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Everything posted by Pariah

  1. Technically speaking, it's far enough away from the window that the sun never shines on it now.
  2. Is there even really such a thing as an unstoppable force?
  3. Before you get all indignant with me about how I haven't entered a grade for your assignment, you might want to check the box of assignments with no names on them.
  4. As outlined in your Disclosure, missed Canvas assignments cannot be made up. The due date for the Canvas Quiz was announced several times in class. It was also posted on the board in class and on the Canvas calendar. The next Quiz in Canvas is due by midnight on Tuesday, February 15th. You can take the Quiz up to three times, and Canvas will keep only the best score. An excellent score on this Quiz will help offset the zero from the previous one.
  5. I've heard nothing, I'm afraid. I'd love it if there were a Season IV.
  6. It's the largest saltwater lake in the Western hemisphere!
  7. My father has a version of that joke that goes "All you tall Italians (up high), all you short Italians (down low), I want you off my lawn (side to side)."
  8. Are we talking about bell bottoms here?
  9. Respect for Aaron aside, isn't necromancy pretty much always a bad idea?
  10. A Democrat, a Republican, and an Independent walk into a bar. Who pays for the drinks?
  11. Some people claim that there's a woman to blame, but I know it's my own damn fault.
  12. The one you're always waving at people?
  13. It's bloody near impossible to get a substitute on Fridays.
  14. How long until someone posts the Word Crimes video, do you think?
  15. We had a week or so of that at the beginning of January here. In fact, I don't think it got above freezing here from Christmas eve until January 4th or so. High temperatures hovered around -3C most of those days, with lows around -12.
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