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Everything posted by Blue

  1. Thanks! His picture keeps going through revisions as I alternately decide he's not detailed enough and then that he's too detailed. Such is the way of my people.
  2. Hey! The perfect opening to debut my new iconic patriot-type hero: I give you... UNCLE SLAM! (With the uber-cool catch phrase, "You'll be seeing stars and stripes forever!) (Though now I'm leaning toward Uncle Smacky as a name )
  3. Blue

    Character Names

    Re: Character Names Synergy, Synchronus, Warp...
  4. I once had a character who took physical blows and converted them into STR for his own use to pummel the opponents back. More you beat him, the more he beat you. His name was Battery (as in Assault and...)
  5. Yeh, it's hard to be original on a Fire-Elemental, though I see folks are coming up with good stuff. Well, is this a summoned creature? I mean, are you not going to care if he's around at the end of the fight? Because you could always have him self-destruct, throwing fire everywhere.
  6. Actually, I would suggest that you change the scale altogether! I know it's blasphemy, but think about it: Hero system includes large scale combat, running far way from each other, sniping, flying, etc. Not things that happen in a WWE bought. I say that you scale back WWE hero "Inches" to less than 2 meters.
  7. Heh. Sounds kind of interesting. Like they all have Multipowers but can only use a power that someone else is not using that phase. Makes it fun to have the initiative!
  8. [suspicion] Yes... yes, that was genius. One might even say... evil genius. I suggest we do some DNA testing.[/suspicion]
  9. No good deed goes unpunished. I wouldn't mind having these too
  10. Why not? It's nearly impossible to be totally original. Heck, when I had new players come on board and neither they nor I had a name suggestion, I'd hand them the 13 or so issues of "Handbook of the Marvel Universe" and let them browse for names. Obviously they couldn't pick a name another player was using, and it was nice if the name had something to do with their powers, but neither of those ever seemed to be an issue.
  11. Pretty sharp! I need to actually do some non-computer drawing again someday. Pencils seem foreign to me now.
  12. Good thing I don't write these. There would be ten pages of talk and exposition before they got to the fight. People would stop reading halfway through, scratching their heads and saying, "What is this? My dinner with Mechanon?".
  13. If this were a contest of looks, Iron Duke would win. But I gotta go with the undisputed king of bio-eradication and mechanical slavery, Mechanon.
  14. Good question. I've made a hivemind creature but never tried for an INT drop. Maybe a Disadvantage, suceptibility 1D6 INT, every time you suffer a certain percentage of loss of your hive-lets?
  15. "Millenimu City" could have been nothing less than shiny and new. Otherwise they should have picked a different name.
  16. I don't suppose it's this thread from the newly restored old-boards? Guns
  17. I was wondering what time frame you're looking at. Sounds like you are talking over sessions rather than gaining over turns or minutes of game time. I'm sure my suggestion won't help you out in this case, but here's how I handled this one time: I used the character's experience points to build the changes, with the player's permission, and gave thems a cost break. Something like this: I can give you your experience points, but if you let me spend them instead you'll get extra xp on top of it. And since the player in question trusted me, they wound up with a pretty good weapon being gained as a result of a sort of modern quest. They picked up the 30 xp weapon after earning only 22 xp.
  18. I hope my duplicate has a better understanding of physics than I do. Regardless it's still a good read.
  19. Blue

    Whattya Think?

    Thanks! I've already noticed a few errors. It's what I get for posting a first draft The other pages aren't as relevant to the game, but I might make the advertisement and possibly the cover, if I can work up a decent shot of the city's super-base, which is something I haven't been able to do yet after mutliple tries.
  20. Blue

    Whattya Think?

    I was reading the posting for the job position and after talking myself down started wondering about InDesign 2.0. So I downloaded the trial. Attached is a PDF file, first thing I've ever made in InDesign. It's a handout I'll use with my players as part of the introduction. Not bad for a beginner. Tell me what you think. Feel free to swing away if you don't like it. (I think the purple/blue maybe a poor choice, but I didn't like the other colors I tried.) It's in PDF "acrobat" format. Here it is
  21. Heh. Dontcha hate when that happens? Yeh, I just found the Moriah post afterwards.
  22. Color me confused. (That's about two shades lighter than chartreuse, right?)
  23. I guess in a way I'm fortunate that my old players aren't around anymore. It means that I don't have to worry about all these continuity issues with my new campaign. It also means I can pull some of the same crap on these guys that I did on the others
  24. All I can suggest is that in order to balance your campaign, simply compare the ACTIVE COST of an attack versus that of a defense. They should be approximate. A 6D6K attack is 90 Active Points. 15PD/ED Resistant Defense Armor is only about 45 Points. Your attack is TWICE as powerful as the armor. And even at that, 90 Active Point armor would yield 30PD/ED, which works out to about 30 STUN getting through the armor, so it's likely to STUN just about anyone wearing such heavy-duty armor. Of course, a Ship's guns should sting the best armored character (at least in a non-superheroic game). This comparison works better on lower levels. A 6D6 EB would do 6 BODY/ 21 STUN on the average, and be about 30 Active Points. Equivalent Defense would be 15PD/ED (Non-resistant). You'd do about 6 Stun on a hit, which would sting but would not disable the guy. A really good hit might have more impact, a low damage roll being all but ignored as a glancing wound.
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