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Everything posted by Blue

  1. I actually allow higher defenses in my game than you guys do (from what I'm seeing here). But I counter it by not starting them out with as many points, so while they could pump their defenses, it's often cost prohibitive, at least if they want a decent offense. The end result is that everyone tends to slide toward the middle. From what I'm seeing so far, it's worked out well.
  2. A proposal I made to my players for a potential campaign that never came about actually had a unified origin of sorts... The characters had real world Dark Champions level characters and a cyber-world "superhroic" level equivalent. The idea being that they logged-on in order to "fight the power". Of course this was proposed a year before the matrix came out. After the matrix came out, it just felt like it had been done. But their origins would technically all be the same; their heroic forms were programs hacked together to represent them on the net. But I actually considered for the existing campaign forcing everyone to have the same event; namely introduction of a chemical that enhances a rare few individuals, ignores most people, and is toxic to a few others. Instead it just wound up being a background element in the current campaign, and anyone who wants to use that element as their origin can get a free and easy "susceptibility" to it as a result of their initial exposure.
  3. Blue


    Winterhawk! You're alive! You're alive!
  4. I just like sapphire for some diversity. Frankly, personal character histories I make are always fairly heavy. The characters have deep hidden problems or strong ulterior motivations for what they do. I like to think that people are driven to help others as a means of helping themselves. "Blue" is just my latest example. I think every player character I've ever had a real attachment to was like that. If they weren't, they were barely used. I generally don't have such problems. But then I don't want to play a character like me.
  5. Blue


    You're right! I'll save up all my Wiseassness like an END battery. Yes... that's it... I'll bide my time...
  6. Blue


    I'm sadly lacking any wiseass comments to put here.
  7. Yup, another new post. I love reading the stories on the board about screw ups, lucky hits, and all the other things that happen. I thought I'd start a post about disadvantages that really wound up coming back to haunt you at a vital time. I mean, everyone has a good unluck story, or a "Viper show up in the middle of the firefight and target your character" type of incident. I'll include one: A player in my game long, long ago (I'd been running Champions all of a few weeks) managed to not only survive the adventure but did well. So the cocky character (female and with an outrageous COM of 36... at the time I didn't regulate stats much) is drawing a lot of hooting and hollering from guys on the street. She proceeds to come over and try to tell them off. When one gives her a slight grab, she punches him. The player was not smart enough to pull the punch or anything. Instead the guy gets pulped against the wall and actually does damage to the building! The building begins to crumble in front. For some as never explained reason, the character had a Berserk: When struck by falling debris, at the worst possible levels, and there were 3D6 of unluck, which I believe was the accepted maximum at the time. Two levels of unluck. I ruled that debris hit her. She blew the Berserk roll. The character subsequently proceeded to pulp poor citizens until she recovered and became a sought after criminal. She never did stand trial and wound up changing her name and heroic identity in order to continue play later. I think about that now and wonder if I was too mean. I mean, it's starting player, I'm a starting GM, and I let these silly disadvantages go through without really proofing them well. Live and learn, I guess.
  8. They've obviously learned from their first encounter and loss with you. It's time to research your enemies further, delve further into information about the Tablets of Krim. If the Crowns have been around so long then perhaps someone long ago knew of a way to defeat them. Such information is to valuable to not pass down in writing. My own former team met a grisly demise and of the two known survivors, one has fled the dimension and the other has fled this time. So I am an orphan of just such a holocaust as that of which you speak. Nothing is harder than picking up the pieces, but you are fortunate to have not lost anyone permanently. -Blue
  9. An 8 or less roll is equivalent to a 25.9% chance at something. If only one out of every four plants he grows actually lives, I'd say that's incompetent enough.
  10. It's all part of the travesty that is the R&RHoF. They always have some flavor of the week present for someone who will be remembered for the ages. I hope you guys play Elemental Control (that's my favorite) and follow it up with a dice solo.
  11. I'm doing pennance right now. Saying ten hail multipowers.
  12. That's hermit humor for ya. Get's a distinctive reaction on an 8 or less. I figured "total life support" pretty much encompassed everything listed, but then I don't think I've bothered to read it in FREd.
  13. It was a snaffu: Black Sabbath is up for Best Supplement, while Hero 5e is being inducted a the R&RHoF. I think Rob Zombie is presenting your induction.
  14. Yeh, I have the four that have been released. They're very true to the SAS characters, very well done.
  15. Like all supplements, the fun is what you make of it. Having said that, TGSVC was actually one of my favorites of this groupt. It was so much fun to mess with the heroes that I ran it twice (Not back to back; Like a year later after the winner died so they could crown a new champion).
  16. Most commonly... Heroclix Superfigs Though there are a few other "futuristic" miniature sets that lend well to the game.
  17. You're a high enough geek to have one of those spiffy titles. Maybe "Dweebthusela" or "Grandmaster of Pogs". Could be worse. You could be "Lord High Trekkie". But it occurs to me that having dozens of them makes you more of a "dealer", ensnaring hapless geeks. "Looks at this stuff on e-bay... it's really good stuff." How about it? Is the first one always free?
  18. Is it good or bad that I have every damn one of these except the one with the grayscale cover?
  19. Skip the rent I did Bought Hero fifth edition Shopping cart my home (Sorry, I'm better at dirty limmericks. I've got one about Foxbat's wife firing ping-pong balls without a gun. j/k)
  20. Hero System 5th edition has been mugged. Just had to voice my disgust.
  21. And here's some concept art for an ancient egyptian slave. As he worked for a princess (and had an affair with her), when she died, her betrothed had him buried with her, as one of her "possessions".
  22. Coincidentally, I think someone in our group (who is not me) actually tried to make a player character squirrel in another game. Here are the two who stick out in my mind... Jester: (Yup, you can picture him already). Think of the worst, most overplayed jokes ever. I'd use every bad joke my grandfather ever told me. I didn't use him because the players liked him; no, quite the opposite. Dead Ringer: Think of Blackbolt, from THE INHUMANS, in that he has a sonic power he can't control. His problem is that it only happens when he laughs, but is "always on" and therefore he has no real control over it. Then he has a disadvantage that he thinks nearly everything is funny. So something funny happens and his cone-shaped sonic attack wipes out whoever is in front of him. Actually used to get big laughs from the players.
  23. Some very nice stuff in here! Here's my contribution. This is a now deceased character. I never quite got the wings right (They're supposed to be kind of ethereal wings formed out of light energy).
  24. Blue

    Power Suggestions

    Thanks! Exactly! Yes, I thought he'd wind up whipping those guns right out of the cops hands. As for followers, I think he may have a few generic thugs, though there could be some real comedy involved with him being stuck in a 50's frame of mind and them wanting to do things the modern way. Nice suggestion. That's a real possibility. I figured the cape did give Captain Video flight, which Dr. Meridian now has.
  25. Blue

    Power Suggestions

    Dr. Meridian And here is his arch enemy. I used a more armored look (Like winterhawk's example) and more gray in this one. I may make changes to him later. I think I need to either make him look older (like her really would be) or younger (like he's rejuvenated back to the era of Captain Video).
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