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Everything posted by Adventus

  1. Re: Opinion Fluff: Knockback I asked the following question to Steve Long: And he responded: So despite the fact you have traveled this huge distance at a great velocity, You take no more damage than you would from regular Knockback? :confused: Your Response Herodom?
  2. I have read the FAQs, 5er and searched the board. 1) An attack has megascale and does knockback, is the knockback megascale as well? 2) If so, how would you figure the damage? Roll several times for each wall they go thru? Would they get to apply their defenses to each wall or would they be considered one attack? 3) if it is megascale, how would you figure the distance they would travel? And their velocity?
  3. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) Accountant Hero. We all know they are supposed to be boring. F.A.T.A.L. H.E.R.O. for obvious reasons.
  4. Re: Your PC's might be underpowered if... You were turned down for membership by the Chumpions (the inept Champions) and the Dork Chumpions (Dark Champions gone incompetent) for being too weak. And they are both hunting you 8-. And you hide under your bed afraid they will find you.
  5. Re: Terrible Thoughts -- Simple Concept, Expensive Build Don't forget Cumulative +1/2. This way if they make contact again it adds to the previous damage. Driving them even closer to that line between sanity and the loony bin.
  6. Re: Your PC's might be underpowered if... you don't have an arch nemesis because nothing and nobody considers you a threat.
  7. Re: Professional Rockband HERO team? Hunted by RoadKill and Agent Anarchy! ooh rah:rockon:
  8. Re: [WHAT IF?] Frank Castle was the Spirit of Vengence how about a link???????? for the picture????
  9. Re: Your PC's might be underpowered if... Your team is entirely composed of failed try outs for the Mystery Men You need to call in your reserve members to take down Foxbatgirl. Making it to post segment 12 is your teams personal best....vs Foxbatgirl. The main reason you're not Hunted By Foxbat is that he completely fails to notice you even attacking him.
  10. Re: Fixing Find Weakness And from the special effects angle, FW also doesn't make sense. If you find a weakness, you can't tell anybody else about it. You can't say what the weakness is. You just halve their defenses. I do like the idea that you have to specify what effect or power you can find weakness on. And that you can identify what the weakness is. This would make more sense given the hero system is supposed to a toolkit. You should be able to break it down into its primary components but the way it is written you can't do that. I personally would make it a sense: detect weakness discrimatory analyse linked to an attack power. and lack of weakness acts like penalty skill levels on your perception roll. This would allow you to have your teammates target the same spot and take advantage of a opponents weakness. This would also make the genre staple of the villian modifying his defenses to remove that weakness from himself more believable. Ultron is the result of this.
  11. Re: Your PCs might be overpowered if... The King of Munchkins Rules Raped Monstrosity of a character refuses to fight you because you are more powerful Than him!!!!!! And you took him as a hunted less powerful !!
  12. Re: predatory martial art no tail. His damage shield will have the advantage that it will do damage when he hits someone. Unless of course he is wearing his armored clothing.
  13. Re: predatory martial art Yes I will be buying hka for claws. rka damage shield for his razor sharp scales. which is negated by his metallic clothing. And his metallic clothing is 8pd/8ed armor.
  14. I have a character concept I am having a small problem with. He is in an accident with a tanker truck which was carrying Radioactive BioGenetic toxic waste to an illegal dump site. The tanker broke open and he was covered in the stuff. It has mutated him into a reptilian looking humanoid. It has also given many predatory reflexes and instincts. He also has claws now. His scales are razor sharp so he has to wear specially made metallic clothing. Anything else would be ripped to shreads. He, of course, sued the trucking company, the company that produced the toxic waste and the corporation that owned the company and won. I would like martial art maneuvers for him with names that would represent his predatory nature. Thanks Herodom.
  15. A Jeff Foxworthy tribute post THis is the companion to the Overpowered thread. If when you finally show up at the bank robbery, the bank president tells you it was 2 days ago.
  16. Re: Your PCs might be overpowered if... And you have down as incompetent:D
  17. Re: Your PCs might be overpowered if... You have The Invincible Munchkin Bunch! listed in your disads as an incompetent dnpc at 14-. And no one threatens them because they are afraid you might get upset.
  18. Re: WWYCD: They Walk Through Walls? Anything Man: would examine the scenes of the robberies picking traces left over from the use of their powers and get copies of all security footage. He would then go back to his lab and analyze the data. He would use this analysis to design a set of powers to defeat these evil men. And use his inheritance, Professor Pomegranite's Ubermensch Machine, to give himself those exact powers. He would then contact one of the detective type superheroes to find where they would be most likely to strike and be there waiting for them. and then defeat them and send to prison for a short life. i.e. the death penalty.
  19. Re: Sapphire - Heroine, Champion, ...Hater of Puppies? Gets out rolled up newspaper. "Alright the next pun gets it on the top of their he....oh look a puppy:)!!"
  20. Re: Herophile Fantasy art Is that the Mythical Stick of Pain he is carrying?
  21. Re: Best SuperHero Fights ever Another great one is Cannonball vs. Gladiator.
  22. Re: Best SuperHero Fights ever Batman vs. Guy Gardner as Green Lantern. First fight: Guy gardner is mouthing off about Batman being the laeder of the JLA. When batman walks in. Batman walks up to Guy and says, "SIT DOWN" Guy gets bruised rear end fromm sitting down so hard. Second Fight: Guy Gardner mouthing off again, challanges Batman to a fight. Batman can't use any of his gadgets and Guy takes off his ring. There are 2 hits. Batman hits Guy. Guy hits the floor, out cold. This makes what happened recently in the new Green Lantern series all the more fun. Batman tries to physically stop Hal Jordan and Hal turns around and one punches Batman. Guy is going bonkers over Hal's punch,
  23. Re: Champions "What Ifs" What if... Dr. Destroyer had been captured by the allies at the end of WWII and Executed for his war crimes and other atrocities?
  24. Re: Magnetism: Abuse And Super Metals If you have your arm diagonally across the steering wheel and the airbag deploys, it will break both bones in your arm and still fully expand. It will do it so fast you won't even feel any pain. a 0stun attack.
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