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Scott Baker

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Everything posted by Scott Baker

  1. The licensing terms were very easy when I read them. I'm not developing a product to license, but I was certainly interested in how they compared to other companies.
  2. They printed more than 100 copies. The Kickstarter had 132 printed copies to fulfill, and the store still shows 212 in stock. So adjust printing costs accordingly.
  3. That's under Hero Designer Export Formats. You need Hero Designer to use it.
  4. Yes. Even the article doesn't claim otherwise. More red shirts died, period. All of the math regarding total number of crew members in what color shirt is trying to make an argument about something that wasn't the original point. Not to mention that I don't remember all of those crew percentages actually ever being specified in the original series. The only number I remember is Kirk talking about the total crew.
  5. Attack Versus Alternate Defense
  6. Edit: Never mind. This is the Champions forum.
  7. I don't have DI anywhere close to refresh my memory of the list, but it seems you could probably start here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states
  8. Just so there's no confusion...the menu title is "Power Frameworks". Then you select New Multipower... from the menu.
  9. Of course you disagree. My experience/opinion doesn't exactly match your own, so you go off on yet another variation of your argument, ignoring what I actually wrote.
  10. Change the terms and this sounds a lot like the last time I played D&D. Every little option, every little bonus from umpteen-dozen sets of (poorly integrated) rules books, etc. Gosh, it didn't used to take that long to run a combat in D&D back when I started. So there must also be something fundamentally wrong with the game system. If Hero doesn't fit how you want to play, or you just can't control yourself, fine. No game system is going to work for every player. But there's a player (type) that can ruin every game system. Saying things are complicated because of a player type isn't fair to any system.
  11. At that level, you get everything except for specific special items (like artwork, etc.). ShadowWalker - $20 - At our base pledge level, backers receive immediate access to the in progress draft of Aaron Allston's Strike Force through Backers Only Update #1. When it is complete, backers receive a PDF copy of the complete Aaron Allston's Strike Force. You have the option of having your name, your characters name, or your company name included in a special thanks section of the PDF. In addition, you receive a PDF of character sheets for the heroes and villains of Strike Force for ICONS, Mutants and Masterminds, and Savage Worlds! Lightrune - $100 - As ShadowWalker, plus you receive a signed and numbered copy of Aaron Allston's Strike Force. You will also receive *all* of the Add-On's, an electronic copy of any stretch goals we unlock, and a physical copy of the Strike Force Anthology if it is unlocked. Additionally, you will receive a special Strike Force adventure written by Michael Surbrook based on one of Aaron's ideas (2,000 words), and will be given access to a special one-hour character creation seminar hosted by him over Skype. Finally, you will receive access to the Strike Force Sketchbook: a PDF file containing artwork penned by Denis Loubet over the many years of the campaign.
  12. You can contact DOJ about that, but none of us in this thread have that access. That also has limitations given that you can purchase the PDFs elsewhere and the store here only has records for purchases made since it came online. So, for example, you can't verify my purchase.
  13. That might be problematic given that there would be no way to verify someone else's ownership of the product.
  14. It has many satisfied users. The developer keeps updating it to handle changes made by Microsoft. Steve Gibson even recommended it.
  15. She speaks English. And the aforementioned SLs with an EB that she doesn't have.
  16. I don't know what rule book you are using. Champions Complete covers defensive actions you can abort to on page 138. 6th Edition Volume 2: Combat and Adventuring covers defensive actions you can abort to on page 23.
  17. Pay For What You Use (6E1 10) What Not To Spend CP On (6E1 31, CC 10)
  18. Someone who isn't familiar with the past releases and comes into this using CC or FHC won't have an issue with those changes since they aren't trying to compare to anything else. As a mostly self-supported community, we are as much to blame as DOJ for confusing people. (Ignore the DOJ part as I don't want another rehash.) For our part, everyone generally jumps in and answers without giving a moment's thought to what version/book the OP is using. Worse, when we do know what book, people still jump in talking about whatever one they use instead. Add in all of the house rules, etc. and the confusion can go through the roof. Could DOJ do some things differently? Certainly. But you're picking nits over the differences between the 2-volume 6E and CC/FHC. When it comes to the health of Hero based on the community, we need to do our part and stop using every new member question as a pulpit to blast DOJ for sins against our favorite version. [steps down from pulpit]
  19. Actually you're still only performing 1 combat maneuver in a phase, Multiple Attack. That particular maneuver has the effect of allowing you to (in it's timeframe) perform multiple maneuvers. However you can't, in a single phase, perform a Multiple Attack in the first half phase, and then perform another combat maneuver (including Multiple Attack) in the second half phase. As for Haymaker, Steve might point out that the Multiple Attack maneuver does not allow you to use attacks that take extra time. Haymaker adds an extra segment (even though you aren't specifically buying the Extra Time Limitation). As for Haymakering a Multiple Attack, I'd just chalk that up to limiting rules abuse. As for the OP post, in my original read I thought he wrote that the player was doing Multiple Attack for the 2 strikes, and then doing a Haymaker. Which would have been to combat maneuvers. Re-reading it does say all 3 are in the Multiple Attack, which is why you're call-out to the exclusion on Haymakers in a Multiple Attack, or on a Multiple Attack, is the correct answer.
  20. Multiple Attack and Haymaker are both Combat Maneuvers. You can't perform 2 combat maneuvers in the same phase. Performing a combat maneuver ends your phase. (I don't have books to give you page references right now.)
  21. I'll agree with this. I never did hear back from DOJ after I broached the subject of direct support for CC right after it released. Since I can't force DOJ to do anything, my solution is to try and give a reference to both books (since I have the luxury of owning both). I stop short of looking in FHC unless it's a Fantasy Hero question. As for the issue, I mostly sit back and watch this argument get rehashed every time someone new comes to the forums asking a question.
  22. http://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/92795-champions-begins-the-gm-starter-pack/ http://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/92773-does-champions-need-an-intro-campaign-book/
  23. http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Superpower_Wiki
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