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Scott Baker

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Everything posted by Scott Baker

  1. At least in the little black books you didn't have to get into combat to die in Traveller. I lost more than one character during character creation.
  2. I think the only thing that makes it "easier" in MHR is the fact that you are already making it all up in your heads as you play. No reason you can't do this in Hero, or any other simulationist, game system. And if the GM knows the rules, and/or just the scope and effect they are looking for, you certainly don't need to do any extra page flipping.
  3. Those are great photos. Thanks for sharing the link.
  4. Wait. Are you saying there are other gaming forums out there?
  5. My personal (biased) opinion says--Hero System all the way! Outside of my opinion I just wanted to say that I agree with all of the well-reasoned comments everyone else has made. I also would like to note that, even though I play Hero, I have a shelf of GURPS, and shelves of other games products that can serve as inspiration for what I want to do in Hero System.
  6. And check out this comment by Steve: http://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/88504-cant-decide-on-hero-6e-or-gurps-4e/?do=findComment&comment=2341460
  7. I don't even have to look at the other forum to realize that the posters there obviously don't know what they are talking about. Any system can be "cinematic" (and I agree with what Hyper-Man posted). A good GM could run a game in the Marvel (movie) universe using Amber Diceless and everyone would have a great time. Anything else is just a personal opinion (or bias) regarding particular rule systems. As in years gone by, and similar discussions about running a "Marvel" game where the old Marvel Super Heroes was seen to be superior, it often was simply that the characters were pre-built for them. In Champions/Hero System, there wasn't a pre-built version of your favorite Marvel character waiting to be run right in the book.
  8. Viper (Hero Games #425) by Scott Bennie & Cliff Christiansen. Page 118. (Something I picked up after my 4th edition days were over.) Looks like he increased to 10 pts. self-contained breathing from the earlier 5 pts. Whether by his rocket fuel chemical vapor origin, or the subsequent experiments to increase his powers or grant him new powers.
  9. You'll find things like this on many of the early characters. If there was anything published that gave more of an explanation for Brick, I don't remember it.
  10. Having dealt with a number of scenarios on planes, and without any more information than what you posted, there are 3 areas I would suggest thinking about: 1) Confined space - Planes are small, even the largest passenger jet, especially for characters wielding super-powers. In those terms, they also aren't very tough. Consider the entire plane to be a target-rich environment, whether you are dealing with other passengers, or the fuselage, it could get very messy. AOE attacks are particularly bad (or good if that's your goal). 2) Other passengers - Not sure what size plane you are talking about, but you've got a captive audience in the plane. When the fight breaks out, there's nowhere for the bystanders to go. Figure out how many of them there are, where they are, and how they are going to react (in general) to a battle. Do they hunker down in their seats, trying not to get hit? Do they panic and start swarming the aisle? A combination? 3) Altitude - Brush up on your environmental rules knowledge. You've got multiple effects from altitude--falling, breathing, and cold. If all of the heroes fly and have life support, it may not be a problem for them, but what about the other passengers? Back to #1, think about the non-flyer taking a hit that knocks them out that hole that was blasted in the fuselage, sending them plummeting 30,000 feet to whatever lies below. Timing is everything when you are trying to catch someone in that situation (not only are they falling, but a plane under power is moving rapidly away from them as well). I hope that at least gives you something to think about for your adventure.
  11. I think IndianaJoe is correct. In 2E, 5 points was still breathe underwater. (Need not breathe was 10 points.)
  12. Found it: http://www.savecoh.com/p/download-issue-24-beta.html
  13. The 2nd link comes back to this forum posting, and its display is shortened, so you can't see to cut-and-paste. Any chance to get the corrected link. And thanks for finding this by the way.
  14. I agree with Nolgroth that the Mass Effect universe would be great. I'd also like to see Blake's 7.
  15. You could delay the return for +2 points x cost multiplier per segment as well.
  16. Out of curiosity, which book references CHA Defense?
  17. I would guess it was CHAracteristic defense, although I don't remember such a thing in the game. Starting in 2nd Edition they had Power Drain, Power Transfer, and Power Defense. Since those listings all talked a lot about Characteristics, maybe someone just used the wrong term. The basics of Drain haven't changed much. Less options (i.e., advantages and disadvantages) to customize. Is there something specific you want to know, or was your question just in relation to the CHA Defense reference?
  18. This topic is also covered in The Ultimate Speedster (pp 18-19) for anyone that has a copy.
  19. Per Greywind in the 1st edition thread: It would be interesting to find out what printing that copy is.
  20. So I will have to agree the non-logo copy is likely the first printing. I've lost track of my friend that bought Champions when it originally came out and got us all playing, or I'd ask him what his copy had on the cover. As for the story, it seems reasonable that when it came time for the second printing they had come up with more of a plan, including a logo, giving themselves credit on the cover, etc. (Note: I have no inside knowledge, just supposition.)
  21. My mention of the color cover for 2nd edition in the other thread is because many people think that only the 1st edition had the color cover. I don't have any specific proof (i.e., I don't own any copies), but I don't remember the boxed set being around for too long. I would hazard a guess that the stand-alone (color cover) 2nd edition started with the 2nd printing.
  22. Just replied to the 1st edition thread as well. Wanted to note that this is the same 2nd edition that I mentioned there, and it does have a color cover. The grey-scale covers were in the boxed set that came out when they first released the revised (i.e., 2nd edition) rules.
  23. rravenwood: What you really need to do is look at the title page (inside the front cover), and look at the number of pages. I just dug out my 2 color covers. They both have the Hero Games logo. However, one of them is 1st edition (Copyright 1981; 56 pages). The other is 2nd edition (Revised Edition Copyright 1982, Fourth Printing 1983; 80 pages). The 2nd edition one also has a speed chart and attack modifiers chart on the back cover instead of the rest of the Champions in the original cover art. I'll be interested to see what you find out.
  24. From memory: The grey-scale cover came in the boxed set. After that they came out with another color cover not in a box (but still 2nd edition).
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