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Everything posted by Adventus

  1. Re: Enchanted Items now in the online store OH cool! I want a Hackmaster +12 please. And how much for that potion of immortality? And I would like a set of those magical glasses that... well you know... see thru things. nudge nudge wink wink. And I would like a set of magical chain +12. with stealth capability.... What do you mean THAT isn't what you meant? It's a BOOK??!! BUMMER!
  2. Re: [Warped Game Ideas (WGI)] Psycho-powers Wasn't this called Aberrant????
  3. Re: Wand of Fireballs (or the Champions Equivalent) I would also add explosion, conforming, to that wand.
  4. Re: WHY is combat so slow and what have you done about it? One thing I do to speed up combat is to get rid of the maps and figs. I am running a role playing game not a miniatures game. I have found this frees up character to be more creative, not less. I also use the if it fits the scene the bad guys drop when I want them to not when the rules of STUN END and BODY says they should. This eliminates the counting of hexes and making sure someone is facing the right direction and is in range. It allows the combat to be more creative. In real life you don't know exactly how far someone is from you. You don't know exactly how fast they are moving. It adds in a certain uncertainty that is missing if you use the maps and figs.
  5. Re: Post-Apocalyptic Hero -- What Do *You* Want To See? I would like to see a setting where technology fails. Everything based off of electricity and gunpowder ceases to work. Either all at once or over a period of time.
  6. Re: Attacks OK Defenses No Way? In the campaign I am playing in I have the following multipoer: 54 point Force wall MP 5 Forcewall 12PD/8ED lenght 3" height 1" 5 ForceField 23PD/20Ed 1/2 end 5 Running +18"(total 24") Usable as a second mode of movement: Flight Physical Manifestation i.e. Force Filed Slide. This means that if I am using me Force Slide, I have no forcefield to protect me. I have nearly ded 5 times playing this character. Lucky for me one of the other PC's has healing.
  7. How much damage should a wrecking ball, swung from a crane, do to a brick in a superhero game?
  8. Re: What if the Justice League was really a league? Yes
  9. Re: OIHID and/or Focus I actually have character that has both OIF and OIHID on several of his powers. I explain it thusly: powers are usable only in hero Id and he wears a suit of armor(OIF) that enhances his powers. i.e. focusing gems in palms to increase the power of his eb and flash. The suit is aerodynamic allowing him to fly faster and be more maneuverable. The only power just OIF was the Defenses of the suit of armor. The enhanced power from the suit was worthless if not in hero id, However he could use the lower power level without the suit and fly slower.
  10. Re: Other Odd Twists THE POWER RANGERS!
  11. So, What are the seven Great wonders of your campaign setting? This is not limited to fantasy worlds. Lets hear about them folks. Pictures are a plus.
  12. Re: WWYCD: Dead Enemies are no fun. Your Nemesis is not the supervillian you captured.
  13. Re: Howto: A Body Of Force Fields? Here's where my character, Force Knight is at.
  14. Re: How to get swords on your starship The best exmple of sword in space is the Star Trek movie First Contact. The Scene where Picard and Worf fight the Borg outside the ship. Remember, Worf brought his Klingon sword(don't remembere the name) with him. He could have brought a phaser and just used that. Remember swords in space is COOL. In the Deathstalker series from Simon Green, The reason for swords is that the main ranged weapon is a disruptor which takes up to 4 minutes to recharge between blasts. And the use of personal force fields made slug throwers obsolete. So while waiting for yor disruptor to recharge, you pull your sword and go mano-a-mano.
  15. Re: Etrigan's Arts Make sure you give him the Mongoose martial art from The Ultimate Martial Artist!!
  16. Re: WWYCD: Dead Enemies are no fun. For those of you without actual powers: The evidence at the scene points to you. i.e. hair, fingerprints various things like that. a partial image on a video camera. and so forth
  17. You have a great night celebrating a successful capture of a powerful group of supervillians. You go to sleep. When you wake up in the morning, you see on the news your greatest nemesis is dead. MURDERED. And the method of killing matches your exact power set. All the evidence points to one person being the killer. Your super ID is the number one suspect. The police have put out an APB on your Super ID. Arrest on sight. WWYCD???
  18. Re: Top 10 Action Hero One-Liners WILL YOU STOP SAYING THAT?
  19. Re: Limitations/advantages list YES. That is exactly what I was looking for. THANKS.
  20. I would like a link to the list of limitations and advantages from hero products. I used to have it but seem to have lost it. I don't want the link to : The Master List Of Limitations which is just a list of Disadvantages. I want the one which is limitations and advantages.
  21. companion thread to others: Timothy Drake ...need I say more?
  22. Re: Favorite lost villain group I always thought they should have done more with Mongoose. Especially in Ultimate Martial Artist. They create an example Martial Art in this book, Mongoose based Martial Art. AND They don't do a Rewrite of MONGOOSE and give hime this MArtial Art!! WTF??!!. That would have been the perfet character to rewrite with that martial art.
  23. Had to be done:p Many heroes are rich! And superbabes are HOT!!! Or Superdudes are HUNKS!!
  24. ANother companion thread. You don't have to run to a country where the plumbing is....creative!
  25. I know this has been done before but I couldn't find the thread. I would like to make a character based off of corporate America. For example he has a Red Tape Entangle. Razor edged business cards an armored business suit. Any more Ideas? Feel free to be creative.
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