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Scott Baker

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Everything posted by Scott Baker

  1. The confusion (around paying END) was definitely on my part. Which may lead to a follow-up question depending on how Steve answers my question.
  2. I know Tedology is using CC, but going back to 6E1 170, you only pay END when first creating the barrier. You can take a limitation to have to keep paying END each phase. This does make sense as the power is normally Instant.
  3. And asked: http://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/89585-barrier-in-a-multipower/
  4. Example Man has a Multipower with a 10pt reserve. The MP has 2 fixed slots: Barrier 2 PD/2 ED/1 BODY (10 active) Blast 2D6 (10 active) On his phase, Example Man switches to slot 1 and puts up his Barrier--crouching behind it because it really isn't very big On his next phase, he switches to slot 2 to take a pot shot at his foe, Interpretation Man. Does Example Man's Barrier continue to protect him, or is he left looking silly crouching behind nothing when he goes to take his shot? Thanks!
  5. I'm not sure how you continue to pay END for a power you no longer have available. (Which brings us back to Greywind's post.)
  6. What Greywind said. You mentioned that Barrier is an "instant" power, so it normally lasts (even outside of the framework) just long enough for the character to use it (my paraphrase). So you put up a Barrier in your phase. Next phase it's gone unless you activate it again. However, since you've switched slots in your MP, you don't have Barrier to activate.
  7. I don't see this at all. The base rule is that the use carries over directly (which may be what you are referring to if he would change to a form with more Body, etc.) The optional rule is to figure the percentage, which I think negates your argument. If you're at 50% of body in form 1, then form 2 will be equally hurt at 50% of that form's body. And a third option would just be to have all the forms buy the same body, stun, and end. Then there is no "healing." I'm not saying don't use the MP route, just that I believe the rules already cover your particular concern.
  8. I personally don't see the need for this. And I agree with Hyper-Man's question. Back in 1E, when there were no Power Frameworks (they were just "powers"), you could put ECs in MPs and vice-versa. Horrible min-maxing ensued, if the GM didn't control it.
  9. If you have to build it, a VPP with SFX seems like an easy way to go. Since the holodeck is generally a plot device, I don't normally worry about building such things. It just happens to be the setting for the story/action.
  10. I haven't seen it either, but I ignored it since it did not seem relevant to the main question.
  11. Interesting news. I look forward to hearing more.
  12. This also assumes that the books were actually completed such that there may only be layout and publishing costs. I obviously don't know the actual state of any of the books, but it seems unlikely that they have all of the announced products actually written.
  13. Cassandra has been posting characteristic templates for supers archetypes for quite some time now. (my search-fu is failing)
  14. Johnny the Shoeshine Boy, but he's darn expensive!
  15. This is exactly what I meant (and tried to say) over in the 7E thread. A published setting needs to make all of the core decisions. Otherwise you don't have enough control to ensure that the materials will work. It's the same balancing a GM needs to do for their own campaign.
  16. I'm another one who doesn't run CU straight. Back when Enemies came out (and Enemies II), we would use the characters from those, but always mix in our own villains as well. And unlike Old Man, I can't think of a single published adventure I've run, tweaked or not, for Champions/Hero. I'll use all sorts of materials for ideas and inspiration, including published settings.
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