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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Barrel racing - You're doing it wrong. But awesome!
  2. What, are you a dolphin? Or a mouse?
  3. Q - I, Poseidon, shall now flood the eastern coast of North America! Again! A - That old brown prairie that had been so dry for so long was now very muddy. Boggy. Sticky.
  4. "Old chemists never die, they just reach a state of equilibrium." The opening line for my AP lesson today.
  5. My dad tried skateboarding for the first time when I was a senior in high school. Got a broken wrist for his trouble. I've never been on a skateboard for more than about 5 feet and/or seconds.
  6. "Amanda" by Boston "All the Gold in California" by Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin Brothers Band "Alcohol" by Brad Paisley
  7. It's that time again.... New Topic: Three Songs that Start with the Letter "A"
  8. Q - Two full-grown men playing Peek-a-Boo? What are the odds? A - Don't ever tell me the odds.
  9. Is that typical of Swedes, or are you exceptional?
  10. The role of Merry Andrew will NOT be played by Willem Dafoe. New Topic: Back to the Champions movie - Who's playing the villains?
  11. Hi, I'm Pariah; this is Burrito Boy, Psybolt, Old Man, and aylwin13...have we met?
  12. America's world-championship soccer, ice hockey, and speed skating teams. New Topic: Against all odds, there's a Champions movie being made! Who's in it, and what roles are they playing?
  13. Her most powerful weapons in her fight against crime are her natural athletic prowess, her extensive martial arts training, and her collapsible six-foot metal pole that she uses both for jumping and for smacking down bad guys. She is: Vault!
  14. She can harness, amplify, and project bio-energy in order to defeat her opponents or to bend their will to her own. She uses her talents in the defense of the innocent. She is: Fuchsia!
  15. Okay, scratch soccer. American-made automobiles! The finest, most reliable, most economical in all the world!
  16. Q - What can I do about the black mold in my basement? A - That's not actually an element, you know.
  17. Q - How much to buy/rent the US Presidency for the next eight years? A - A good, sharp edge is a man's best hedge against the vague uncertainties of life.
  18. This is true. I pay attention to how kids are responding to what I'm teaching, and I cannot tell you all how many times I've said to myself, "This is going on their next exam" based on the students' reaction (or lack thereof) to the lesson. I give pop quizzes with similar motivation.
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