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Everything posted by mattingly

  1. Gee, I didn't think anyone remember those. *blush*
  2. Excellent idea. I'd also like to see a weight equivalent like on the STR chart. i.e. Can lift a battleship; Can throw a tank 20 meters; etc. Also throw in the Casual STR and its effects.
  3. I'd do it with Luck. Luck 12d6; Costs END (-1/2), Extra Time (full phase; -1/2), Only to force recurrence of an improbable event that just happened (-2). 15 points.
  4. Can I have a (normally 0 END) power cost 1/2 END, for a -1/4 Limitation? Example: Mental Defense, 20 points; Costs 1/2 END (-1/4). Total cost: 16 points.
  5. But that's essentially the same Multipower, isn't it? How about doing it this way: 45: Multi Power 30 Points plus 30 Points; Increased Endurance (2xEND, -1/2), Getures -1/4, Incantation (-1/4) 4u: 6D6 EB plus 6D6 EB; Increased Endurance (2xEND, -1/2), Getures -1/4, Incantation (-1/4) 4u: 15" Flight plus 15" Flight; Increased Endurance (2xEND, -1/2), Getures -1/4, Incantation (-1/4) Or: 45: Multi Power 60 Points; Upper 30 points are Increased Endurance (2xEND, -1/2), Getures -1/4, Incantation (-1/4) 4u: 12D6 EB; Upper 6D6 are Increased Endurance (2xEND, -1/2), Getures -1/4, Incantation (-1/4) 4u: 30" Flight; Upper 15" are Increased Endurance (2xEND, -1/2), Getures -1/4, Incantation (-1/4)
  6. Dispel can use the Cumulative Advantage. Just make a Continuous Dispel with a huge cap. It won't turn off all their powers right away, but it'll get 'em back down to zero after a while.
  7. Quite right. The power to stop ALL TIME, throughout the ENTIRE UNIVERSE.
  8. And he can take on the entire Green Lantern Corps by himself!
  9. I'd recommend lowering the SPD 7 to a SPD 6, giving you two 6es and two 4s, which is a lot more manageable. That way, the PCs will all go, then the two fast, then the two slow, then the two fast; Repeat. Not that much of a difference. With Mental Powers, a SPD 4 is plenty. The ability to almost guarantee a Stunned target (20+ STUN from an Ego Attack), or to render a target useless (Illusions) or friendly (Mind Control) makes up for fewer actions per Turn. The one thing that might help him out is to buy Lightning Reflexes with mental powers, up to his EGO (which I'm guessing is greater than 20). That way, in combat order, he goes when his EGO turns up, not his DEX. For the Martial Artist -- well, sure, Martial Arts add up, but he could have been even more effective if he had put the same points into STR and DEX (or HA and CSLs). Plus, he's probably no use at range, and probably has low defenses. The EC powers have alreayd been addressed.
  10. If I remember right, Anubis (CKC) has this ability (for mummies, but still).
  11. Yes, I've used it a few times already. I was talking about doing the same kind of thing to everyone. Adding 1d6 to everyone's DEX all the time. That way, Hurry would give you DEX+2d6. What I'm wondering is if mixing up the chart order like that would help or hurt the average fantasy encounter.
  12. I'd also like to see some more granularity on weapons and armor. Bashing versus Piercing versus Slashing -- Which weapons do which types, and which armors defend effectively against each? How do you buy armor that has a +2 PD only versus piecing attacks? Speeds -- Should some weapons have Lightning Reflexes built in? Should some weapons be penalized on speed (negative Lightning Reflexes)? Maneuverability -- Should some weapons penalize DCV? Cost extra END? And although I'm not always fond of it, the "roll for initiative" is ingrained in my brain as a part of the fantasy genre. How and when should this be used in Fantasy Hero? Having a set chart of inits seems a little out of genre for me. If I know my "monk" always goes first, and then I'm met by someone that goes before me, everyone knows that that character will be very hard to hit, and will always go before all of us, etc. For magic items, I want to see coverage of how/when can/should a wizard/alchemist "get" XP from ingredients, instead of spending his own XP, for creating items? How to fantasy game with no healing potions. Hidden gods. How to play a member of the Faithful when the gods don't always answer prayers, and give no obvious response to priestly spells. Clerics as guesswork. As said before, how to make magic feel magical. How to put the awe and wonder into fantasy. I've gamed with too many players who treat magic like it's under every rock. "Okay, I need seven hits off the wand of healing." I strongly second this one. In fact, I'd like to see character examples related to power levels. Something like "The LOTR hobbit quartet out at 25+25, but by the end of the trilogy, had earned 50 XP." I'd also like to see Transplantational Fantasy covered. What happens when modern people get sent to a fantasy world? I want to cover the Wizard Of Oz genre.
  13. Keneton, I'm comfortable playing with or without. Each offers its own benefits. If I'm playing on a drawn on map, with miniatures, I know exactly what's there, and might be inspired by it to do something cool that I might not have otherwise thought of. "Hey, there's a coffeepot in the office! I grab it and throw hot coffee into his face!" I as a player also know (or can quickly determine) exactly how far away something or someone is. My character usually will not know to that level of precision, and trying to run up and punch a guy might take one Phase or two, the character won't necessarily know. "I rush the guy, and tackle him! Uh oh, he's leveling his gun at me, and I'm still ten feet away..." If I'm playing without a map, then I'm not limited by the environment. "Before he can fire, I quickly fling open the closet door next to me, and use it for cover!" GM: "Sure, there's a handy door there. Give me a DEX roll." I won't know exactly how far away someone or something is, which adds an element of guesswork and danger to declared actions. "He's around 30 feet from you," "The forklift forks are about 4 feet long," "She can't possibly make it to the self-destruct button before you can stop her... or can she?" On the plus side, it's a little more thrilling, but on the downside, it can be easy for the GM to forget or fudge the results. So, by not using a map and miniatures, the players aren't necessarily "giving something up," they're just playing differently.
  14. The nice thing about HeroClix is that Chessex now puts out 1.5 inch hex battlemats.
  15. Under 4th Ed, you couldn't buy levels with Cramming, since Cramming only gave you Familiarities, and you couldn't use Skill Levels with Familiarities. I believe it's still that way under 5th Ed. Otherwise, for 150 points, you could buy 50 Familiarites and +10 Overall Levels, making you the most highly skilled sneak/ scientist/ pilot/ detective/ etc. on the planet as well as a combat master!
  16. Sure, B has hore distance and more options (since he has a higher speed), but it cost him 5 times as much as B. Going from 3/6" to 3/7" is 2 points, but going from 3/6" to 4/6" is 10 points. That should provide a lot more benefits.
  17. I played HERO without maps for the first ten or so years. When we needed to get really complex, we'd do the quick "draw in the dirt, I'll be the bottlecap and you be the pebble" kind of maps to plan out, and then we'd run in screaming, abandoning our careful planning anyway, just like we still mostly do.
  18. Instead of buying the flight as an Independent focus, you might want to buy it as a Vehicle, for roughly the same amount of points. I'd normally recommend this for a flying carpet, rather than a cloak, but depending on your special effects, it might be valid.
  19. Pimpadelic? That sounds like a recent plant elemental PC of mine -- Doctor Venus Flytrap -- the baron of botany; the warden of the garden; the inspiration for vegetation; the one adora of all the flora. But in his non-Swamp-Thing-esque ID, he was a black man with a pointy goatee, extra large subglasses, a large pink floppy hat, a wide-lapel suit with a puffy shirt, elevated disco shoes, and a pimpdaddy cane. Oh, yowza!
  20. mattingly

    PC Sketches

    Very cool Sediment. My first-ever Champions character, in fact, was The Sandman. Brings a tear to my eye just getting nostalgic. Feeling all sedimental.
  21. Whew! My first thought was that you were asking for Doctor Destroyer clones...
  22. Hey, how come the tables in your nightclub are so much smaller than the tables in the HERO System Resource Kit?
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