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Everything posted by Blue

  1. There that's better. Too much hate in the world. Not enough self-control.
  2. Blue

    Pulp Hero

    Probably referring to this... World Atlas of Revolutions which has no reviews or any real write-up. Though this looks interesting too... Atlas of Military History, Maps...
  3. Re: So, What Did Happen To Seeker? It's only found by reading between the lines I'm sure that's just there as a joke to those familiar with how easy it is to kick Seeker's @$$. It's always more fun to let the players and GM kill off a character than for the designers to do it themselves. Kid Rock is virus resistant, as we can deduce from his handling of Tommy Lee's Ex-Wife, but there are no assurances that he is nuke-proof. I do agree on the Nuge, however. He'll be hunting radioactive Grizzlies with his bow & arrow long after cockroaches have succeeded us on this planet.
  4. For just a nifty special effect, I was thinking Change Environment, but as usual I don't have my book with me to verify. As I recall that's generally for area effect. But if, say the 1-hex the character was standing in changed (cosmetically) then this might still work. I really need to have a second book. Hey Steve! When does the Champions Pocket Reference come out?
  5. I'm not bullseye, but when has that stopped me from commenting I kind of like this for RACE purposes. After all, even though you're a dwarf you don't have to be a stonemason, but it would make sense that you would have a natural aptitude for it. Less so with the "class" packages, but it's likely within the space of three more posts to this thread I'll be convinced otherwise
  6. I knew you guys would be full of suggestions. Well, full of something anyway For my cyber surfer I went the multiform/edm route with a physical disad for the body left behind. This gives me the opportunity to have multiple cyberforms (3, in fact) each a different program "avatar" the character can adopt. This is the first character in years where I had way too many disads by the time I was done and had to look for ones to drop
  7. Our players defy one another all of the time, but not necessarily defy the leader... though I can think of a few times off of the top of my head, so it must be common. I've seen characters (not players) walk out or be voted out as a result of their inability to follow orders. It's funny that this happens mostly in WoD games. Guess it's all that D that makes them edgy
  8. In a sick kind of way I'm hoping that my Champions campaign turns out like the D&D and Vampire campaigns of the past few years have... GM: "There's is definitely someone hiding in there." Player 1: "I rush in and demand they surrender, swinging my axe if I can identify them as a foe." Player 2: (Sighs) Player 1: "What?" Player 2: "You're supposed to wait for me to put up a field of darkness! Remember?" Player 1: "Piss on your darkness. I want action." Sometimes they do it out of forgetfulness. I mean, I know I'm not always thinking about what the next guy is going to do. But traditionally it's because whatever the other guy has in mind conflicts with what you want to do, so if you get the intiative you just do what you want. Happens every game and it makes me laugh every time. Leadership? Bah! We've survived on a combination of dumb luck, inexplicably crazy actions, and GM benevolence. And I'd be shocked if the players smartened up for my game To us, a leader decides which lead to follow, not how to coordinate combat.
  9. True. Since there will always be supplements, I'm kind of trying to hold my argument to the core books... the ones needed to run the game. You can't play D&D w/o the DMG or PHB, but you can play Champions without anything else but FREd... including Champions and Champions Universe. I've got to agree on your choice. CKC would be nice in color, though it's not necessary. I think that the way the costume looks (color and all) gives you a real feel for the character.
  10. Call me crazy but I like the books as-is. A beautiful color wraparound cover and plenty of good b&w art. M&M is a fraction of the book that FREd is. Nobody wants to send a book to the marketplace with an outrageous price tage, so to make FREd fully color (Like M&M) they'd have to make it more cost effective by splitting the book into several smaller books, a la the PHB & DMG. And those two together don't seem to be as big as FREd. I, for one, like having all that stuff in the same book rather than having to guess which book something was in.
  11. It was a hard decision in my campaign to rule that Multipowers are forbidden, but it was on the advice of players who warned me that there were a few real bonified number crunchers who would ovewhelm the rest of the party. ECs I'm allowing, and I'm pretty loose on what is an acceptable grouping. But there are times when I wish they hadn't been invented. It would be a cleaner game without power frameworks.
  12. Re: Team Leaders? My group tends to pas around the leader role, but even at that there are those who when NOT the leader still try to act like leader. So in our case there may be too many leaders. It works out well, though. I am not one of those individuals. Right now I'm playing a vampire game, doing two characters. The first is too reckless and brutal for the team to want to have in charge, though I'd love it if he were. The other is too reactive, preferring to perform based on what everyone else has done. I've just never been much of a leader, in game or out.
  13. Thanks! -1 was what I guessed and applied, though the MC idea sounds intriguing too. Maybe there are other suggestions out there, but here's what I did: I built a character with multiform and gave the extradimensional movement to the extra forms and gave them each the disadvantage that they leave behind the vulnerable, unconscious form of the original character. I'm also thinking that the Cyber form gets injured, sets off the "trigger" of extradimensional movement back to the real world. I think that would also enable the "reversion" limitation, in which the character changes back to their weaker human form and risks serious harm from the sustained damage.
  14. Hello devoted herophiles. I seem to be unable to locate a limitation that I have seen before. I believe it was once listed as "Leaves behind a vulnerable physical form". Its application would be for... Using desolidifaction to simulate an astral form leaving behind a body that can be harmed In connection with Extradimensional Movement to simulate jacking into the cyber-world and leaving your physical body behind. I'm doing this last one and need to set the level of limitation. Thanks for your help.
  15. May have been part of the old boards. A search on this board with "muerte" yields several second-hand references to the info you mention, and one Post where Steve says "There are No Plans to bring back Los Assessinos." You'll probably never get a better commitment than than.
  16. Yes. I'd vote for Anarchy, but that would be acting within the system, man Don't mind me. I was just trying to be difficult. I'll have to make it a point not to post when I'm bored.
  17. Can't do it. My Avatar is the primary NPC in the campaign and has abilities the players should not know about; should any wander in here it would be detrimental.
  18. Blue


    I always thought Starburst was the guy on page 6. Don't know why... I mean I never looked up anything on it. Guess he just looked like a starburst to me.
  19. Blue


    This the powder-blue wraparound cover by Mark Williams? I just fished mine out of the box of treasures to take a look. Not sure I can identify everyone on the cover. I think the blue & silver guy is CRUSADER, 1st edition's sample character, without his mask. The purple & red armored guy does not seem to match anyone described in the 1e book. (Man! I forgot how underpowered some of the characters were. Most were around 200pt.)
  20. No way! I don't remember there being V&V figures. Check out the promo from 1982. This is a photo, not a scan, so it's not all that crisp.
  21. Hear that?... No? Press your ear closer to the computer screen. That's me opening a still shrink-wrapped copy of Villains and Vigilantes. I bought it in a gamestore a few months ago, unopened, and I've been resisting opening it, since I have my old copy from decades ago. Heh...the dice edges are so sharp you could cut yourself on them. Didn't remember it came with Crisis at Crusader Citadel. Heck, let me take a picture....
  22. I think nHammer is referring to getting family/friends who don't play to vote just because you want more votes. I tend to agree, much as I'd still like to see Hero/DOJ overcome the obstacle put in front of them. And isn't that what being a superhero is all about? But I'm saying in my earlier post that Technically voting in a category where you haven't seen all of the games would be wrong, because you're voting under a supposition about all the other games that you haven't played. It's really the same thing. Not that I'm talking anyone out of voting. Pleae do. I'm just saying that NONE of the public voters are innocent, because chances are slim that they've played all of the nominees in each category. Just making a semantics argument folks.
  23. Well, I only did that because if they're new to the system it's an easy rule to forget (Stunning on a single hit).
  24. 4) Well, avoiding the obvious unconscious/dead result you might end up with, a character CAN be stunned by a sufficiently high amount of STUN damage. That's an easy rule to look up in the book.
  25. I fully understand this criticism. But that's not really what's happening on the other end. When a guy gets assigned to a book he's got ideas and he thinks they're going to shake the world. He's not changing it just to spit anyone. Everyone makes changes because they think they're the right thing to do. Sometimes they radically alter things and everyone is happy, and sometimes not. But there's no conspiracy.
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