80s and starred John Mills and Simon McCorkindale. It featured Toyah Wilcox (for those who know)
  17. I would definitely back Godlike as a good source. Then there is always the 'Germans are developing an A-Bomb' threat. Look for the film 'The Heroes of Telemark' with Kirk Douglas and Richard Harris for some detail on this. You could also reverse this with the Germans trying to get into the Manhatten project. In 42-43 you also have the War in Africa and convoys trying to make a breakthrough to Malta in the Med. Consider also Portugal's neutrality and the fact that you have German and British spies here trying to persuade the Portugese to support them. The Americans also got bombers into China to attack Japanese targets. That's another idea.
  18. GM came up with he slick power to demonstrate being knocked over. Basically you had to make a Dex roll by the amount of slick rolled against you between 1-3 dice. And you lost your entire phase if you went down. That lead to some arguments.
  19. Dave, These are names looted from character posts to the Champions threads Absolute Zero Acetyline Achelus Alecto Alias Alibi American Dreamer Angel of Darkness Angel of Light Anomaly Archer Battle Beetle Bedlam Black Vulcan Bloodsport Break Shot Caducaeus Cannonball Cannonball Express Chitin (character Posting Game) Cloud Ghost Cerebal Assassin Ceremorph Cree Creed Cue Ball Dark Cyclone Deathwatch Dream Walker Dream Warrior Fallen Angel
  20. I had the Animator who brought comic book characters to life and then lost control of them thus Dr Doom went on to rule Latvia as Latveria did not exist. Then there was the Game Show Host Lou Dacerous.
  21. I voted for the team up. Just got the feeling that it's more fun to manipulate the things than to kill your opponent.
  22. And for my 700th post on the site the last of the a-z list comprising 42 names which are:- Viscera Viscous Man Void Master Vulture Waif Warden Warrior Woman Waspman Water Mocassin Weather Man Weather Witch Whelm Whirling Dervish White Death White Dwarf White Heat White King White Lion White Queen White Rhino Whiteout Wild Dog Wild Life Will, The Windlord Winged Victory Winter Hawk Wisp (Will O'The Wisp) Witch Hazel Wu X X-Aminer X-Patriot Yankee Rose Yesterday Man You Can't See The Join Man Young Star Zapata Zebra Zen Hydra Zombie Master Zoom Waif is from the Marchwarden threads Whelm and White Dwarf are from the Character Posting thread Wu is from a post on the this forum. You Can't See the Join Man is a Cyborg Zapata is named after the Mexican revolutionary
  23. Blue, British Judges can have red as the primary colour instead of black, so try it with that. Might look good. Jayde, That last one of Ruby was nice.
  24. Dave, The next batch of 30. Tungsten Man Tusk Tusker Tusks Twisted Sister Tyke Typhoid Typhus Uberfrau UFO Master, The Ularra the Pearl Niered Ultima Ultra Marine, The Underminer, The USMC (Universal Soldier Master Controller) Uppercut Usher V3 V4 Valhalla Vampirus Vanquisher Veni (of Veni, Vidi, Vici Latin for I Came, I Saw, I conquered cf Julius Caeser) Ventriloquist Vercingetorix Vertigo Vici (of Veni, Vidi, Vici Latin for I Came, I Saw, I conquered cf Julius Caeser) Vicissitude Vidi (of Veni, Vidi, Vici Latin for I Came, I Saw, I conquered cf Julius Caeser) Vindictive Tyke comes from a thread on the boards. Ularra comes from the Character Posting Game thread. V3 and V4 are German terror weapons like the V1 and V2 which most people know. Valhalla is the heaven of the Vikings Vercingetorix was the Gaulish chieftan who defeated Caeser briefly before Caeser repayed him with interest at Alesia.
  25. I would just like to thank Quark for his timely return. Your astute and thought provoking advice has been sorely missed.
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